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Sunday, August 30, 2015

OCPD installs second license plate scanner

The Ocean City Police Department on Thursday installed the resort’s second license plate scanner, which tracks all cars entering Ocean City, with this one going in near the Route 90 bridge.

Now, every license plate entering Ocean City via Routes 50 and 90 will be scanned, that information will be checked against a database for potential violations and if one is found, a picture of the vehicle will be taken, OCPD Public Information Officer Lindsay Richard said.

Where that database is and how long that information will remain on it is unclear.

“It goes to a state agency,” Richard said. “We don’t store it. The dispatch center will get an alert, and that way we have an approximate location and a description of the vehicle.”



  1. Why hasnt the bury SPD have these? There are a ton of illegal cars driving in salisbury? Let me guess there afraid of catching criminals.

  2. Invasive , I'll be skipping OC. Dewey here we come.

  3. Excellent, keep up the grest OCPD!

  4. are you hiding something 9:42? enjoy Dewey!!

  5. 9:41 Because the State Police and Sheriffs office have them. Enjoy the Police State. You seem to love it.

    1. Yes i love having people arrested that dont belong on the road that my $$$ pay for,i bet your one of them?

  6. We love police protection, tag scanners, radar and red light cameras. The only people who have a snide comment are those that want to break the laws. Thank you and keep up the good work OCPD.

    1. I'm all for police protection, radar and red light cameras. But if I'm not breaking the law I don't want my privacy invaded by someone being able to track me, which they can with these scanners. I have nothing to hide but I enjoy my privacy.

  7. For Ocean City, this is going to quickly become an issue of "Too Much Information". They will not know where to start when they see all the violators that come into town every week/weekend.

  8. Ocean City better start building some more holding cells....

  9. Ride the Shore Transit bus in. That's how most perps get there.

  10. 10:31 - keep drinking the gov't kool-aid! This is tantamount to the existence of a police state where the gov't monitors and tracks our every move.

    I have no intent of breaking the law - but the gov't has no business knowing (tracking and saving) where I go, when I go, and who I visit with when I'm there...without a warrant - issued by a judge on the substantiated suspicion of wrongdoing!

    You can give up your rights voluntarily - I want to keep mine!

  11. So when one of these devices find a child missing for an amber alert are you still going to complain about your privacy? This is an example of police policing smarter. Instead of an officer sitting in a car trying to figure out if a car is stolen, etc they will know instantly.

  12. 11:21 name one specific right you hae given up.

  13. 11:45...Name ONE???
    Have you just woke up from a 20 year coma???
    The ENTIRE Bill of Rights has been EVISCERATED by the Supreme Court, The Patriot Act and the NDAA.
    You fell for the "its for your safety!!" BS. Unlike YOU, many Americans resent and resist the complete and total surveillance of our whereabouts, conversations, communications, and even the passive examination of our household by roaming X-Ray scanners.
    11:33, you are exactly the "goot ci-di-zen" they want you to be.....dictators can always --- always --- find a great reason why you should surrender your rights, your privacy, and the protections that hundreds of thousands of your fellow, not so subservient, citizens gave life and limb for. And you happily give them up. I wish they could jump out of their grave and kick your ace.
    You NEED someone to watch you all the time??
    You NEED to be monitored?
    Are you just waiting to commit a crime and the only thing holding you back is the police state?
    Just because someone says it's intrusive to be under constant surveillance DOES NOT mean they are a criminal. It likely indicates they remember how the Constitution USED to protect us from that (and "goot ci-di-zens" like you).
    Please remember to brush your teeth when you finish licking the boots of your Masters. And keep your swastika polihed.
    And don't stop cheering. Your time is coming.

  14. This device is pretty simple. It scans a car tag, looks up the owner, and scans databases containing the names of people wanted on warrants. Another warrant isn't necessary. If you know that your name is in one of these databases, don't use a car registered to you to travel to Ocean City. Most of this is already done anyway should you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation except that the police have to manually search the databases.

    A question to be asked however is whether Ocean City should be spending taxpayer money in order to be the nation's keeper. The OC police are there to enforce local laws and maintain peace in Ocean City. Do they really need to be looking out for out of State felons? Further, this technology permits the misuse of authority. Just imagine that Lois Lerner of the IRS provided OC the names of conservative political group members to track. Would it not be reasonable to have OC maintain and report the stops that the tag scanning equipment resulted in stops made by police? There just doesn't seem to be any oversight of this capability to prevent its abuse.

