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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Who Wants An Elected School Board?

At Tuesday's meeting, the council agreed to have 4 public hearings on the issue of an elected school board: September...
Posted by Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council on Thursday, July 23, 2015


  1. NO, because then we will have professional politicians running for school board. You want to see Laura Mitchell running for school board?

  2. Laura couldn't get elected! No way.
    Thanks Marc for the update...I don't have any horses in the race now but an elected school board is a good idea

  3. 1:27 PM why don't you have any horses in the race??

    1. Kids maybe grown or have none. Come on.

  4. I think the only one that really wants an elected school board is Marc Kilmer. It's actually getting old. This is the agenda he got elected for. Most politicians run for office and they typically have an agenda. Now you have it!

  5. I assume what the citizens on the west side of the County think doesn't matter.

  6. So we can get people with NO experience or training or expertise in charge of our schools? What other area of government does this? Do we elect the county auditor? Do we elect the head of the Health Department or Public Works? But some Tea Party housewife or anti-government activist can get elected to oversee the schools? How does this make a lick of sense? Why do we treat education as the only profession where the people who actually do it are considered incapable of leading it?

  7. 2:50 PM, personally, I have nothing against Tea Party housewives or anti-government activists, but we can certainly see where you stand on this issue.

  8. So 2:50pm...by your logic...we elect from the pool of candidates those who sit on the county council, the General Assembly, all of the state office holders...yet you think a School Board is so special that the same should not apply?

    Better rethink your position.

  9. Lol! "Tea Party Housewife"
    No bias there.
    An elected school board has the desire for reelection so getting things that need doing done is important to them.

  10. Liberal Jim stood up against the elected school board issue...for all of you who want it and yet voted for this eel.

    McDermott was the only one who put in legislation what would allow a referendum to decide...two years in a row...blocked by democrats like Rudy Cane and Jim Mathias.

    If Mike was in the Senate, this would already be done and the folks would be looking at an upcoming vote on the matter.

  11. To 2:40 -- he was pretty clear in the campaign that this was what he'd push for. Now you're attacking a politician for doing what he promised to do when he ran? I guess people will complain about anything.

    To 2:50 -- look at who is on the board now. They aren't education experts. In fact, they just elected a president who was a former DuPont worker and didn't even go to college. That's no knock against him, but it does illustrate that your objection applies to the current appointment process just as much as an elected board.

  12. Why ask us, they will do what they want. Just like voting. Time for the trump card .map

  13. Considering who is against it - tells me that we should want it!

    Let the people decide - then the people will get the blame! As it is now, the Annapaholes decide - and ignore the blame part!

  14. 2:50. We can get appointed people with no high school diploma. Sure they know all about education.

  15. Yes yes yes to an elected School board and to school vouchers. I am and sick and tired of over educated morons and a bloated and USELESS BOE. THEY have dumbed down education.

  16. J.C. Almighty! What's wrong with you people? If there is an election the council can still set requirements to be eligible. I know plenty of people with education degrees that aren't school teachers. They just like you and I are tired of seeing teachers continually decline in their abilities to produce successful or even average students yet still drain our pockets because they " have a masters". Raises aren't based on job performance but a piece of paper! Idiots like Fredrickson.... I don't have time to write a book. It's time to put serious people in office that care more about the kids and the communities best interests then their pockets.

  17. Look at these comments, the BOE teet sucklers are PETRIFIED of an elected board.

  18. What are the boe office drones afraid of giving the choice of wether or not the board is elected or not to the people in the county? these evil democrat people are ALL about choice when it comes to murdering black fetuses and selling them for profit , Why ate they suddenly against choice when it comes to children that are alive?

  19. 5:17PM I agree. Yes, Marc I want an elected school board. I want people from different professional backgrounds that have common sense and aren't afraid to use it. It is more than time that we elect the school board members and set limits. I am tired of my taxes being raised then wasted on BOE parties, raises, clothes, meetings, and everything else under the sun EXCEPT current textbooks, and classroom supplies actually used by the kids in the classroom, not used for promotions, and handouts by inferior teachers, principals, executives, etc. The BOE is entirely too top heavy. The help needs to be in the classroom, not all these extra administrative positions. Everybody has their hands in the till and begging for more. No more of this period.
    It is long overdo for all of you to learn to work within your means.

  20. The BOE is only against this because it takes away their free lunch/ beer credit cards and fat salaries with enough "assistants" they no longer need to do their jobs.

    Sure,they're going to write opinions like the top of the page! LOL!

    Since they can't be voted out, they do crap like destroy perfectly good buildings they already own and blow more on renting a nothing for 20 years.

    Elected cannot ever mean these bad things!

  21. Appointed: Politicians select candidates that result in the best personal financial gain.

    Elected: Horrible if you are simply a wasted voter who recklessly elect Mitchel or some other idiot. You justify the non result on somebody but you.

    If the BOE were elected, you can hold YOURSELF responsible. What a novel idea!

  22. 4:20--- one on there now. We will see.

  23. The tax payers are entitled to having a say in who decides how to spend the money.


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