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Saturday, August 01, 2015

Councilman OK To Bid On Town Projects In Future

BERLIN – The Berlin Ethics Commission ruled that a town councilman could bid on municipal projects as long as certain conditions were met.

At the request of Berlin Councilman Thom Gulyas, the town’s ethics commission met to consider whether or not he could bid on the town’s printing projects. The commission agreed that he could as long he had no access to project bids or contact with the staff handling them.

“This is for your protection,” said Anita Todd, chair of the commission.

Gulyas, the owner of Ace Printing & Mailing in Berlin, was elected to the town council in 2014. He told the ethics commission, which meets as needed, that he had handled printing jobs for the town in the past and was interested in continuing to do so. He said he was not aware of any upcoming projects but simply wanted to know whether, with his position on the council, he would be able to bid on town projects in the future.



  1. NO. Are these people delusional. Obviously so.
    You can make disclosures you can do whatever but when something even so much as gives the appearance of being unethical you don't do it.

  2. This is ridiculous. If another printer would lose a bid to a town contract to a council member, how would they ever be reasonable ensured that there was no inside information, no pressure put on town officials and no advantage given to the elected person.

  3. they should ask filthary clinton if this is ethical or not

  4. Now it appears we lost the only decent one which was ms Lynch until this I thought guy last waseason ok if he can't stay in business without printing town stuff then he should close up. We already have dictator gee Williams who pickshould on everybody troy Purnell who is getting ready to get millions for the Tysons plant and already has lots of perks from previous development the will probably buy gee mom house and his house to go with the Tysons plant lisa hall got thousands of dollars from the fire company and all Burrell and bitting ham worry about is Henry park and sidewalks for flower st now this with thom just waiting for our taxes to go up so high everyone has to sell and businesses close up


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