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Sunday, August 09, 2015

Who Won The Republican Debate?


  1. Hillary/Biden. They all looked like fools.

  2. Not hardly...bush sounded good but I'll take trump we need a president with balls....

  3. Huckabee

  4. Kasich, by a little over Carson.

  5. Carly won the warmup debate.

  6. Didn't watch it. Don't care. It's all manufactured bs. I'm voting trump.

  7. They set Trump up with the first question. They tried to throw him off when they asked about a independent run.

  8. Carly Fiorini; Ben Carson (to whom they were very unfair)but he had great comebacks for them.

  9. Trump was the most honest speaker in my opinion. Megyn acted like a pig herself. He is right, this PC bs has to go. The U.S. is a corporation. Who better to run it than a CEO?

  10. Wow! They were grossly unfair -- the way that they pushed certain candidates agendas was demoralizing!

  11. This wasn't a debate. It was a contest to see which one of the 3 moderators could get a rise out of a candidate by asking nothing but loaded questions.

    1. Absolutely agree! Fox tanked it. I didn't take anything away from this debate.

  12. America won - Trump revealed himself as arrogant, worse than Obama and Hillary.

  13. I love Trump being outspoken. I agree he has balls. I love the lack of PC. But he is not presidential. Huckabee, Dr. Carson and Carly Fiorina looked like they could be my president. On the bubble I have Rubio, Cruz and Kasich.

    After last night I eliminated Paul.

    Bush doesn't look like he wants it.

    I sort of like Perry and Walker, but? We'll see if the others can hold on for another debate.

  14. Kelly was gunnin' for Trump. But, he was a gentleman. She didn't deserve it.(his being gentlemanly)

  15. All trump is going to to is put another democrat in the White House.

  16. 8:01 this country does not need someone who looks presidential, we need a leader. I could care less about how pc the man is I just want him to get in there and turn this country around. I believe trump will do that

  17. Before the debate, I didn't have much info about Carly Fiorina. I could vote for her, not because she's a woman or be the first female president, because I liked her answers. Don't vote for career politicians, haven't we had enough of the same ole, same ole?

  18. Doesn't matter who wins the white house. That stage was full of people far more qualified to lead this country than the lying trash in Washington today.

  19. By the end, I was pretty sure that Megan Kelly was running for President...I think she won, hands down.

  20. Rand Paul and Jeb Bush did a good job, but I think Carson was my favorite.

  21. Paul, Kasich, Carson. Bush did very well also but he's still a Bush. Trump dug some new holes and fell into some old ones. Huckabee had some great moments as well.

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  23. Fiorina. She spoke the truth and intelligently.


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