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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Thank God Its Friday 8-28-15

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Stocking up on food and ammo while I still can!

  2. JUST trying to survive...

  3. Drinking with the boys.

  4. Preparing for the recession/depression that is progressing as we watch, and Obama takes a golf vacation...

  5. Going to the Jeep show in O.C. Looking for an old school, re-built jeep from the 70's.

  6. Laughing to myself about the people that complain about SBY and the Shore but do nothing to change it or get out.

  7. Getting a 1/2 bushel of crabs from OneFish TwoFish in Salisbury, watching the Orioles.

  8. I moved out of Salisbury I live in Delmar MD. However I was born in Salisbury. I don't like the politics of Salisbury or who or how the city is run, however this is where I grew-up and this is where I want to be. For those of you who don't like Salisbury; move! For those who have already left; good we didn't need you anyhow.

  9. 10:49, In case you hadn't noticed, most everyone has already packed up and sold their home to leave Salisbury. In case you also hadn't noticed, Salisbury is now more then 80% RENTAL properties now. Perhaps you still don't get the fact that most everyone HAS moved away, JUST LIKE YOU DID. Obviously Salisbury didn't need YOU either.

  10. Just drive along Riverside Drive and Camden Avenue. There are for sale signs all up and down the road! I'm glad I never bought a house in the city!

  11. Moving to Delmar Md. this weekend myself.

  12. I'm getting my house remodeled to be sold. Plan to leave Salisbury and Wicomico County for greener pastures in North Carolina.


  13. I am gonna pop a few tops,work on my van.Sunday I am gonna get my grand daughter and take my wife and her riding somewhere.I have been workin the last 2 weekends.

  14. I can't wait to see what else the Va shooter did.It's getting crazy.Is someone trying way too hard to convince us of something by digging new things up daily? We know he did it.

  15. For all who have left the area and are planning to leave the area; Thank You! Goodbye!

  16. Just remember 258 as we all leave it will just make it harder for people like you to survive....less tax dollars....loss of companies.....you will be forced to pick up the tab....money you surely don't have......remember most of us who have left like myself have decent jobs....paid our bills....and had enufff of the crap on the shore.....so good luck to you.....soon there won't be much left......so how's it not gonna work for you....like a train wreck....

  17. I forgot my eye glasses.Where will you be dining this weekend you ask? Why Stuckey's of course.Where else?


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