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Sunday, August 09, 2015

Murder of Wicomico County Teen Under Investigation.


  1. Little Baltimore at it's best , the (political) kids of America.

  2. What is going on at Americas Best Value Inn.. Human trafficking and now murder... The owners of this place need to be held accountable to some degree for the degenerate activity that goes on there. It seems they are maintaining a common nuisance.

    1. It's not their fault. I am sure they would greatly prefer to have a more civilized clientele, but Best Value motels are the bottom of the dirty barrel. They are typically run-down, ancient Holiday Inns and Howard Johnsons that have lost their franchise contract because they can't meet franchise standards without extensive renovation. A lot of Indians buy them up, pack their families in a couple of the rooms and operate then "as is" without putting a dime into upkeep or renovation. They just get dirtier and dingy and more non-functional and dilapidated.

      It's an alternative to sleeping in one's car, if the shower works.

    2. It is their fault. Quit taking the money of these people. They can refuse service to anyone. I'd rather be broke and a failure than run a business that facilitates this. But probably Muslim terrorists and could care less about our community. Only that cash flow.

    3. No....it is not their fault. They are a business not a church

    4. They're probably terrorists funnelling money.

  3. Drug deal gone bad.

  4. The Ferguson , Baltimore and New York incidents have created a hate among teens of color . How do you stop this? All of the incidents in question were stimulated by the media and they were wrong. I've debated with myself about what to do , they have no parents or at least they don't know who they are , they have no religion , morals or ethics. Having said that , I believe they should be eliminated and considered a menace to society. Sorry , can you think of a way to turn them around without my or your dollar?

    1. That didn't create the mentality of hate and mindless violence amongst them. It's been there all along, but the racist policies of Obsma, Holder, and the rest of BRA have emboldened them to the point they feel entitled to act without morals, empathy or conscience. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have greedily encouraged this animalistic mob behavior, as they profit from politicizing the deaths of blacks, especially the rare instance where a white has to kill a black.

      Religion has nothing to do with it. But if the fear of a Sky Fairy will keep them in line, I'm all for it.

  5. Most likely it was a another black killing a black and in this case black lives won't matter, it only matters when there is white person to persecute.

  6. Salisbury had 120 households drop the payment book on the floor and walk out the door in just the FIRST QUARTER of 2013!

    That's 480 houses per year dropping off the TAX rolls!

    And that's just in the City Limits!!!!!

    @$2k per house?, that's $960,000 PER YEAR less funding for the county/ City!

    Maybe if we could add another tax or fee to something for the remaining citizens to pay we could make that up...

  7. The owners of this hotel are every friendly and very accommodating. We had to stay here for a few months until.we were able to establish new housing but to blame them for what happens behind closed doors is through no fault of their own.You can rent a room to someone but who they ask to come by after they've rented a room is not the owners fault. Maybe more cameras are needed or better lighting, that's one thing that does need upgrading as well as tv service..

    1. Recovering? Good for you. But just because you think it's acceptable is understandable. Typical doper mentality. It's no "my" or " their" fault.

  8. It's time to clean up this area.

  9. There's no crime in Salisbury is there major kolb?

  10. Culver needs to step up...Salisbury is destroying this County. His plans will NEVER WORK unless Salisbury gets under control. I'm sure the Sheriff could help restore law and order. The soft on crime, community policing of SPD is NOT working.

    1. Culver is a county employee idiot.

  11. 9:01 They were renting a room for teenagers to have a party. TEENS

  12. Black Lives Matter! Except here

    1. They don't matter to other blacks. But they try to demand that our lives shouldn't even matter to ourselves.

    2. Not really. Most are entitlement minded scum.

  13. A "promoter" rented the room to have this party. Remember the 'promoter" and all the trouble that happened in Florida with teens and the police? Hotel rooms are NOT set up to hold a party they are meant for sleeping!

    1. Yes, that person should be held responsible and liable for whah happened.

    2. Really? How about the person that pulled the trigget..moron

  14. Gotta love the Mayor. Crime is down. I live in probably one of the nicest neighborhoods in Salisbury and just recently have had several car "ramsackings" take place. Oh yes, I forgot...crime is down in 'Da Bury!..

