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Monday, August 03, 2015

Wasserman Schultz doubles down on stupidity; receives POUNDING on social media

Wasserman Schultz is just the gift that keeps on giving for the Republicans. She’s a weapon of mass destruction for the Socialists… er, Democrats. She didn’t just screw up once when asked if she could tell the media the difference between Socialists and Democrats, she did it twice. Once with Chris Wallace last week and she just did it again with Chuck Todd. What a moron. It’s not just that she can’t answer a question, it’s that she’s so very bad at it. Then she lumped Hillary Clinton in with right-wing Republicans when she attacked the GOP. That one may have been on purpose. With the likes of brain trusts like Joe Biden and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, you can see why the Democrats have fallen to the Marxists. The stupid are easily infiltrated and overthrown from within. As Charles Payne said, the Debster couldn’t answer the question because there is no difference between the Democrats and Socialists. None.

Having flubbed the question once, it’d be a safe bet to assume that Debbie Wasserman Schultz would be better prepared the next time she’s asked to explain the differences between Democrats and socialists.

But the Democratic National Committee chairwoman flailed away a second time Sunday when NBC’s Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press,” hit her with the very same question MSNBC’s Chris Matthews did on Thursday, answering much as she did then.

And looking just as stupid as she did the first time.

After playing the embarrassing clip from Thursday, Todd noted that Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders is “an unabashed socialist,” then asked Wasserman Schultz how a socialist differs from a Democrat — only Todd did not press her as Wallace did, allowing her to filibuster with prepared talking points.
Wasserman Schultz’s encounter with Matthews produced a slew of social media comment criticizing the South Florida congresswoman, and Sunday’s “Meet the Press” interview had the same effect.

National Fox News host Charles Payne posted on social media that the reason Wasserman Schultz “still” can’t explain the differences is because there are “NONE.”



  1. When stupid people vote for stupid people. Another community organizer in over their head. ALL MOUTH NO BACKBONE. In other words SNAKE.

  2. Gary Johnson for PresidentAugust 3, 2015 at 10:18 PM

    There is really no answer except they are virtually the same! She just can't admit that.

    This needs to be a Candidate question 3 days before the November '16 elections. D's will run like lemmings to the GOP or Independents.

    This Q should be put to R's 3 days before as well.

  3. The real story is the mere fact that msnbc would ask such a question.


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