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Saturday, August 01, 2015

The Iran Nuke Documents Obama Doesn’t Want You to See

Seventeen unclassified Iran deal items have been locked in ultra-secure facilities ordinarily used for top secret info.

Why is the Obama administration trying to bury this material?

Scattered around the U.S. Capitol complex are a series of Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facilities, or SCIFs, which are typically used to hold Top Secret information.

But today in these deeply secure settings are a series of unclassified documents—items dealing with the Iran nuclear deal that are not secret, but that the Obama administration is nevertheless blocking the public from reading.

The Obama administration delivered 18 documents to Congress on July 19, in accordance with legislation requiring a Congressional review of the nuclear deal. Only one of these documents is classified, while the remaining 17 are unclassified.

Yet many of these unclassified documents cannot be shared with the public or discussed openly with the press. The protocol for handling these documents, set by the State Department and carried out by Congress, is that these unreleased documents can only be reviewed ‘in camera’—a Latin term that means only those with special clearance can read them—and must be held in various Congressional SCIFs.

Read more here


  1. Another one of his Lies exposed, he promised the most transparent administration this nation has ever seen, well, part of it is, his plan to destroy America is clear!

  2. None of this can be legal or Constitutional. Judicial Watch needs to get on this, and I do, too!

    Here I go!


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