    1. The mayor and his puppet police chief are botg liars and fools

  15. And still no mention of the random gun fire into a home on E Main St.

  16. How will the mayor spin this ? glad i sold my house in the Bury.........

    1. I'm on the five year count down. Can't wait.

  17. I dropped my house and mortgage like a bad habit to get out of Salisbury. No regrets

  18. Anonymous said...
    The Ferguson , Baltimore and New York incidents have created a hate among teens of color . How do you stop this? All of the incidents in question were stimulated by the media and they were wrong. I've debated with myself about what to do , they have no parents or at least they don't know who they are , they have no religion , morals or ethics. Having said that , I believe they should be eliminated and considered a menace to society. Sorry , can you think of a way to turn them around without my or your dollar?

    August 2, 2015 at 7:13 AM

    Teens of color?? You mean little black thugs!!

    How do you stop this? Try exterminating them!!

    I do agree with you about them being a menace to society and should be eliminated.

    1. Such shameful comments from another human being!!! Excuse me I meant bigot. I hope all in well with you and your family!. FYI this child's mother worked for CJS. At least have some sympathy or keep your ignorant words to yourself.

    2. Bigot. .nah...realist

    3. Ignorance!!! Get the fact before generalizing. Not everyone who is black is a thug!!!

    4. Not everyone who is black is a thug.
      Your right. But 90% of the youth are or falls into that category while around their peers. The rest are to old but still instill the hate a racism to the black youth which is the real racism of today. Old blacks pass the stories of oppression etc down to the generations. Old whites don't. It's taboo to them.

    5. Who cares who his mom works for? She can't control her own child she needs not that job! And because someone works for the courts cops or probation and parole dosent mean squat.

  19. Anonymous said...
    The owners of this hotel are every friendly and very accommodating. We had to stay here for a few months until.we were able to establish new housing but to blame them for what happens behind closed doors is through no fault of their own.You can rent a room to someone but who they ask to come by after they've rented a room is not the owners fault. Maybe more cameras are needed or better lighting, that's one thing that does need upgrading as well as tv service..

    August 2, 2015 at 9:01 AM

    Did you not read anything Bozo!! What I read said something about he parking lot!!

    1. Rite read and comprehend only what the want.

  20. Anonymous said...
    It's not their fault. I am sure they would greatly prefer to have a more civilized clientele, but Best Value motels are the bottom of the dirty barrel. They are typically run-down, ancient Holiday Inns and Howard Johnsons that have lost their franchise contract because they can't meet franchise standards without extensive renovation. A lot of Indians buy them up, pack their families in a couple of the rooms and operate then "as is" without putting a dime into upkeep or renovation. They just get dirtier and dingy and more non-functional and dilapidated.

    It's an alternative to sleeping in one's car, if the shower works.

    August 2, 2015 at 10:08 AM

    I believe you are right on the money.

  21. I have 12 houses on my street in Salisbury including the corners facing other streets. The first one on the corner the owners bought as a rent to own type thing from Kellark until they could get finance. They let the house get run down because of mold in the basement from this area and flooding and then they bailed out about 2 years ago. It was bought at auction and now being fixed up for a rental. On on the opposite end of the street was vacated by a liberal family who moved out in the county. You know it's bad when libs move out of Salisbury because of crime. The one next to it is a rental and the family is moving out as we speak. The old lady next door is in a nursing home so that house will end up being a rental. The one across the street is another rental and they are moving to Delaware next month. Two house down from me was a house that foreclosed about 4 years ago and bought at auction. It is finally being half assed fixed up as a rental. So that is 6 out of 12 houses that are currently vacant on my street. Only 2 of them will be home owner occupied including me. According to my estimate that is abut 85% rental properties in Salisbury, but I actually think it is more like 95%. Nothing like the 60%
    that Jimbo and Jakee keep telling us.

    DAMN I'M F***ED!!

    Thanks Jim Ireton and Jake Day! And you guys want to be re-elected! Not if I have anything to do with it.

    1. So many houses. I bet you have a top hat.

  22. Anonymous said...
    That didn't create the mentality of hate and mindless violence amongst them. It's been there all along, but the racist policies of Obsma, Holder, and the rest of BRA have emboldened them to the point they feel entitled to act without morals, empathy or conscience. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have greedily encouraged this animalistic mob behavior, as they profit from politicizing the deaths of blacks, especially the rare instance where a white has to kill a black.

    Religion has nothing to do with it. But if the fear of a Sky Fairy will keep them in line, I'm all for it.

