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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Truth Hurts


  1. You mean I could be doing that right now and I'd get a free pass? Look out, Best Buy, 'cause me and my angry white brothers and sisters are on our way. It's justice that we need, and having a 64 incher on my wall is going to pay a lesson to.... ummm.... to.... And I'm gonna get some new Nikes, too.

  2. Except we'd be looting for work boots and hand tools.

  3. Can you compare this to murder by an on duty police officer? I think the comparison is closer to a workplace or theater shooting. I can't recall looting following those incidents.

  4. other than the fact that the situation between a crazy with a gun,because all crazies have them, apparently and the police, who are abusing power, killing someone, you are totally correct.

  5. Electronics could easily be made to be disabled permamently if stolen.Why this has not been done is a mystery.What good would it do to steal anything electronic if it didn't work?

  6. When a black thug robs a store and attacks a white cop Obama claims racism. When a sick black man shoots to white people Obama says we need gun control.

  7. NO Sharpton speaking up for the killer, and how he was mistreated all his life, that he was a victim of racism, and he spoke of black hate? Life just isn't fair, what flag shall we have removed for its symbolism? How many monuments must come down as it makes all blacks feel bad? Not much coverage on the news media either, and no Obama speaking out against the violence. Cat got your tongues?

  8. This never happened to begin with. Why waste the time discussing it? It was all actors and special effects created to cause a race war.

  9. 8:29 must have struck nerve. Black people hate when White's point out all the crimes against Whites by Blacks. Trust me Black devils there will be a day of reckoning. Superior athletes but intellectual midgets. White people are starting to see the light. It has been going on for years and whites have finally hit the tipping point.

  10. It's just how white people roll.

  11. 7:45 that's good . Sad but true.


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