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Sunday, August 09, 2015

SBYNews Poll Question

If the Presidential Election was held tomorrow, who would you vote for?


  1. Right now it would be Donald Trump.
    If Ted Cruz or Ran Paul were the front runner I would vote for them.
    I will not vote for any democratic candidate or a Rino like Jeb Bush or McCain.
    I would instead vote Libertarian or some independent candidate with similar conservative views that isn't bought and sold by special interests.

  2. Scott Walker. He has proven he can do the job as governor. But frankly, I would vote for ANYONE over Hillary.

  3. The only one who would do what he promises. Trump.

  4. Hillary---we need a new progressive

    1. I'm a Democrat. Hildabeast Clinton would NOT get my vote. I would rather vote for the political entertainer Donald Trump.

  5. Ted Cruz has a better demeanor than Trump. However, the way the political machine works the nomination will probably go to Bush. Whomever it is have no fear because I will never vote for another Democrat as long as I live. And, I used to be one.

  6. Replies
    1. Finally! We need a president that is not a career politician or driven by financial interests. You don't have to agree with everything he says, but he holds EVERYONE accountable.

    2. Carson?? He needs all the money he can get. No worries he'll not make it anyway. Trump makes him VP MATE I wouldn't be msd.

  7. Paul/Trump in either spot.

  8. Bernie Sanders, the only one that has a proven track record!

  9. Cruz. Without a doubt, the best man for the job from either party.

  10. Rand Paul, hands down!

  11. Trump, Cruz, or Paul in that order. If its Bush and Clinton, staying home.

  12. If trump can take it all the way. It might inspire me to be an actual voter and register....

  13. Choosing your master doesn't make you any less of a slave. All elections are rigged. All politicians are corrupt. I refuse to vote anymore.

  14. Rand Paul/ Ben Carson

  15. Allan West. Donald Trump. Top pics.

  16. Biden -- he's too dumb to do much harm!

  17. Trump/Walker ticket

  18. Rand Paul...because he knows how the system works and who the real crooks are {whom to trust and who not...}, Trump does not...

  19. I wouldn't waste my vote on Trump since he raised money for Hillary for multiple elections.

    I'd vote for Rand Paul, Ben Carson, or Jim Webb.

  20. Trump, Carson or Cruz

  21. trump .The Clintons had their chance in dc and now need to vacate.

  22. i'd vote for a dog turd over hillary

    any republican will get my vote... although, i agree the elections only give us the illusion that our vote matters

  23. Trump is the only one with a set of balls to say what needs to be said and stand behind it. Trump has my vote!

  24. Trump all the way!

  25. Pres. - Scott Walker, VP - Carly Fiorina, Attorney General - Rand Paul, Secretary of State - Ted Cruz, Surgeon General - Ben Carson

  26. Trump and Carson.

  27. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 4, 2015 at 7:15 PM

    No More Clinton's
    No More Bush'es

  28. Trump...2nd choice would be Carson...that would be a great ticket

  29. Trump would be great but I just can't vote for a man who dumps his family for a younger woman.

  30. Trump - a breath of fresh air. Tells it like it is - a little scary at times - but would really fight to make America great. Not in anyone's pocket. Can the others say that?

  31. Trump or Carson...but they will get to them... you do realize that if we would have Elected Ross Perot we probably wouldn't be in the situation we're in today. His VP pick however was forced to kill his chance.. The power of the rainbow warriors goes way back. The others I feel are already puppets for same old BS

  32. It doesn't matter in MD. Eastern shore votes don't count. Electoral college will vote democratic.

  33. Donald Trump our next president

  34. Replies
    1. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 4, 2015 at 8:44 PM

      Bernie Sanders is Socialist worse than Wladimir Putin. If you vote 4 him, just move 2 Russia instead.

  35. Trump, and I'm shocked that 4 liberals visit this site. Hillary, Sanders, Obama, O'Malley, they are all the same (losers).