    August 2, 2015 at 10:17 AM

    Shy Fairy? Let me guess, you are an atheist moron who will only pray for God when a Muslim terrorist is sawing on his neck with a large knife.

    1. Hardly. No God has swooped down and smited a knife-wielding raghead yet.

    2. Religion is an irrational belief in a force of nature that does not exist. It is a mechanism to rationalize and the province of zealots.

  23. 11:31 And that little problem you have is due to lack of jobs, poor paying jobs and greedy employers who do not pay their employees a livable wage or provide any benefits.

    They can cry poverty all they want from their million dollar mansions, I am not buying it. I have never lived in such a place where the population has such an antiquated and ignorant mentality.

    You all cry about the rental ratio, but all employers here contribute to it with your crap $10/hour wages.

    Take a look at the low wages the college pays employees. 25K for an admin job? They are not contributing to the vitality of the community either.

    Until the greedy start paying people to where they can re-invest back into their community it will never change. Would you prefer we live out of our vehicles parked on your street?

    You narrow minded rubes will never get it and never strive to make a better community when your anger is pointed in the wrong direction. As much as I dislike Ireton, there is nothing he can do to change the rental climate here.

    And until the citizens expect better you will always be underpaid and living on the edge of poverty and in a crime ridden community.

    1. get a skill... get a job... get a life. stop being addicted to being aggrieved!

  24. Look, I'm a white guy and truly dislike the black thug culture. But don't ignore the white wannabes. I've got a houseful of them down the street and they are some nasty trash, too.

  25. SPD was well aware of this party and its underage participants. They should be held liable as well. They should've sat in the parking lot to keep order. And knowing that kids were drinking they should be broke it up. But they once again fail to act on what in front of them. They are just as much to blame ad the shooter.if not more so. The shooter is a thug and don't know better or cares. The police know better and are supposed to act and care about the law.

    1. But that would be "racism" or harassment, or profiling of some sort.

      The police can't be pro-active and shut the shlt down before it gets out of hand, because "we weren't doing nothin'". Then the NAACP is howling about how black kids are victims of racism, they weren't doin' nothin' wrong.

      If our real leaders would learn to ignore them, and uphold the law equally for each individual person and their own actions, our society might have a chance at recovery from the black undertow.

    2. Man that was well said about time

  26. oh please, the police are zero % liable. Did they pull the trigger? nope.

    1. They allowed it. Same difference. Watch a toddler play with a gun and he kills someone...... Think you wouldn't be charged?

  27. In the wake of Black on Black violence across the United State's people have to do a major gut check. Do you want proactive policing or do you want reactive policing. If we continue down the road of attacking police every time there is a contact that is not cuddly and warm. Police today are dealing with children that are armed and have no value on human life. last night an officer in Memphis was shot eight times. Police need to be on high alert.

    So Black America what exactly do you want the police or the rest of the country to do about this record year of Black on Black murders ? Innocent people of poor economic state trapped in these neighborhoods surrounded by gang and drug activity. Do we do what Baltimore did let them burn the city? No it is time for the good people in these communities to step up. It is time for men of color to be men. If Black America does not handle this issue White involvement will just be deemed racist.

    As a White police officer I am in no way scared of thugs. I am more afraid of liberal agendas and response from uneducated politicians that have no idea what it is to police the streets in poor neighborhoods. I fear the Black rhetoric that surrounds all aspects of the American way of life. As a nation we need to work together drop the stereotyping and political correctness. Black children are dying at an alarming rate and all we want to is place blame. Trust me we all own a piece of this house.

    Time to shut up and put up. Time to stop listening to those getting fat off of our tax dollars. Time to take our street back. The Pansy approach has not worked Jim Ireton. The ship sailed in this direction way before you were elected. Time to take the gloves off.

  28. The color of greedy green money makes black on black lives not matter! Plain and simple..

  29. Why is it only an "unarmed teen" when a white person or a police officer is the one who had to shoot him?

    They only describe him a "teenager" or "youth"
    when another black kills him. Never "unarmed".

    (Presuming he was indeed "unarmed" of course).

    1. Keep reaching

    2. 12:44 if it's so easy then create some good paying jobs or go get more education and try and get a better job. As a business owner in MD you have no idea what we have to do just to stay in business but you have all the answers so start a business and get hiring. Start by not buying everything you see or buying the next pair of Jordan's that coming out this month and actually save your money and expecting everyone else to do something for you. Low paying jobs..news flash McDonald's isn't a career

  30. So sick of the black race card...You blacks kill each other every day and you wanna start this race crap...kid should not have been at a drinking drug party in first place,,and don't blame the owners they are there to make money .that's what pays their bills..

