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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Detective catches 50 pounds of cocaine while fishing

What a catch.

Last week on August 5, a Charlotte County detective caught more than he planned on while fishing in the Gulf of Mexico -- 50 pounds of uncut cocaine.

The uncut cocaine has a street value of 2.5 million. After it's been cut it has a value between 10 and 12 million. The cocaine has been turned into the fed for further investigation into its point of origin.



  1. Bet it was more like 100 pounds.....
    Just sayin

  2. A detective goes fishing and catches this? Yeah right. We got a local cop who is full of fish tales. He hasn't even lied that badly.

  3. sure it's not worth billions? I love how thye always up the $ amount!

  4. So...a law enforcement guy just coincidentally happens to hook a relatively small block of highly compressed drugs in the big giant Gulf of Mexico? Yeah, right.

    This is Parallel Reconstruction. We intercepted communications in a questionable manner, and if the truth gets out, the case implodes. So they concoct a coincidence to cover up the real truth.

  5. Someone could see a very nice 'finders fee'!!

  6. Caught cocaine fishing??? I am a commercial fisherman, I don't buy this story for a second.


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