    1. We do visit this site. Wish we had a liberal blogger in the area, but we don't. I like this local site because Joe allows opposing views. He is much more secure than the JT blog who demands pandering lap dogs.

  36. Trump is my man.

    There's a lot of similarity between him and Ron Paul. The main difference is that Trump (financially) cannot be ignored and ridiculed like Ron Paul was. You or some Tea Party person could express a political point but would be totally ignored by the (less than) 1%. I am sick and tired of the global warming crowd which includes Queen Hil the Hun and King Jeb. I am against these two "ruling" our country simply because they have a lot of money!

    1. I think Trump and Chrisie have a lot more in common.

    2. Chrisie how? Trump made 10 billion and gave his empoyees benifit packages. Chrisie raised taxes and took pensions

  37. Let's be honest. Let's be not PC:
    There will be NO Black vote on this election. There will be NO Latino vote either.
    A Conservative - a Republican - will win. (That's why there's 16 candidates for the Republican nomination. They all know this.)
    It will be Trump, unless he does some sort of major screw-up with being so (refreshingly) candid.
    He's got my vote. Mainly because of economics. The political side? He'll gather the best brains in the country to handle that stuff.
    Trump. He's the guy to bring back this country.

  38. Joe, you gona announce the results on a certain day or time of this poll?

    1. Don't take a rocket scientist to see Trump has it.

  39. bush didn't get much support from this group. I vote trump

  40. easily John Kasich.
    I'm disappointed to not seem him listed heavily here. Please read up on him. Truly qualified, experienced and knows how to get things done.

  41. Trump, our only hope!

  42. Donny trump . The man who had a clear vision of how it should be

  43. Donald Trump. Don't know anybody else running for President Except Hillary and she might be in jail by the time it comes to vote.

    1. Wow. Your amusing. Hillary won't go to jail.

  44. 8:19 is correct, our vote means nothing. If it did it would be Trump and/or Carson.

  45. Robert Smith Jr- Veteren for president! I saw his youtube videos and gofundme page. Check him out


  46. Walker for Prez; Fiorina for VP. Many of the other currently unelected candidates would be fine cabinet secretaries, as would other sitting/former governors.

  47. I counted 57 for trump out of 113 comments here. The results here seem to be in line with polls from other leading news organizations.

  48. Voting Democratic no matter who the nominee is.

  49. Trump -- he has supported a single payer health care system and higher taxes, as well as pro choice on abortion.

  50. I am a registered Democrat but I vote for the person rather it be Republican or Democrat. In this election it could be anyone as I have not heard enough yet. The only one that I can not pull a lever for immediately is Hillary Clinton and I am a female. She is to DISHONEST and UNTRUSTWORTHY!!

  51. A long shot but Fiorina/Rubio. Fiorina would shred Hillary in debate.
    Anyone considering voting for Hillary is either dumber than a clam or
    just as corrupt as she is and doesn't care about integrity and the truth.
    Look at what she has said vs. what she has done. She is totally untrustworthy
    and she is in dirty politics because she's in it for self gain. She does not
    have the desires of true Americans in her mind or her heart. It's all about her.
    And she can take all the credit she wants for the better economy when "they" were
    in the WH, but the truth is it was the Republicans finally taking control of both
    houses of Congress for the 1st time in 40+ years that changed things. Their progressive
    approach and cuts of wasteful spending (like hiring people to deliver buckets of ice to every congressman's office everyday whether they wanted it or not--remember that?). It was Newt's and others' Contract With America that turned the economy around. Progressive change in the way Hillary and libs see it is pure socialism. And that is the exact opposite of what our Forefathers dreamed of, and fought and died for so that we could be a free people. The results of this election will be about preserving America's freedoms or losing it forever with the greatest economical disaster worldwide, which is just waiting to happen if changes aren't made. And not just putting a conservative in the WH, but also keeping the majority of both houses of Congress in conservative control. And that's not voting for the business-as-usual Demoncrats!!!

  52. Anyone but Hillary she is a lying criminal.

  53. Fiorina!!! Smart LADY.


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