    1. Parents let this be lessons learn. Know the whereabout of your child and who and where they are at all times.

  31. "Religion is an irrational belief in a force of nature that does not exist. It is a mechanism to rationalize and the province of zealots"

    Religion has been hijacked by zealots at times but the Christian doctrine is healthy for not only an individual but for a society. For example why is it not right for someone to kill you ? Because it's morally wrong based on religious doctrine.

    1. Oh baloney. The Christine doctrine is just the next in the line of man made ideology. It's all crap..just like every other religion.

  32. Got to get rid of Duncan---first thing the new Mayor must do--otherwise Salisbury will continue to have a liberal do nothing Police Chief--if you can call her a Chief--she's so liberal it's unbelievable

  33. I guess in all of Wicomico County and the lovely city of Salisbury not one precious white person has ever in life committed a crime? Take this blog for instance, there can be stories of white drug addicts, killers, pedophiles and you may see one, two or my gosh three comments. As soon as any of the parties involved are brown, the trolls come out to play. At young person is DEAD. Not injured, slightly harmed, but DEAD. I don't give a rats ass as to whether there was a party in a hotel (because white people only do that in OC I guess) or argument or hell a fight, a teen died. Race baiting aside, the issue with the nonsense of these comments has a ton do to with you all not viewing anyone other than white as human. So cry a river about the Mayor, future Mayor, police chief, etc. No good comes to a place so full of hate and bigotry and general ass backwardness. Poor choices can result in dire consequences. Not one of you people said, damn, that's sad a kid died. Just straight into, "black on black", "thug rhetoric", etc. Give it a rest. It's sad. Hell yes, black people need to care as much about black people killing each other as they do when a white person does it. It would go a long way in improving their community. At that same time dear Shore residents, blame the Mayor and Council and County Executives for the continued lack of jobs in the city/county. Crime will stay the same as long as the unemployment and education rates are a low as they are. If Best Value Inn wasn't renting to the population they rent to it'd be shut down within a week. There isn't a damn reason to come to Salisbury beyond students moving in, students moving out and Sea Gull century.

    1. Yes very sad that a young kid has died whether he be white,brown or whatever. The problem however is you don't see whites killing whites at enormous rates like you do in the black community and you don't see whites always having a victim mentality. Jobs wouldn't had any effect on whether this kid went to a party lastnight or who was mayor or anything other than parents caring who the kids are hanging out with and where they are hanging out at. You let these kids go hang at a party for what, to get them ready to party when they get older?

    2. See the Harcum selfdefense/killing last week? Both white guys. Just as many comments. Any other time a white guy commits a crime it very minor compared to the blacks.

  34. Salisbury has never even filed charges against Michael Rayne who tried to kill one of their own officers.

    1. Probably because it was justified to try to or to actually kill the officer. You cops and sheeple keep on thinking that we can not legally kill your buts. Got news for any officer. I take a ride to the Supreme Court. We are afforded the right to fight to the death against tyrant coos and unjust arrests.

  35. 12:44,if you vote democrat that is why there are no good paying jobs.

  36. Rest in Peace Roc!!!! yall on these comments are ridiculous its not about race a human being just got killed black white brown yellow red DOESNT MATTER!!!! no matter what you say it still doesn't change the fact a very young man was shot and killed for no reason at all!!!!

    1. It is a tragedy that the young man was murdered, and from my perspective, the lack of outrage or demands for "Justice" are quite telling.

      And I rather doubt he was just sitting there drinking Ripple and playing gin rummy. There is no legitimate reason to kill him, but let's not spin yet another fictional narrative claiming he didn't contribute to the circumstances leading to his death.

      Where are the people "protesting" in the street, demanding his killer be held accountable? You can't tell me, that out of all those people there, that nobody knows who pulled the trigger. The day after whatshisname Tevon was shot dead in Florida, the name of the person who pulled the trigger was all over social media, every street corner and on posters and signs everywhere. Why aren't you people posting photos of this killer in Salisbury, hounding his family and shaming them for raising a thug who took some other mother's son from her?

      It's just "oh well, RIP" too bad.

      You are absolutely right, that it doesn't matter if he was black, brown, white, or purple.

