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Thursday, August 06, 2015

OCPD Taking Applications for Citizens Police Academy

OCEAN CITY, MD – (August 6, 2015): The Ocean City Police Department is currently accepting applications for the 2015 Citizens Police Academy. The Citizens Police Academy begins classes on September 8, 2015 at 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. and continues every Tuesday for ten weeks. The Citizens Police Academy is a component of the citizen government education program known as “Ocean City University.”

The OCPD has been offering the citizens of Ocean City the unique opportunity to see the inner workings of the resort police department for nearly 15 years. The Citizens Police Academy was created to enable citizens to learn more about the Ocean City Police Department and build the relationship between the police and the community.

During this course, students meet a variety of officers to learn about criminal law, traffic enforcement, evidence collection, firearms, arrest procedures, narcotics enforcement and many other topics. Students also participate in practical scenarios, which afford citizens a hands-on opportunity to understand various law enforcement applications.

“Educating citizens about their police department and illegal activity in their community is one of the best forms of crime prevention,” said OCPD Chief Ross Buzzuro. “Citizens Police Academy not only benefits our community but also benefits the officers of the Ocean City Police Department.”

The Citizens Police Academy has a limited class size of 25 participants and applicants must be 18 years of age. Interested persons must complete a written application and give permission for the Ocean City Police Department to conduct a background check to determine if they have a criminal record. For more information about the Citizens Police Academy or to receive an application, please contact the OCPD Public Affairs Office at 410-520-5395, or visit http://oceancitymd.gov/oc/departments/police/programs/.


  1. This is what Salisbury needs. Don't tell me they already have one because I inquired. Was sent packing.

  2. Oh great. Like we don't have enough problems with kops, now they gonna let the inbreds be crossing guards.

  3. problems aren't with cops, problems are with citizens.

  4. Hey, Mr. "Kop" man. Why don't YOU step up to the plate? After all, you are the only one on here who knows how to do it right.

    Well, what say you?

  5. Is "kop" supposed to have sort of negative connotation? I dont get it, and seems like only one poster ever uses it..

    Are police officers actually offended by it?

  6. Mr Kop hit it right on the head, most of the inbreds we pay as first donut eaters couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the on the heel.

  7. Can we get guns? Like that insurance executive that killed the guy instead of tasering him?

  8. Thanks to all the men and women in uniform for everything they do to keep us safe. God bless.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    problems aren't with cops, problems are with citizens.

    August 7, 2015 at 8:43 AM

    and right there is a qualifying inbred.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Thanks to all the men and women in uniform for everything they do to keep us safe. God bless.

    August 7, 2015 at 6:13 PM

    Yeah, they kill us and our pets to keep us safe from ourselves. People here are some very slow learners.


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