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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Viewer Witnessed This Artist Drawing On Salisbury's Downtown Electrical Box


  1. It took 39 yrs but it looks like middle-aged white women are taking up graffiti writing. There is a graffiti writing workshop at Michaels Sept. 23rd at 1:30pm

  2. Looks like she is painting it the same color as the building red on the left.

  3. Putting up the official logo "da Bury".

  4. Is she part of local gang?

  5. Its Laura Mitchell.

  6. Yea, I would say she is covering up an unwanted bit of graffiti.

  7. I say she has a heck of a body.

  8. That's not a speed camera!

  9. "I say she has a heck of a body.
    August 20, 2015 at 3:27 PM"

    Umm, Peninsula Eye Associates has an office on Milford Street. I suggest you make an appointment to see them.

  10. From this vantage point she'd make a freight train take a dirt road. She does look like Laura Mitchell.

  11. It is Laura Mitchell. She thinks its a ATM.

  12. The arms aren't fat enough to be Laura Mitchell.

  13. Comments on this post are outrageous. Somebody trying to do something good and all people here can do are make stupid childish comments. Grow up.

  14. All you guys have wives way bigger then this stop lying.

  15. You know Salisbury is a ghetto to live in when in broad day light someone can spray paint a service box and not even worry about anyone around them! I use to love my 'home town' but now I won't even make that claim!

  16. So, thanks for all your comments. I am Michel Demanche, and some of my UMES students will be helping me with a art design on the box. it is sponsored by the Entertainment District. thanks for the comment on my 61 year old body.

  17. JOe you should repost this, they are paintimg all the boxes so they are not so ugly!! GEEZE get your facts people!!!!

  18. Saw the design on 3rd Friday that this artist and her students created and that they're applying to this utility box. It's going to look a lot better than the graffiti and sticker-covered ugliness that it had become.
    Thanks, artists!


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