      Because ALL lives matter.

  37. 4:59
    Trying to play that card again right? Look down a few stories and see the one titled "Nephew Charged In Murder Of Wicomico Co. Man" see how many that story got? Yeah more than 2 or 3.

  38. 4:59 You are either delusional, a liar or you just don't know what you are talking about so you should refrain from commenting until you educate yourself
    FYI-The people on this blog are equal opportunity bashers. For you to say if it's a white person it gets few comments is beyond ridiculous.
    An example being not only the recent Mardela murder but also Thomas Leggs WHITE degenerate who killed the little girl.
    The fact is over 5000 blacks are killed by another black a year in this country. That's shameful. That is where YOU need to focus your mouth and not lecture us on here. When 5000 of your own are killing each other a year of course it's going to be the brunt of some hard facts which is the real problem in the black communities-they don't want to face the facts. And until they do the killing of blacks by other blacks is only going to get worse.

  39. 4:59 The difference is white kids are shooting at each other at parties. It's a regular occurrence at black parties. Selbyville had to pass a law no alcohol served after 11 because Pomeroy's (since burned) was having a DJ that was attracting a black crowd and gun fire and stabbings were happening. Several local Elks, VFW's and other clubs who have rented for these venues have experienced similar incidences of violence. The YMCA in Pocomoke had it's front door shot out during one such party.
    I read several newspapers a day. It's a regular occurrence in the black communities for gun fire to break out at back yard barbeques, funerals, weddings and I even read about a shooting at a baby shower once.
    This does not happen at white gatherings and you mention OC which is the perfect example. None of the bars or parties have whites shooting at each other. While it does happen it's very rare unlike how it's an everyday occurrence within the black race.

  40. 4:59 is delusional. Carla Moore who stole all the money from Pittsville was featured on this blog and all the posts about her got tons of comments. She's white. The Dagsboro sexual offender (both victim and killer were white) got tons of comments too. The white kid who robbed the bank got lots of comments. 99.9 percent are negative in all cases.
    If anything when the mug shots are posted and it's a black person, the comments are usual very few. Most people just figure it's another day in the hood and don't even bother.

  41. The reason this got more is it happens all the time and its because of everyone else's fault, not that the black race is creating more and more thugs and not rising above it, not fixing the situation adn demanding more from their own race. Instead you have Rev this or Rev that telling white people made this happen. No one told the black race to have multiple children with multiple parents, the odds are already against those children, nothing the white person did.

    If white people killed white people on a farm over and over then blame the latino man for not working that day they would be fed up too.

    If YOU don't raise your children then someone else will, be it Social Services, Police, Prisons, so do it yourself or shut up about the results.

    1. Blacks do not accept responsibility. Period. It's always someone elses fault.

  42. The white ones are just stealing from their families, robbing them to get heroin & hanging @ local meth clinics. You didnt know this child nor the circumstances surrounding his death. There r some sick miserable folk on here. Bearing false witness...

    1. Keep voting dem.

    2. Republicans not much better child sex offenders, drunks and addicts. World coming to an end people, we need to change our evil ways. Repent.

    3. @ 10:14, u should asked if i knew the child his mom or if my child wrnt to school w/ him. Hear he was a innocent victim. & i im not the onw assuming he was up to no good. Im not afraid of the truth white children are not the exemption to whats going on n the world. Every race has its crosses to bear & problems which it faces in ita community

    4. I am not afraid of the truth either.

      There are white children with serious behavioral issues that have led to a criminal lifestyle.

      There are far more black children with serious behavioral issues that have led to a criminal lifestyle.

      The difference is that "white mama" isn't trying to blame everyone else for their fate. White mama isn't usually claiming her kid "dint do nuffin" and that he was a "gooood boy".

      Black mama suddenly appears with a big splash in the kid's life after the cameras appear and before the corpse gets cold. She blames everyone else, "racism", hooks up with a "crisis public relations" corporation, and suddenly the dead kid is some sort of martyr...and more lucratively, a "victim".

      Let's not confuse the issue by referring to him as a "child", he was a young man.

    5. Let's see. Black teen. Drinking and drugging. Hanging out in the parking lot of a known drug and hooker motel. And yes alot of whites do steal..... The drugs sold are done by the majority of blacks. Which again..... More black problems that fall into the " we are not bad people " category.

