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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Update On River's Edge In Salisbury

Just wanted to tell you I went into rivers edge apartments today and an African American woman came in with her housing voucher. So it wasn't a good visit and I'm over it and done. I hope they are happy with the section 8 housing tenants.


  1. It needs to be made perfectly clear by those in charge it was not for artists in the community but for black people only. From the former story and verifications made this is exactly what it was and they need to take ownership in it. Just admit it and move on.

  2. Office closed on Saturday

    Rivers Edge Apartments & Studio for the Arts
    670 Fitzwater Street
    Salisbury, Maryland 21801

    Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Office closed on Saturday

  3. Why be surprised with the moron liberal Democrats that vote in Salisbury elections. I'm surprised the city council didn't reserve this building for Muslim immigrants. Just wait until they build section 8 housing in the downtown parking lots.

  4. Maybe she is a starving artist singer / songwriter

  5. Does anyone understand why they had to be so deceptive about this intended section 8 complex? Is there a reason why that couldn't have been made public from day one?

    1. Why they were deceptive? That was the city councils MO.

  6. We all told everyone the art stuff was just the cover used for section 8. Now the freeloaders are living on the water and in brand new construction. While us Working stiffs have to cover the tab.

  7. Will subsidies be cut now that the intended purpose of the complex has changed?

  8. I keep getting post cards from them. They are begging for anyone to move in.

  9. Sue the city that's how liberals do it...Abuse them in the courts until they leave office.

  10. MAYOR Jake day needs to change this ASAP .

  11. another thug housing project.

  12. Bringing Baltimore to the shore

  13. That place will be the big crap hole in a year or two. Will probably look just like the crap across the street soon.

  14. Come on ppl. No one else pitch in to live their. The city just can't afford absolutely no renters.At least the federal and state governments is paying something. Even if it is tax based. Pretty soon, the illegals with their anchor babies will be housed there. Now, I will be upset about that.

    1. At least most of the illegals are working and paying their way. I haven't seen a Latin person on a corner asking for money. Don't hear about Latin people robbing banks and convienance stores. They may have gotten here the wrong way, but for the most part they seem to work pretty hard once they are here.

    2. Your right. But,they sure have killed a lot of women. White women at that.

  15. It is about time everyone is entitled to live in a waterfront property!

  16. If this project hadn't been approved, the majority of the next council would have approved a Section 8 housing project without any stipulations other than poverty. At least, with the current housing of, from what the managers say, about 70% full or part-time artists, there's some visible improvement in the neighborhood and connectivity to the Arts & Entertainment District, which will put more money into improving properties from there to downtown. The artists in the place are required to engage in art education and classes for the public, have regular shows and art functions in the gallery room, and connect with the artists and galleries downtown. And with ten of the ground floor units devoted to handicapped individuals and now mostly occupied by clients served by United Needs and Abilities (formerly the Epilepsy Association of Salisbury), some needs were met that no other housing project even bothered to consider, let alone provide. And you have to admit that the place is an improvement over what was there before, and a big contrast in what's across the street and further west.

    It could have been a lot worse. And I mean a lot.

    1. The managers say it's 70% artists??

  17. Damnit it that's what you voted for. So live with it. You all didn't elect the one that would have stood up for the working class. Suck it up.

  18. 602 is delusional. To think our "Community " has 70% artists is one thing, and to see that 70% of the "art" stores downtown are mostly closed window dressing at most. Get a grip on reality, son, and look around! Con artists, drug artists, escape artists, fraud artists are all I see in this town.

    The real artists are living on Division street in homes they BOUGHT and have enough money and spare time to create real art, they don't need to live with section 8 people down by the river...

    You have a VIVID imagination!

  19. Why are you so worried about it? Mad because you don't have a waterfront home, jealous of living in the ghetto on the water? Riddle me this Batman, would you truly want to live there? Not me!

  20. Vote Jack Day. Keep the liarton dream alive. Do we not have anyone running that will better this city or are we doomed to be another Baltimore? I grew up here and I'm ashamed of my home town.

  21. 6:02 is profiting from this project or a part of the problem that approved it

  22. Did I read this right? You take your white self into the complex to apply and have the nerve to turn your nose up because a black woman was in there with a voucher? Why exactly are poor white people so convinced they are better than poor black people? Good lord! Reality check, The Shore is poor! Salisbury is poor! If your so offended feel free to find a wonderful trailer park to make you feel better. Because we all know trailer parks are stellar places to raise families. Especially since you can rent or buy those. Salisbury is full of poor people. The town has more buffets and dollar stores than you can shake a leg at. Seriously for anyone to actually turn their nose up is hilarious. Put pressure on those in office to bring some jobs to Salisbury as opposed to implying your poor behind is better than someone else's.

