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Sunday, July 05, 2015


Summer Food Program Runs June 30-July 31 at Six Locations

The Food Service Department of Wicomico County Public Schools is once again participating in the Summer Food Service Program, with funding support from the Maryland State Department of Education through the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Meals will be provided from June 30-July 31 on all weekdays except July 3. Meals are available to all children without charge. Acceptance and participation requirements for the program and all activities are the same for all regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. There will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.

When schools are not in session, many children do not have access to the good nutrition that school cafeterias provide during the normal school year. The Summer Food Service Program is designed specifically to fill the nutrition gap for children of low-income families when schools are not in session.

The Summer Food Service Program of Wicomico Schools includes lunch service at three locations, and breakfast and lunch service at three additional locations.

Meals will be served at the sites and times as follows:

The Christian Shelter, 334 Barclay St., Salisbury

  • Breakfast: 8 a.m.
  • Lunch: 12 p.m.
Wicomico County Housing Authority, 911 Booth St., Salisbury
  • Breakfast: 8:30 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:30 a.m.
The Village at Mitchell Pond, Parsons Road, Salisbury
  • Breakfast: 8:45 a.m.
  • Lunch: 11:45 a.m.
Indian Village Playground, 916 Mineola Ave. (Wicomico County Recreation and Parks)
  • Lunch: 12 p.m.
Doverdale Playground, Dover & Vaden streets (Wicomico County Recreation and Parks)
  • Lunch: 12 p.m.
Salisbury Commons Apartment Community, 105 Winterborn Lane, Salisbury
  • Lunch: 11:45 a.m.

Please contact the Food Service Department of Wicomico County Public Schools at 410-677-4442 for more information.


  1. so wait a minute am I getting double tax for this!!! so I pay for taxes for welfare, food stamps, WIC, and the school lunch program and my kid doesn't get any textbooks. This is OUTRAGEOUS. no wonder we are broke! the BOE should be spending money on education only! when is this madness going to stop!! when are you guys going to get your collective asses out of your freaking heads.

  2. The families of those kids get food stamps year round plus kids get free meals at school 180 days of the year. Why do we act like there are no food stamps during the summer?

  3. What a waste of my Taxes!! Teachers are always bitching that there is no money for supplies in the classroom, yet they got tax money for this crap?

  4. If this is something new, they better be WELL prepared, because I have no doubt once the FREE FOOD sign goes up, they will be lucky if there's simply a line a couple miles long. Won't take much and it'll be a mob gimme-grab-me.

    Didn't say a thing about eligibility, are they going to tell the "teens" or "youths" they can't have something? And just wait until a whole family of them grabs a bowl and expects to be served.

    The resulting videos are unlikely to show gratitude, dignity, couth, grace or manners.

  5. It is funded through the Dept of Agricultural (USDA), and not the U S Department of Education. Of course, either way we taxpayers are footing the bill. By the way, the school lunch program is funded through USDA.program also..

  6. Pretty surest posting on here don't pay any or very little in taxes. Get over yourselves, meals for kids that are hungry aren't hurting you one bit.

    1. Pretty sure your grammar sucks. Taxpayers have a right to know how our money is spent AND to expect it is used efficiently.

  7. What about the children that DON'T live in Salisbury? Why don't they get a place to have a free breakfast or lunch? Sorry Hebron, Mardela, Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Willards and Powellville your kids can go hungry.

    1. Kids in Mardela always get screwed. The BOE doesn't even care these schools exist except when they need test scores to look good or to hide an ex feon in the system.

  8. Its not that i mind feeding the hungry..7:35 ..its how many times do i pay for meals. This system is abused and our government encourages single families!! If you cant afford kids why are we not shaming these losers instead of paying them.

  9. If they need free food, why aren't they qualified for food stamps? If they have food stamps, why don't they use them to feed their kids?

    1. So they can save them to go to the Old Mill for crabs. Biggest crock of crap around.

  10. what nothing in nithesdale or deer harbor? wtf? wonder what all these areas have in common?

  11. It stated, no age limit. That means if you are 45 years old, you qualify. Everyone should go. By law, this means you have to show no ID, no prof of residence in Wicomico, no prof of citizenship, no income or lack of. The definition of a student is "one who studies". I'm 68 and I study history. But, I don't qualify because I'm white.

  12. 8:27
    Most are qualified. Why waste money buying the kids lunch when they can get it for free. It leaves them more money to buy seafood with.

  13. What happens from August 1st through the 31st? Fasting?

  14. By the time I finish paying my taxes I'll need a free breakfast.

  15. Any food stops in Sleepy Hollow? We are hungry too.

  16. Steeple Chase? There are kids there too

  17. Parents should be able to bring food stamps to these locations and use those to "buy" the food for their kids. That would be fair, and taxpayers would be footing the bill only once.

  18. Where is Parent Responsibility?! Oh that's right - there isn't any!! Heaven forbid!!

    I don't know how we survived! (50 yrs) Oh, I know - We had parents, a home, A FATHER who worked and PROVIDED for his family!!! BTW, We also had discipline, chores to do, respect for our parents! Oh Wait, We had a family!! We still have one now as well!!

  19. I agree with the question of an earlier commenter. Why do we act like food stamps stop in the summer?

  20. What I don't get is that many of the parents (caregivers) of these children get food stamps, section 8 housing, vouchers for utilities or a utility check and free health insurance. .what about the kids in the working families who make too much because of the gross income not the net? The system is totally broken.
    The reason most of the youth now don't want to work is because they don't see their mothers, grandmother, fathers, aunts, uncles work all they see is them calling for EBT benefits and then using them or selling them for whatever reason. I see many this time of year buying bushels of crabs meanwhile their kids sit in the car looking like a Donate to Haiti commercial for rice. I pay for them to have these luxuries that I myself can not even afford, I should have some say so on what they can and cant purchase.

  21. All year long, kids whose families were on food stamps got free breakfast and lunch plus food stamps for those same meals. Now summer comes and the food stamps plus free food have to be in place again. Just cut out food stamps for school-age kids, five days a week, September through May.

  22. We are inching closer and closer to being a third world country. The only reason we have not fallen in that class is that the 1% wants this country to remain as is so it is their playground.

  23. Don't have babies if YOU CAN'T FEED THEM!!! We working folks are sick of supporting you lazy a** h*** leaches

  24. When do I get fed 3 free meals on top of an EBT card!

  25. must b nice to sleep in every day and wait for your card to come in and then go to skipjacks

  26. social security is going to run out but fortunately food stamps and free lunches live on forever

  27. Even better than free food, is free food with free delivery!

    Why not simply open the cafeteria instead, and if they're hungry they can go there for free food. Delivering it probably doubles the cost to the taxpayers.

    They ought to call it what it is: free meals for freeloaders. But it sounds so charitable and pitiful to claim it's to feed "hungry children". I rather doubt there's many truly "hungry children" in the ghetto, and if so, it's their parents' fault.

    Since there are no age limits, I bet it will be mostly "youths" and adults in the chow line...and very few actually incapable of putting forth the effort to feed themselves.

    The money spent on this, would be better invested in teaching them to fish, grow a garden, or grocery shop responsibly.

    It's not like they are an endangered species!


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