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Monday, August 10, 2015

Donald Trump Schools NBC’s Chuck Todd on Political Correctness


  1. The Donald is stirring things up and I think that is a good thing. Maybe it will get the Republicans off their asses and they can actually throw a qualified candidate out there for a change. However, if you are suggesting that Donald Trump is smarter than Check Todd, you would be very, very wrong.

  2. Can you imagine foreign policy under Trump...

  3. I imagine the foreign policy would be similar to Reagan's. In fact, Trump reminds me of Regan in a lot of ways. The press certainly has it in for him the same way they did Regan.

  4. He is right about political correctness' it is an attack on free speech! Just because I don't describe or speak of something or some group in a manner which a few find offensive I am every thing but an individual with an opinion!

  5. You are on to something 11:20. Remember when Oh he is just an B actor don't listen to him.
    Trump seems to have as much Teflon as Reagan too.

  6. So if he talked the same way about your wife or mother it'd be ok? If you're ready for 20 more wars, then he'd be great for foreign policy.

  7. Thanks to Obama no country takes us seriously. When we have a strong military they will and there won't be any wars.

  8. Our foreign policy is absolutely crap now. I am sure it can not get much worse under any other candidate.....besides Hillary that is.

  9. 9:37...if "Check" Todd is so smart, why is he a reporter and not raking in millions running a business, or profiting from his ideas?
    Getting royalties?
    Another talking head.


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