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Sunday, August 09, 2015

Are You Buying It?

High gun ownership makes countries less safe, US study finds

American journal expedites publication of study in wake of navy yard shooting that debunks belief guns make a nation safer

Guns do not make a nation safer, say US doctors who have compared the rate of firearms-related deaths in countries where many people own guns with the death rate in countries where gun ownership is rare.

Their findings, published Wednesday in the prestigious American Journal of Medicine, debunk the historic belief among many people in the United States that guns make a country safer, they say. On the contrary, the US, with the most guns per head in the world, has the highest rate of deaths from firearms, while Japan, which has the lowest rate of gun ownership, has the least.

The journal has fast-tracked publication of the study because of the shootings at the Washington navy yard. It was originally scheduled for later this week.



  1. Guess who financed the"study".. Just more gun control b.s.

  2. Absolute stupidity! Sure, we're registered gun owners with draconian laws that require us to keep them in locked boxes; not use them to protect ourselves! And what country was used for comparison? Iraq? Afghanistan?

    Read the NRA's "Armed Citizen" archives for a while and you will see what people in carry states do.

    The only gun deaths we have here are from criminals with stolen guns breaking laws all day and night, for the most part.

  3. Bc non criminals gun are registered used for sport or collection.

  4. Screw Obama Lovers....

  5. "...the US, with the most guns per head in the world, has the highest rate of deaths from firearms, while Japan, which has the lowest rate of gun ownership, has the least."

    Of course this is a true statement. They wasted money on a study to figure that out. Of course death by firearms will be high where gun ownership is high and vice versa. Just as a place where guns were banned but knives weren't would have a high death rate from knives and a low death rate from guns. What a stupid study. What was the overall murder rate. Also death rate includes suicides. If the largest percentage of the death rate is from criminals murdering other criminals who cares.

  6. Ok then. Japan may have less gun violence but remember Japan has less Latinos and blacks as well.

  7. Not buying the GOVERNMENT STUDY one little bit. All Americans should know by now, this particular government is ONLY going to tell the citizens what they (the government)want them (meaning we the people) to believe or think.

    I don't need a government telling me what to believe. I have been educated and know how to reason and think for myself. This particular government-not so much (thinking and reasoning) only wants total control over EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES.

    For all the outcry from citizens, no one is yelling LEGAL ownership is the reason there are so many murders. The reason is all the ILLEGAL gun owners who seem to have an endless supply of guns and ammunition to commit murders. The illegal gun owners are what the police should be eliminating, then do an actual non-bias study.

  8. The USA does not have the highest ratio of gun ownership. In Switzerland every able-bodied man MUST have a gun in his house. Okay, he doesn't own it, the Swiss Army does, but it's still in his possession. So is Switzerland plagued with gun violence? Just the opposite.

  9. our most recent motel killing - they were NOT the legal gun owners. real simple.


  10. don't believe it...The real facts per the UN... Key facts are The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people. But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people. Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean

  11. These people who push such lies are never publicly exposed and humiliated.

  12. 88 per hundred people? Does that mean that 88% of the people own guns? Certainly not. It means that some people own multiple guns and the ratio of guns to people is 88%, a big difference. Statistics can be manipulated any way someone wants.

    1. They NEVER said 88 of 100 people own a gun. Dnot misquote in an attempt to promote your agenda.

  13. 5:33 the key in the article was developed countries. Yemen, Honduras etc aren't developed countries.

    1. And your point is what? Easy to throw darts. Much harder to create and defend a point.

  14. LIARS...bogus study.

  15. FBI statistics show that violent crime decreases in states when citizens are allowed to carry concealed firearms for protection. The logic Iis simple. The criminals realize they are no longer the only ones carrying a gun. Maybe someday the morons in Annapolis will follow the other 44 states that have figured this out.

  16. 4:33 Switzerland has the highest gun capita per person. Remember Katrina and the gangbangers- animal behavior. Remember Japan with there Tidal wave destroying the city and Japanese waiting in a straight line waiting for water and food????? No lotting and well behaved people. Its not the guns, It's some of the people in this country. WAKE UP.

    1. Switzerland isn't even in the top 20. U.S. is number 1 followed by a Serbia, Yemen, France, and Germany. If you are attempting to make a point, use facts. Moronic lies are so easy to destroy.

  17. 9:44 My point is that 5:33(you?) is(are) as guilty of using and misrepresenting selective facts as the authors of the article are. It is easy to support a thesis with selective fact pulling instead of using all the info. The authors are also subliminally stating that they believe undeveloped countries are not civilized. The problem with throwing darts is occasionally one goes astray and hits somebody in the butt causing a fight to break out when it shouldn't.

    10:00 You obviously missed my point entirely. Also from what reliable source do you base your quote "Switzerland has the highest gun capita per person". If you can't quote a reliable source admit it. PS You won't find a reliable source.

  18. Yeah, that's what the British said too.

  19. Look at the punishment in these other Countries and you will see why their crime rate is lower. They believe in "capitol punishment" and they don't wait 20 years to complete the sentence. They don't have a bunch of bleeding heart liberals. They believe an "eye for an eye". Their prisons are not play grounds. They are real prisons. No criminal or want to be criminal wants to die or serve their sentence in this manner so they don't commit the crime.

  20. 10:44 crack cocaine, meth and heroin is illegal in this country. Look at how well those laws work. Take away the guns and the gangs will have no fear in coming into your house to take your stuff to sell to buy drugs and maybe spend a little time with any ladies or men in your house. How about cleaning this country up from the gangbangers. What is your point? disarm law abiding citizens? If gang bangers can get illegal drugs what will stop them from getting guns. Disarm this country and they won't even need guns, just a 32" baseball bat. Play ball... Maybe a Former Gangbanger?

  21. That is an even bigger load of crap than Obama being the 5th best president ever. Crack smoking idiots...

  22. They always count suicides with the US and it varies on whether the other countries count self inflicted. That always throws off the numbers.

  23. "In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." ~Thomas Jefferson


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