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Sunday, August 23, 2015

CANCELLED: Civil War Heritage Day At Poplar Hill Mansion. Did Mayor Ireton Cancel It Over The Confederate Flag?

Hi Joe,

Unfortunately we have had to cancel our Civil War Day and I am hoping that you can put a notice in your news paper that it was canceled for this year. I am so upset that people may come and be disappointed. Thank you, Aleta

Aleta Davis, Chair
Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion


  1. She is a coward POS mayor.

  2. I wondered about that when the original notice came out. The idiots in City Administration would never allow such a thing because it doesn't fit their agenda.

  3. This is a very interesting and informative day. There is history presented that people never knew and how History formed this area.
    Does this mean The Sally Cannon house will be closing so the public cannot learn what the under ground railroad played in history?
    This shows you who is prejudice and who is not. How do all people respect each other when prejudice is used to prevent history lesson never used in schools?

  4. Why is it cancelled? We deserve to know...

  5. WHO cancelled it? THAT'S what we need to know! Who holds that power?

  6. I have no doubt that Ireton had something to do with this. This wass an annual event. If there was a good reason for cancelling they would have given it. It's political so they gave no reason.

  7. Per her email, it is dependent upon artisans to showcase interpretive history. There were not enough who could make it on the scheduled date. I know this, as I was supposed to be there as an artisan.

    She is not a coward , as per a previous comment.

  8. I was not able to attend to set up a display due to planned activities at another group to which I belong. Because it is a major Holiday weekend, I believe other participants had the same situation. This is most likely the reason for the cancellation.

  9. if it wasn't cancelled for political reasons then reschedule simple as that

  10. They are looking for another time, per that same email. They need to get the artisans on board first, then publish it to the public. People make honest mistakes.

  11. Yeah, "Postponed" would be a better choice. Can this please happen?

  12. Anonymous said...
    WHO cancelled it? THAT'S what we need to know! Who holds that power?

    August 19, 2015 at 6:52 PM

    Go to Jim Ireton's FB and ask him publicly!!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Per her email, it is dependent upon artisans to showcase interpretive history. There were not enough who could make it on the scheduled date. I know this, as I was supposed to be there as an artisan.

    She is not a coward , as per a previous comment.

    August 19, 2015 at 7:13 PM

    No one said she was a coward. They said Jim Liarton was a coward. If you don't know WTH you are talking about then don't comment.

  14. Excuse me, I do know what I am talking about. Go back and read the comment, whomever said she, not he. If you meant that ireton is a coward, get your pronouns straight.

  15. Perhaps they were sarcastically referring to the mayor as she based on sexual preference. Try using inference 5:49.

  16. Gettysburg civil war re-enactment was cancilled over the 4th. of July weekend, "On account of rain", again, a lame excuse for waiting for the helabalo to calm down. They did reschudel, but a month later, and asked that confederates not bring the "Battle Flag", just state, national or regimental flags.
    Everyone needs to buy a battle flag and fly it in support of not being a sheep!

  17. 931, yes I know what inference is. I also know how uneducated that statement sounded, sarcasm or not. That statement did nothing to contribute to the discussion.

  18. 11:12, don't try to argue with the intellect of 9:31 and many of the posters here. You will only succeed in giving your self heartburn! Some of us knew exactly what you meant and why you said it. The idiot either thought this woman is the mayor, or they simply can't construct a simple sentence.

  19. I see nothing wrong with the confederate flag! That was part of our history. It was a divisive time in our country's history; however it is our history. I am more offended by the display of the rainbow flag that is displayed by the homosexual crowd.

  20. Trust me have it and people will come. It is a great piece of history. History is an important part of the American fabric. We all could be offended at various times in history. One can not change the past just learn from it.


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