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Saturday, August 01, 2015

FBI: Suspect in Montana shooting says victim laughed at him

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Bullets whizzed past a woman's head as she fled from an 18-year-old gunman who had posed as a stranded motorist to convince her family to help him on the roadside of a Montana Indian reservation, the woman recounted to relatives.

The man claimed he had run out of gas, then pulled a gun, demanded money and opened fire when Jorah Shane followed her mother's order to run, Ada Shane said, relaying the story as told to her by her wounded niece.

The relatives listened to Jorah Shane's story, made sure the television in her hospital room was kept off, and struggled with how to tell her that the man had killed her mother and father in Wednesday's shooting, Ada Shane told The Associated Press Thursday.



  1. People need to wise up. I am sure he had a cell phone and could call for help and this is the way you need to view a stranded motorist.

    I only stop and help stranded elderly people.
    If they are old, I stop and make sure they are ok and help is on the way.

    I am sad for the poor child..

  2. Good he a citizen. That means they won't be letting him go.

  3. These folks were Crow indians.

    The perp was a mexican.

  4. @1141 there are places in Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas where there is NO cell service. There are also stretches of the Interstate where there are NO exits or rest stops for 70 MILES. That means, if you see someone broken down, the general consensus is to stop and see if they need help. If you look at the map, Pryor is near absolutely NOTHING. I feel very sorry for all those involved...

  5. I'll stop if all in my auto are armed.

  6. I'm sorry but when I travel with wife and children no way in HELL would I stop. Not today not ever.

  7. In what world would I stop to help anyone on the side of the road. Yeah right! I will call the State Police and give them your location. NOT STOPPING.


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