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Sunday, August 30, 2015

WDBJ Virginia Shooting: Freemason-Illuminati Media HOAX!


  1. Her delayed reaction, after more than two shots and being able to run after several shots were fired at point blank rang are in question. Seems strange the gunman had the gun point at them at close range long before he started firing, and no one noticed or screamed? For so many shots to be fired, didn't see any blood anywhere! Starting to look like a staged event and another false flag for gun control.

  2. of course it was a hoax... None of the 3 people say the gunman who was damn near on top of the camera guy, and the anchor didn't flinch and nor did the women being interviewed... Secondly, the anchor had on a leg thing used for running... Thirdly, she was facing a camera guy who wan't even videoing her while her left arm was in the face and not facing the women being interviewed... And the last thing was, she didn't flinch when the first shot went out, and finally the guy was point blank, and missed??? then the microphone stays on but not the camera??? yeah right...

    Lets not forget, she didn't scream like she was in pain from a bullet hitting her nor was there any BLOOD!!!!!

    Just like the terror attack that supposedly killed a french police man in the head but no blood or head was missing from an ak round hitting it... anyone with a gun or knows how to shoot knows the head would damn near be missing if a ak round hit it that close...

    This is for gun control or to keep you busy over this crap while the stock market crashes...

  3. I have thought these very same things since it has happened! Things just don't add up and too many key attributes are suspect.

  4. YES
    Father comes on tv hours after is child is still in the morque? Giving more time to the media than his family and crocadile tears.

  5. Obama set up for un control.

  6. Like the Apostle Thomas, where is the body or bodies of both the reporter and cameraman? Did see anyone drop dead in the video.

  7. You really have a smart group following JOE. SMH

    1. Obviously your a obama sheepie,did you look at the video and detAils or are you just a whipling boy for the libs.

  8. I've been feeling the same way, something just doesn't seem right with this story.

  9. 8:58
    So you must be one of sheep and totally believe what you see and hear from the mainstream media? The actions before and after the shooting seem to be in question. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that this story just doesn't add up. Just another false flag to distract us from the real problems, like the economy, social breakdown and the failing stock market and world markets!
    Prime minister of the U.K. is telling it's people to stock up supplies for a collapse of the economy. This isn't some conspiracy theory!
    So go back to your celebrity entertainment and fake news, and go bury your head in the sand!
    People like you is why Nazi Germany was allowed to happen!
    So sit back in your recliner and have another beer!

  10. BBC and RT are questioning this as well. BBC reported was forced to delete footage of police chase of gunman:


  11. I honestly thought the same thing about the Charleston shooting. Most of the pictures of the shooter, especially with the confederate flag displayed, were put online in the week prior to the story. And then immediately after the movement began to remove flags and monuments to confederate generals. All seemed to be planned.

  12. Gotta love the morons that post here... Makes you wonder how they hold down a job, keep a family or even make it through a day. People are dead. Fact. And before you tinfoil fedora wearing nut jobs start with your ridiculous comments. I am a conservative Republican, gun owning second amendment supporter... You freaks make us look bad..

    1. You make yourself look bad. A Republican, gun owner and true American would question everything the government does. Why do you think we formed our country in the first place? Why our forefathers wanted us to have weapons? To defend against a tyrant government that does things exactly like this. Setting up gun control and civil unrest.

  13. False flag.... Allison Parkers fiance sent out a twitter message 12 minutes before the shooting ever took place. This can be seen from the timestamp in the news video and the timestamp of the twitter message. And as usual everybody who went on tv to talk about them didnt shed a tear, an obvious sign of crisis actors. This is verified by both RT and the BBC.

  14. I commented to a friend that her boyfriend seemed rather unmoved and oddly unemotional when interviewed and to me that did not add up.

    He just simply sat there and matter of factually spoke.

  15. Bet all three are fine and are in a CIA safe house.
    Will have new names and identities, and a substantial stipend as a reward to being a government lackey!

  16. Where are the crime scene photos of the dead? Did see any blood or bullet holes.

  17. I always question shootings like this. Not to be disrespectful, but it always seems their is an ulterior motive behind everything these days. You can thank our government for that.

