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Friday, August 21, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Housing on The River

Unfortunately I went out of time just after your expose on who will actually live in the apartments on the River. I did not get a chance to put in my comments. I hope you got a whole lot of them. Apparently not very many artists are there.

Of course neither you nor I are surprised. Do you recall that "your friend"

Ms. Mitchell proposed that the failed condo's could be replaced by less expensive " artists apartments". She knew then what was going to happen. Absolutely disgraceful. What a waste of our money. I don't give them two years before they will look like the rest of Fitzwater St.

Keep up the local reporting. No one else does.

Here's the link to that article. HERE


  1. They are hoping to get some of the neighborhood people in that new condo. you see, then some of those people will sell their properties there and force the rest out because the brick row houses on Fitzwater street, I know people that would buy of all that waterfront property especially when they are buying them for pennies on the dollar. But shantytown ghetto has got to go. Just like the Native American, powers that be want to relocate the blacks in that area, somewhere else so property values will rise after they bought it.

  2. There's no damn artist living there....It's a scam....

    1. Sure there is. Scam artists aka welfare bunnies.

  3. Anonymous said...
    There's no damn artist living there....It's a scam....

    August 21, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    DUH!! And you idiots fell for it hook, line and sinker. Ask Courtney Deason how she screwed you guys.

  4. Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell supported this stealing from tax payers. Please remember that when you vote. Jake Day thinks his shot a Mayor is guaranteed, but if we come up with a write in he could easily be toast.

  5. There will be plenty of artists living there. There will be scam artists, graffiti artists, rap artists, con artists, etc... Plenty of artists.


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