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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Obama’s Clueless FBI STILL Claiming They Don’t Know if Chattanooga Killer was a Radical Muslim

After finding out that Chattanooga terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez has multiple visits to the Middle East and has an entire list of social media posts showing radicalized Islamism, Obama’s clueless FBI is still saying it is too early to say if the killer was a radical Islamist.

Seriously, what is wrong with Obama’s FBI?

The FBI says it is treating the Chattanooga gunman as a “homegrown violent extremist” and that it is too early to determine if he had been radicalized.

Ed Reinhold, the FBI’s special agent in charge in Knoxville, said during a news conference Wednesday that investigators were still looking into whether Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez had been radicalized.

Reinhold says authorities believe Abdulazeez acted alone, without the assistance of anyone else when he attacked two military sites in Tennessee on Thursday.

Come on, now. Really?



  1. We need a Commander in Chief who is not a muslim and who cares about the U.S.

  2. They are not willing to label it as terrorism - by direction of the mooslime in chief!

    The rest of the country already knows - and the Marines are ready for this battle on our home territory. You don't want to know how many are now carrying concealed......we have porkfat-lubricated allah-communication devices ready to be implanted in their chests or foreheads


  3. Apparently...the President is the one who is "radicalized". We would expect nothing less.

    More remnant of Clinton...a man with no honor...his failure to resign from the office which he had dishonored led to problematic Impeachment hearings...which have led to a Congress which is not willing to go down the Impeachment path with Obama...even though this is exactly the kind of situation that the founders foresaw and provided as a means of preserving the Constitution.

  4. What do you expect? Obama says that the Ft. Hood Massacre was a disgruntled employee and the brain dead morons like Jim Liarton and Chuck Kook believe him.

  5. What's wrong with Obama's FBI , consider the source , Obama.

  6. Still trying to pick up the turd on the clean end!!

  7. No one wants to offend the Pretender and chief.

  8. They will be ordered to "stand down" as long as any crime involves a Muslim or illegal immigrant. Obama is intentionally destroying our Constitution and our nation.

  9. Sure. How can he know anything if the people are white? Because he doesn't care. He feels the only people that care what he has to say are the ones that depend on him for every thing that rest of us are paying for. I would love to see the ones that work for this a$$ would give their money to help pay for every thing he is giving to them. If that was to happen I bet this sh&& would stop fast in it's track. They don't care because it is not hitting their pockets like it is ours. It is time to play the trump card.map

  10. You idiots voted for the illegal Muslim from Kenya!!

  11. And the weak D republicans say nothing....

  12. Allen West said it best. His last speach was spot on and about time!

  13. 4:26 The difference is Islamist violence is an ongoing problem, and it is happening with disturbing regularity by the same predictable perpetrators: Muslims.

    There is not an ongoing problem with whites attacking random innocent black people. Dylann Roof was a nutcase, but his kind are extremely rare, thankfully. A black person still has much more to fear from another black, or a Muslim, than a white person.

  14. Obama's executive order #12022014 states that no one in a government dept can use the word terrorist, it is to be stricken from the public record and shall not be spoken, written nor referenced to!

  15. They are just waiting to get their "what to say to the public" speech from "o".

  16. It was just "Work Place Violence", nothing to worry about.


  17. Obama hasn't read it in the newspaper yet so he can't call his mouthpiece at the FBI.

    In the meantime several hundred million Americans have been able to quickly and accurately connect the dots.

  18. In keeping with his Muslim sympathies, Obama will not allow the FBI to call it like it is....


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