  43. Since everyone wants to get off topic and make it an issue. Let's talk about how the white juvenile who robbed a bank here in Salisbury &only received 18 months. Everyone was saying how rough his life was and he was only a kid. Now he will get out and commit an even harsher crime because he knows that he will get off that easy...or how about the white guy who killed his uncle and everyone is saying "oh he's such a nice guy, that's not like him"... So that gives him the right to take a life. I'm sure he was on some type of drug...hmmm like heroin as all of the white teens/adults are. You have white people committing more crimes than some of you want to admit...they are robbing and stealing any and everything to get high.

    1. Have you noticed the increasing numbers of white youths addicted to opiates.

    2. How do you know what this kid will do when released? You don't! Whites are far less likely to return to jail and prison than blacks.

  44. its sad this young man died. I know growing up my parents told me nothing good happens after midnight. In most cases they are correct. I do think its crazy that there is not more of a outrage or cry for justice. If this kid was indeed a innocent bystander that makes it even worse. If there was a police officer involved shooting there would be protest. there was 200+ possible witnesses at this event and no ones talking? everyones stuck on that "I'm not snitching Bullsh*t". Eveyone wants to say #blacklivesmatter. you're correct they do but they need to matter within your community as well. The shooters name and photo should be being spread like it would be if it was a police officer the pulled the trigger. no one is safe with this thug on the street. he opened fire into a crowd with no regard for human life. however no one is saying his name. its a shame. someone step up and let the police take this criminal/ murderer off the streets. its time to clean up this town.

  45. I saw the news this evening and the mother of the child who was killed was on television talking about her love for her son. It broke my heart but it also leads me ask some questions.

    Why was he there? I would do everything in my power to keep my child from attending one of these parties. By now everyone already has heard that there were 10 people killed in Baltimore this weekend in one night. Black lives lost. It would seem that gun play has totally gotten out of hand and the city streets are becoming more like pockets in third world countries

    For the parents that don't know this....There is no such thing as an innocent bystander at a party where gunfire happens. There is not a soul that was at that very party that didn't know that something was going to happen.

    If you ask a young black man how his life is going to unfold, a lot of them will say they have no idea, and there is a reason for that. In research done several years ago it was reported that most inner city males of color do not expect to live to be an adult.

    This type of mentality sets these children (yes children) up for certain disaster. If you don't expect to live...or if death almost seems a certainty then we have failed as parents, as a society.

    When my son was younger I always told him that he was known by the company he kept. He didn't always keep the best of company and risks were taken but today the consequences of your bad company can be deadly. The fatal thing is that these children already know this and still go to these parties.

    His mother spoke on television with almost certainty that her son was a good person, and I am not questioning any of that. My concern is that she was smiling and talking of prayer when speaking of her son that lay dead in the morgue. How does a mother do that? I know I could not have been that composed if that had been my son. I grieve for her but I find it interesting that there seem to be such acceptance of his death. Perhaps she is still in shock?

    Have we come to that point in life that a child's life means so little and that it is so common place as to be expected? Apparently young black males have gotten that message and still stand on the street waiting for the gun fire. Is there no way that we can reach these children and assure them that their lives DO MATTER and it isn't just a slogan trotted out by old black men that are just trying to get their name in the press.

    Why does the NAACP not stop this insanity? Surely they must have some better answers than what we have seen. If every decent black man in this country would stand up and be counted and refuse to believe that what is being done in this country is for the good of their race things would change. I wouldn't trade one child's life for any of the lip service that has replaced what we once knew as civility and decency.

    The other statistic that is reported is that once this activity shows up in an area, it is contagious. It continues and it grows. Look at Baltimore.

    Mothers and fathers of all color ...speak to your children and tell them they are not only know by the company they keep but that they can be killed if they don't chose wisely. It is not up to the police to be babysitters or be hand holders. They need to catch the thug that is going to shoot your sons and daughters.....it is up to YOU. If you don't do this ...it doesn't get done.

    This is long winded because the hand writing for this whole country is on the wall and I don't like what I'm seeing. This isn't a Salisbury or Baltimore problem...it is nationwide and growing. No one wins anything with this going on.

    1. You sound very simple right now. When u assume u make a ass of your self. His mother has been touched by tragedy before. Have it occurred to u tht she may b n shock. She s not been allowed real time to grieve cause she is surrounded. I know her & she looked to b n a trance of sorts. She is a supportive mother. How many kids do u have? Who r u to judge. People so quick to scream i d do this. Well unless ur child has been gunned down for no reason then u cant say shht. U cannot lock kids away. He could been at the movies & the same thing could have happen. He was at a party. A organized party. People like u need to think before u throw stones at others.

