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Monday, August 03, 2015

Training Officers to Shoot First, and He Will Answer Questions Later

WASHINGTON — The shooting looked bad. But that is when the professor is at his best. A black motorist, pulled to the side of the road for a turn-signal violation, had stuffed his hand into his pocket. The white officer yelled for him to take it out. When the driver started to comply, the officer shot him dead.

The driver was unarmed.

Taking the stand at a public inquest, William J. Lewinski, the psychology professor, explained that the officer had no choice but to act.

“In simple terms,” the district attorney in Portland, Ore., asked, “if I see the gun, I’m dead?”

“In simple terms, that’s it,” Dr. Lewinski replied.



  1. Sign of the times that things have come to this on both sides of the equation. We are one big disaster away from going back to the dark ages.

  2. They are also tought to "Shoot to Kill".

    1. Obviously you weren't "tought"

  3. You shoot at the center of mass of the target presented to eliminate the threat

  4. Now I know how to act during a traffic stop.

    Sorry, officer, you lose.

  5. Just follow the golden rule, "Comply or Die".

  6. Yeah, this is the guy I was talking about.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just follow the golden rule, "Comply or Die".

    August 4, 2015 at 12:02 AM

    When more kops start getting killed more regularly, remember what you wrote.

  8. 9:50 encapsulated the problem nicely when he wrote "...to eliminate the threat."
    QUIT seeing a "threat" when there are none.
    You have your gun drawn and pointing at someone and you're afraid they are going to outdraw you???
    They are running away from you and you're STILL afraid enough to have to gun them down??
    Kids? Old ladies? Afraid of them, too.
    What Nazi holds CLASSES to tell other wanna-be Nazi's how easy it really is to gun down unarmed people and the various ways to explain it in the best possible light? A CITIZEN instructing citizens on the
    finer points of murder.
    Maybe cops should schedule some time with the mothers of the kids they kill. Or the wife of the people who reached for a wallet or cell phone and were blasted away like a terrorist. Or perhaps some of the children of the citizens shot in the back.
    Look for ways NOT to kill. Look for the minimum use of force and get some self-control. Some restraint. And if you tend to have flashbacks about Iraq, get a desk job. "We, the people" are NOT terrorists.
    And YOU are not judge, jury, and executioner.
    I still can't believe cops are allowed to take classes on how easy it is to kill and get away with it. Spin it however you like, but THAT is the bottom line.
    Keep cheering.


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