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Sunday, July 05, 2015

U.S. Dept. of Education Facebook Photo

This picture is posted on the U.S. Department of Educations Facebook page and it was posted on Friday June 26, 2015. Another Federal Government agency that already knew it was coming.

You should click on the link above and see the comments.


  1. Abolish them. They have no place in our society.

  2. Perfectly appropriate as this is a historically important ruling by the Supreme Court. Probably as significant as rulings allowing women and blacks to vote, desegregation of schools etc. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, it is a ruling that dramatically and historically alters the social fabric of our country. This is now the law of the land. What...we won't teach our kids about it?

    1. It's going to confuse more kids and flood the courts with divorces. You are gay and I don't care. Comparing to women and blacks, no no no. Way to over the top. Apples and oranges.

    2. Can you link a source that shows prominence that same sex marriage tends to have a higher divorce rate?

    3. Not sure that it does. But with it being legal more people will get married and more will get divorced...Requesting the link is discrimatory comment bc your imply that gays will. Shame on you.

    4. Not enough time has passed for such data to exist. But I know alot of lesbians and their typical relationship is high intensity at first, then a quick crash and burn.

  3. it might be the law of the land, but that doesnt mean i have to like it...

  4. "Perfectly appropriate as this is a historically important ruling by the Supreme Court." Historic, yes - but not for the reasons that you cite. This has taken judicial activism to a new depth. The rule of law is now acknowledged to be an inconvenience that progressives no longer need to worry with. Nothing good will come from this.

  5. teach our kids what 5:47? What is "it"? Do you not realize that the only reason that our government supports gay marriage is because of population control? They just hope the right people turn gay... low income, poorly educated, non white. You're enslaved by the government.

  6. SCOTUS is not God or the word of God. Judgment Day will sort this out!

  7. Everyone seems to think the Supreme Court has the last say in everything.Hasn't the public momentum in favor of the 2 issues in question made them a mere technicality vs the final word? Our entire nation seriously believes that if they had unanimously voted against the 2 issues they would have just gone away until the next go round.I believe the Supreme Court was on the verge of being circumvented in the same manner that Obama has circumvented the Congress on numerous occasions,but only if they had voted the 2 issues out.

  8. I can date now and not hide? So cool!! Now that being gay is legal makes me so happy.

  9. Not sure what everyone is so scared of. Who cares who marries who? How does this affect your own life or marriage? Live and let live.

  10. 7:09...really? Population control? Turn people gay? How does that work? Now that gay marriage is legal, are you feeling a sudden urge to get together with someone of the same sex? Maybe you've been hiding these feelings from yourself for too long? Really not sure how you "turn someone gay".

  11. Anyone who bother to check their website will see this is not true.

  12. Sick. As an AA, I don't want my kids learning this BS in public school. Just sick. I will never vote for another Democrat again. Obama plays pastor during the day and defies God by night. Sick bastard. I don't give a rats arse who the republican candidate. Count my vote NOW!! STRAIGHT DOWN THE ENTIRE LIST.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Perfectly appropriate as this is a historically important ruling by the Supreme Court. Probably as significant as rulings allowing women and blacks to vote, desegregation of schools etc. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, it is a ruling that dramatically and historically alters the social fabric of our country. This is now the law of the land. What...we won't teach our kids about it?

    June 28, 2015 at 5:47 PM

    You are a sick bastard. This has nothing to do with women voting or interracial relationships. This proves now that we are now the weakest nation in the world. Gay sex is very immoral and unnatural!!

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Perfectly appropriate as this is a historically important ruling by the Supreme Court. Probably as significant as rulings allowing women and blacks to vote, desegregation of schools etc. Doesn't matter if you agree with it or not, it is a ruling that dramatically and historically alters the social fabric of our country. This is now the law of the land. What...we won't teach our kids about it?

    June 28, 2015 at 5:47 PM

    Law of the land? This law can be and should be changed. Get rid of those deadbeat SC Justices that forced this down our throats.

  15. Pedophiles are next to claim their rights and then polygamy.

  16. Hey 7:09... You do realize that EVERY study that has ever been conducted on the matter OVERWHELMINGLY states that gay people have higher incomes than straight people, right???

    1. That is very racist bc I'm straight. Smh

    2. So liking the same sex makes you more successful. Do you see the problem? Do you see you already think your superior? Why can't you just be happy you can marry? People like you will ruin it for others!!

    3. They will do ANYTHING for money so yeah. Anything foul, in moral they will do it. Like a ten trick pony. One day they will meet the man and all that money won't mean crap.

  17. With 10:51's logic we should become the richest country in the world if we all become gay?! Wow, God help us!

  18. I find those colors very offensive!

  19. The GAY RAINBOW colors are the New Age Movement that is a CONTRACT between the Devil and Man...look it up!!!

  20. Educate yourself to the hidden dangers of the rainbow. Evil is among us

  21. Exactly 3:55. You all need to research the association of the rainbow and the satanic. It obvious our own government is involved in bringing God down

  22. With this new ruling, at least our prisons will have less rape, they can marry now, and when released, they can get a job teaching school.

  23. Tho scotus is supposed to decide on matters of the constitution,where exactly does the constitution address marriage? The justices have gotten into politics and that is completely wrong.

  24. Anonymous said...
    With this new ruling, at least our prisons will have less rape, they can marry now, and when released, they can get a job teaching school.

    June 29, 2015 at 7:31 AM

    So true.

    A friend of mine is a cop and he busted a dude in a drug raid a while back and he went into the Post Office and saw the criminal working in the Post Office. WTF!! How are criminals getting Federals jobs? Good paying jobs at that .


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