  15. So this is the second one and the 3rd one on the North end of OC will be installed with the grant from the state. No way into OC now without them tracking you. I wonder how many other places have them that we don't know about

  16. 1031:Who do you have in your pocket? We do not feel safe with the goon squad kops. I do not need police protection I am a free man. I can protect myself and family. I do not need the goobermint for "safety". Dont need um to eat or any damn thing else. Pack sand while your in OC.

  17. To 1:59. Your snide comments are only made because you break the law. Really, I don't care what you need. Your not important..the public good is what is important. Good work OCPD.

  18. Those Baltimorons better make sure their parking tickets are all paid up to date, or the tow companies are going to get even richer in OC.

  19. These comments show the bleating sheep whining for security aren't long for the slaughter. I hope one day you foolish children will wake up. Then again, throughout history, many of the German Jews never did, or the Russians in Joe Stalin's workers paradise. So many of you, so very ignorant of history. So sad.

  20. 2:23: My comments are from the heart. What laws do you imagine I do not follow? I do not follow unconstitutional laws. I am a vet that took an oath. Get back to your shopping with your independence card.

  21. Why not put them in the east bound bay bridge and benefit the whole shore.

  22. Do these pull up info for drivers in Maryland only or all states?

  23. 4th Amendment is something nobody reads. Do you even have a copy? The Declaration,Constitution, Bill of Rights, and all the Amendments fits in a shirt pocket, yet no one seems to have a copy.

    They are readily available at your local Congressman's office for free.

    You can even write to them and request one to be mailed to you.For free.

    I suggest it.

  24. It starts with saying it is to catch law breakers but the data base will have a record of everyone whose car enters Ocean City, this is where the issue is, lw breaker or not you are being tracked as to where you are. Eventually as a police state that would mean where you are at any given moment of any given day. As a law abiding citizen I feel I should be able to go any where at any time with out someone being able to enter my license plate into a database and being to see all my movements at any given time, this my friends of the camera tag readers is a violatio of my right to feel secure in my travels!

  25. with all these cameras, plate readers, etc., why do we even need police anymore?

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We love police protection, tag scanners, radar and red light cameras. The only people who have a snide comment are those that want to break the laws. Thank you and keep up the good work OCPD.

    August 28, 2015 at 10:31 AM

    The police have no obligation or duty to protect any citizen. Only property.

    Tag scanners are more for unpaid tickets and fees. Radar and red light cameras are for revenue generation. And you want to THANK them?!

    To quote a popular meme, you are a special kind of stupid.

  27. This has been going on for years all over the country. A little late to be getting worked up now.

  28. Patriot Friends,

    Forget not to leave your E-Z Pass at home lest you be tracked by this means also.

    I do not intentionally break any laws for to do so would jeopardize my employment and livelihood; however studies have shown that the average person commits three felonies per day. Fodder for the Police (State.)

    All police departments nationwide should be required to be policed by external affairs made up of strictly objective civilians. Too much power in the hands of any governmental body or agency breeds corruption.

    I, for one, do not wish to submit to any more control than absolutely necessary.

    Study your history and learn from it before those in power rewrite it.

  29. Three felonies per day? OK?

  30. I'm a law abiding citizen and I don't like it. Unfortunately, we live in times where there is absolutely no privacy and a pansy mindset that loves to be speed on. If you are contractor or licensed professional, you better have a city business license.

  31. Insurance salesman, real estate agent, contractor, stock broker, appraiser, home inspector, moving company, carpenter, electrician, etc. Etc. You better get a business license, it's illegal to conduct business in most cities without a business license. Big brother is watching and counting your trips. I say 25 times in a month is too many for person reasons if you have a state license. Don't forget you may owe city taxes as well.

  32. LPR... Now I understand why I was pulled over three times in 3 weeks while taking care of a paperwork glitch in renewing my license. I got one $40 ticket the first time, then a letter from MVA (that I requested) took care of the other two. BUT - my car insurance went up $102.00 a month because of that damn ticket, and I have a completely clean driving record.
    It's Big Brother. Read "1984".


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