  18. The day this happened I said it didn't happen! Or the government made it happen if it did! People mocked me. So are you saying these people weren't shot? Lmao. All the things I said about being gut shot! The dude walking up on them. The camera man filming the ocean during an interview......... All of it!

  19. And one last thing.... The gunman shot at the woman first while next to the camera man. He didn't act? Just filmed until he died?

  20. The 6am time stamp is bogus. If you watch the actual news clip the time is not displayed on the left. It is on the right hand side of the screen.

  21. I'm glad we have all these "tv experts" on here to explain how things really work. The time stamp isn't from the camera itself! The camera doesn't output the reporter's name, location, the station logo, the time, etc. This is done through the control room back at the station! What you are looking at is a screen grab from later on, not the exact time it happened.

    Are you people really able to function in the real world?

  22. Where is the cell phone in his hand he used to record the shooting?

    1. It was a body cam.who else uses them but the government and the police? Everyone else in the world uses GoPro!

  23. This gets stranger by the minute.

  24. You remember one of the first times the government tried to fool us by claiming to land a man on the moon? Back in the day a lot of the nuts said the landing was done in a secret government TV studio.Some of them still think all the moon landings were done there.

    A lot of you people really are crazy paranoids aren't you? You are kind of scary.

  25. 10:50 am, He could have been in shock. Show some compassion. Innocent people have died. :-(

    1. No they didn't. Lol. The struck it rich. Got a new name and gone. Think the reporter didn't wanna get away from that guy? Lol. Margaritas and pool boys for her. Camera man is living it up with 2 pac N Biggie!

  26. 1:56
    What do you expect. The government has lied to us continuously and media which is owned and controlled by the government and corporations, only tell us what they want us to know. It's only gotten worse in past 30 years. Eventually the truth does come out. I believe in one way or another, the truth about this shooting will be found out. Unlike you, I don't blindly believe everything that is told to me by the mainstream media! If you do, you are part of the problem. I can tell you first hand as a retired law enforcement officer, a lot of news is never reported because it would look bad on the public officials, and tourism. I have seen a lot of corruption swept under the rug so forgive me if I don't believe what the media says. I saw video more than once. It looks very much like a staged event.

  27. its all fake! NO ONE DIED!!!

    gun control nuts will stop at nothing to keep trying to take our guns away from all of us.

    including 99.9% of us law abiding citizens...

    THATS the only tragedy here... you gullible people buying this 'story'...

  28. To 3:12 PM From 1:56 pm

    I am glad you are a retired law enforcement officer because if you were in your right mind once you are not any longer. And we are not talking politics here.

  29. The intellectual giants have really come out of the woodwork this time. Paranoid anyone? Watch out for your own shadows. They might bite.

  30. If it was a hoax don't you think they would have used a white guy wearing a confederate flag belt buckle, Washington Redskins hat and a Donald Trump t-shirt?

  31. So, nobody died. Look for the newscasters to appear on other stations, because that's their trade. Keep me posted, and, yes, I agree, this is a hoax.

  32. Anonymous said...
    Gotta love the morons that post here... Makes you wonder how they hold down a job, keep a family or even make it through a day. People are dead. Fact. And before you tinfoil fedora wearing nut jobs start with your ridiculous comments. I am a conservative Republican, gun owning second amendment supporter... You freaks make us look bad..

    August 28, 2015 at 10:21 AM

    Fact? Have you seen or touched the corpses?

    Here's a 'fact' for you, you're gullible.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It was a body cam.who else uses them but the government and the police? Everyone else in the world uses GoPro!

    August 28, 2015 at 3:14 PM

    I have one as well as a camera in my sunglasses and other things I won't mention. It's called being discreet. GoPro? Not so much.

  33. This and now claims that mass shootings happen every day. Yeah. It's an agenda. But Obama dosent care about hundreds of Christians now mowed down,be headed,burned to death etc I'm the middle East. Take our guns and we will be slaughtered.

  34. Open casket at the funeral=proof.

    Oh, wait. private services for both, how convenient.

    Let's see the bodies.


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