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Monday, August 10, 2015

Teachers Union Publishes Guidelines For ‘Supporting’ Transgender Students

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Education Association – the nation’s largest teachers union – recently released guidelines for school administrators to deal with transgender student issues.

The report, “Schools in Transition,” is a collaborative project with the National Center for Lesbian Rights, Gender Spectrum, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Human Rights Campaign aimed at explaining transgender students’ rights under federal Title IX laws, SFGate.com reports.

The goal is to help school administrators who aren’t sure how to handle transgender students, such as requests by biological boys who “identify” as girls to use the girls restroom and locker room facilities.

“This guide changes that by giving all the stakeholders in a school the tools to support a transgender student in their school,” the report’s lead author, Asaf Orr, told the news site. “Following this guide will not only assist schools in complying with Title IX, but also create a safe and more supportive environment for all students in the district.”

It’s the same section of federal law that advocates against educator sexual misconduct have pointed to as a means of forcing schools to correct an epidemic of teachers and other school employees who sexually abuse students.

Across the country, teachers are arrested virtually every day for sexual relationships with students – an ordeal that leaves victims with deep emotional scars that can take decades to heal. Unfortunately, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights that oversees Title IX enforcement has largely ignored pleas from victims to fight for their rights.

The National Education Association has never widely publicized a guide for school administrators to deal with student victims of educator sexual misconduct.

Unfortunately, the NEA has largely ignored that much more serious problem because it’s perpetuated by its members and union officials who work to cut secret deals for the accused.

More here


  1. And the world sits back and laughs!

  2. We are no longer a Judeo-Christian nation that follows Gods teachings. This is so sad to see perversion become mandated as normal.

  3. Let's just build new schools with 20 rest room/ locker rooms, one for each misaligned whack job in the building?

  4. So now a curious boy wanting to know about girls just has to go into a girls bathroom, and check them out, then if caught, just say he feels like a girl today. This comes from a new chapter in schools on "How to raise a Pedophile"?

  5. BOE is nothing more than lowlife, pedophile, in moral people posing as educators.

  6. Bathroom visits for little boys and girls will allow them to be "Hands on" now.


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