  23. The purpose of this housing was to create a gateway to the Arts and Entertainment District and to increase the amount of safe, quality affordable housing for people with disabilities. The city gave the developer a subsidy they didn't need when the council changed. There are taxpayer dollars in the property, so it would seem that an audit to determine whether tenant approvals are consistent with representations made would be in order. Ire ton, Day...anyone? We, the taxpayers would like to know.

  24. 10:22
    You just made an idiot out of yourself spouting off about something you know nothing about. The housing was created for the Arts and Entertainment District. It was not created as section 8 housing. People that are part of the arts and entertainment AND are disabled are being denied the ability to rent these units.

  25. Who is qualified and willing? Maybe a write in if all could agree. It would be history making!

  26. Make the developers accountable for what they promised.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    At least most of the illegals are working and paying their way. I haven't seen a Latin person on a corner asking for money. Don't hear about Latin people robbing banks and convienance stores. They may have gotten here the wrong way, but for the most part they seem to work pretty hard once they are here.

    August 29, 2015 at 5:35 PM

    Haven't been exposed to gangs in the real world have ya?

  28. Joe,
    I think it's time for some investigative reporting....

  29. 6:02 is obviously a shill for United Needs & Abilities, trying to tout how buying into this ghetto complex is a good thing for their disabled.

    How much government money did they use to "buy" into this back door deal? Wonder how receptive the disabled families are going to be about their loved ones living there in a couple of years when it becomes another gang run, drug riddled hood?

    The give away is the number 10, how does anyone else know how many apts they bought into other than those closely involved

    Any of those organizations are simply a warehouse situation for the disabled. They get their money, your taxpayer money, hire "care takers" with no experience at minimum wage to baby sit the disable.

    UNA has amassed millions in reserves in just a few short years. Sound more like a "profit" charity than a "non profit" charity. UNA management were recently crying poor when taxpayer funds were being cut back.. what, might have to dip into those "millions" in savings? If the "director" really cared maybe he could shave a few thousand off that 6 figure salary instead of crying how poor the organization is, or give up his free car and drive his own. Funny how the cut backs are always on the employees backs and never managements.

    It is ALWAYS about money. They had so much money, they bought the vacant building next to theirs. I thought they were poor?

    So whats the payoff for UNA to buy into 10 apts in a hud run complex?

    6:02, are you now wondering if you should have kept your mouth shut? No one is buying your propaganda.

  30. Just so some of you know,black is not synonymous with criminal or freeloaders.I am white and I can tell you there are plenty of white people out there living off entitlements and causing havoc wherever they go.

  31. Una gets state and federal money to pay for their disabled's rent. Most of them are hud in some way or another. Based on that and the fact that 6:02 states they have 10 apts means everyone involved but the public knew all along this was a hud complex.

    I wonder why Una got first and top pick over first floor apts, over any other applicant.

    Money talks and discriminates.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    MAYOR Jake day needs to change this ASAP .

    August 29, 2015 at 3:01 PM

    Dream on -- Day is a "city planner" and this will be a prototype for more to come when he's the mayor.

  33. 7:28 Never seen any hispanic "illegals" over around Doverdale or Parsons Rd. projects. I do see a lot of them swinging hammers and weed whackers tho.

  34. Johnathan taylor will get a penthouse on his welfare ticket.

  35. Mr Albero did you write this brief article about the Rivers Edge Apts?

  36. 7:16, No. This was sent in by one of the former applicants. It was published the following day.

  37. The units are not handicap access able for people who depend on wheelchairs, scooters and power chairs. They were told five units would have roll in showers. There are no elevators so they have to rent the units on the first floor.

  38. Those who replied to 6:02... The private developer needed a non-profit partner to make the project score well at the state level. Una also brought private grant money. Combining residences for people with disabilities with artisans is a proven strategy to enrich lives. I would like to hear from the for-profit developer, Brian Lopez as to what the tenant demographics are...you know, fact. How many are artists, how many are people with disabilities who may or may not be artisans, how many vacancies at the present time, what is the income breakdown?

  39. I personally know people that live there. It IS a community for artists first, and disabled. It is VERY difficult to get an apartment there because of all of the screening that has to be done. Criminal and Credit background checks, plus they have to prove that they are artists.

    Laws prohibit apartment complexes from denying people with Section 8 Vouchers. So, if a person with a Section 8 Voucher passes their rigorous screening process then they should be allowed to live there. It IS NOT public housing or section 8 housing, they pay regular rent.

    And the people I know are of different races and backgrounds that live there...not that it matters.


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