    2. You are so right...my parents are very good people. I was not spoiled. Ipunished when i screwed up. I was acco7ntable for my actions. My parents never knew when i was at a party because i lied...snuck out and all that

    3. Thank u so much for saying that. All parents are not the worst bcause there children do not or are not making the right choices

  46. August 2, 2015 at 12:44 PM

    Is that you Jake Day stabbing Ireton in the back again. I notice you didn't mention anything about Jake Day so that's what gave me the clue.


  47. Anonymous said...
    get a skill... get a job... get a life. stop being addicted to being aggrieved!

    August 2, 2015 at 4:18 PM

    You mean like the last three jobs that were given to you? You mean like the job Daddy created for you at Perdue? Because you have absolutely no skills or life without Daddy and the idiots that cater to you.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Have you noticed the increasing numbers of white youths addicted to opiates.

    August 3, 2015 at 1:31 AM

    Nice distraction race baitor!!

    Notice all the drugs, crack heroin and pot you thugs are addicted to.

  49. I think the black community leaders should immediately try and put an end to these "parties." Find out who these "promoters" are and run them out of town.
    As 12:14 said this is contagious.
    The black community leaders and black parents then need to be on the streets telling the kids to go home. No good comes from hanging around on the streets. I've been in the black areas in Sby, Pocomoke and other places including Baltimore and when you drive by you get the most evil looks from these black kids that are hanging out.
    They think they are tough but in the end a bullet is tougher.
    I am heartbroken over this happening here locally. We are better than those in the inner cities or so I thought. And yes I am looking down my nose at the gang/thug mentality so pervasive in the US inner cities because they are not my equals. I know I'm better then them and that should be what parents teach their children. The liberal mindset is to say this is "hate" but it's not. It's confidence in knowing that you made good decisions in your life and whoever does that should be proud.

  50. Distractions, distractions, distractions 11:36.
    So what if whites are doing what you say. Still doesn't negate the fact that over 5000 blacks are killed by other blacks a year in this country and blacks killing other blacks is what this post is about.
    Keep it up. Keep making excuses, keep trying to distract,keep distorting and spreading misinformation.
    Keep it all up but make sure you keep on digging the graves while your thinking up more excuses because at the end of the day all your distractions instead of actions are doing is causing more deaths.

    1. I guess shooting a theate, of people a school of people or a church full of people dont add up

  51. Enough is enough! Yes a child DIED a horrible death! But here are some facts for you: 1) UNDERAGE HOTEL PARTY WITH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS FREE FLOWING! 2) UNDERAGE PERSON WITH OBVIOUSLY AN ILLEGALLY OBTAINED HANDGUN! 3) EVERY PERSON AT THE PARTY KNOWS WHO DID THE SHOOTING AND NO ONE WILL COOPERATE WITH POLICE CAUSE THEY WILL HANDLE IT THEMSELVES! These facts came straight from someone at the party who is a cousin of the deceased!

    1. Trust the police know who did it they r just making the perp think different

    2. Trust the police know who did it & r not compromising the investigation to appease u or no one else

    3. People kill me w/ their omg shock factor. Please. My first time smoking marijuana was at a local high school n the gym. Provided by s white girl on my team who was cool as hell & she would have beer & liquor. Knowing my mom would kill me kept me from doing much more. However she married successful & staying in idaho or montana. Same problems different innings different ball games. I agree the parties need to more structured & patrolled. However only so much can b done to keep away demon seeds

  52. Did you know that several girls USSSA softball team we're stay at that hotel that same night?

  53. It's been a few years ago, but a salesman from out of town whose territory included the OC/DE beaches and Chincoteague used to stay at this motel when he was in town because it was less expensive and always had vacancies, told me he wasn't going to stay there anymore as it was starting to remind him of a flop house or something along those lines.

  54. The Travel Thrift may have been demolished, BUT the problems still exist. Those places are only good for hookers, hustlers and cockroaches.

