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Saturday, August 01, 2015

Retired Navy Commander: Gitmo Prisoners Could Be Set Free on U.S. Streets

A retired Navy commander says that if the Obama administration’s plan to bring Guantanamo inmates to the United States succeeds, “activist” judges could set those prisoners free on American streets.

J.D. Gordon, who worked as Pentagon spokesman from 2005 to 2009, penned an op-ed for the Hill during which he pointed out the details of the prison’s impending closure.

First, Gordon argued that the current 116 detainees–half of whom are designated with indefinite detention status and a third of whom are confirmed or believed to be returning to terrorism–could go free in the United States.

“Our courts will have the final say on whether they remain locked up, not the administration,” Gordon explained. “And if other countries won’t take them, they could just walk out of jail. Detainees don’t have to escape from Supermax if judges let them out.”



  1. Just tell us where and when they get set free - they'll almost immediately commit a crime and a 'good-guy-with-a-gun' will solve the problem!

  2. There is no earthly reason that place "Has to be closed".

    Other than somebody said it ought to be.

    It's there, it's ours, use the damned thing!

  3. Bring them to the U.S.?? Why? Send them straight back to their country of origin, or just open the doors at Gitmo and let 'em swim.

  4. Simply do this:
    Before you set them free, run them all through a hog farm, where the hogs come in contact with them. By becoming "impure" for being in contact with the hogs, they will not reach Allah, and maybe they'll have second thoughts about blowing themselves up.


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