  55. I'm not here to take a racial stand, I am just here to say I am sorry a 17 year old kid lost his life. The circumstances do not matter, he was a kid who had many years ahead of him. It is easy to take these incidents and turn them political or racial, but for once can we just take a second to mourn the loss of another human being whose life was ended far too soon? I have no affiliation to him what so ever, wouldn't know him from anyone else. I could care less if he was every color of the rainbow, it is just sad to see. It is sad that our city and country have come to this. I am praying fro his family. Be kind to one another, life is too short for all of this nonsense. This is what the government wants, division of its people.

  56. Try again 11:07. The majority of prison inmates are coming out of the inner cities. Yes they are black as well as the juries that are convicting them because the cities are majority minority areas.

  57. I read the interview with his mother and it is really sad.
    The child was aspiring to be a hip hop artist.
    That in and of itself speaks volumes.
    When a child aspires to be part of a culture than glorifies violence, drug abuse, gang behavior etc etc that is a sign that the parents have already lost the child to the streets.
    This even goes further because his own FB has videos of him rapping. They are filled with the most vile filthy language ever, do glorify drug use and violence and disrespects women.
    It's a terrible shame because he was just a child.

    1. Aren't they ALL "aspiring rappers"?

    2. Yeah. Sing songs of dope crime womanizing ..... Disgusting. Good news is one less applicant for the condos on the river.

  58. "However only so much can b done to keep away demon seeds"

    I disagree. The demon seeds are the rap/hip hop culture that is selling their crap to black youth. The black community can and should take a stand against these "artists" who are making money off the lives of the young black kids who are trying to emulate the culture of violence and gang and thug life.
    If the black communities spent even a fraction of the time and effort they have spent on myth of police brutality of blacks and focused on the culture that is selling crap to their kids and getting them killed, they would without a doubt see a huge improvement.
    There is nothing good that comes out of listening to that crap.
    I've said right here on this blog numerous times how anymore lately when you hear of a kid being murdered in Baltimore and other cities, the families go on to say how they were an "aspiring rap musician."
    Seriously that is nothing to be proud of and any parent should be mortified and step in and do something if their child is infatuated with that crap some call music.

    1. But its a right. Hip hop/ rap whatever. It's a right to sing and listen to whatever.

  59. And as people are on bickering about whose right or wrong. ANOTHER BLACK LIFE WAS JUST TAKEN IN SALISBURY. Shame

    1. Who cares if it was a "black life".

      All that is important Is that it was someone's life.

      No race matters more than the human race.

  60. How about this people. . we are all human beings regardless of the color of our skin and in the end when either one of us dies we all bleed red and our families all go thru some sort of grief. Get over the race issue and the assumptions about this young man's life. He didn't have a record, was scheduled to graduate on time and had a bright future.

    As teens we all did something our parents never knew about. Whether it was making out, skipping class, sneaking out, lying about our whereabouts, or going somewhere we shouldn't have or sneaking a sip of liquor or beer or taking the car and going one place instead of the place you told your parents or even experimenting with drugs (street and/or prescribed) or even stealing a cigarette. So get over it, we all have been teens and have all done stuff we should not have.

    In the end, a person has lost their life.

  61. Regardless of the tone of the comments it's the fact that a dialogue is going that is important. #AllLivesMatter
    As an avid reader of the Baltimore Sun and it's comments and separate talk forums it's astounding how the murders in Baltimore are just glossed over as if they are the every day occurrences that they are there. 99.9 percent of the murders in Baltimore, get a little blurb on Page 2 of the paper.
    The comments are nonexistent. No one cares at all.

    1. You brought up an excellent, and saddening point. We're still pissed about the violence and vicious subculture that spits out dead bodies like an assembly line...but I don't think anyone is even listening up there in Charm City anymore.

      Gunshots, wails of grief, then the silence. Until it happens again.

  62. 1:59 you can't compare what we did THEN because things have changed so much NOW. Now it is more important than ever to keep your kids close and to know what they are doing every second.
    I totally blame a lot of it on the hip hop culture that young kids esp black ones are drawn into. It's no good. So many of the famous artists have themselves gotten murdered or have been involved in gun violence. You don't see this in any other type of music. Some like the heavy metal are self destructive with drugs and even suicide like Cobain but nothing can compare to the violence that is associated with the rap hip hop culture.

  63. This afternoon at Doverdale park there was a memorial for the young man killed at the motel and wouldn't you just know it a large fight broke out! Police responded. Don't know anything else.

    1. And this type of behavior underscores the reality of this culture. They are savages. No better in behavior than a pack of junk yard dogs. They may be human but they have no humanity in them.


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