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Sunday, July 12, 2015

What the government is threatening to do to the “Redskins” is OUTRAGEOUS

The Obama administration doesn’t have enough to do just running the country. ISIS, Middle East chaos, climate change, the Benghazi scandal, the Clinton email scandal, the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, Vladimir Putin trying to rebuild the grandeur of the old Soviet empire, gun control, mass murders, zero water in California, golfing, vacations abroad in every major country, fat school children, and trying to spread the wealth around. I’m exhausted just trying to imagine how he does it.

Now, in a broad and sweeping grand design to control every last aspect of our lives, the United States government, more specifically the National Park Service, is putting the screws on FOOTBALL and the NFL franchise owners.

Washington DC and Redskins owner Daniel Snyder have been working on an agreement to move the Redskins back to their old home stadium — the RFK Stadium. That would mean a makeover for the old stadium, which would mean JOBS! But no, Secretary of the Interior, Sally Jewell, that jewel who is quarterbacking the Park Service, has declared that the Washington Redskins will not be allowed to hike another ball in their old stadium unless the Redskins’ owner agrees to a name change. And coincidentally –Obama thinks the name should be changed too.



  1. The Redskins were founded by an avowed racist. Moron who wouldn't employ black players; and claims to have based his teams name on a Native American football player(who was actually just a white guy pulling an Elizabeth Warren). Screw the skins and screw Danny boy Snyder. Enjoy the terrible results, season after season, coach after coach, QB after QB; the skins are a joke! RFK sits on land owned by the National Park Service, so suck on it, Snyder!

  2. more Division action by the president of hate

  3. The government has NO BUSINESS interfering with the right for Dan Snyder to call his team ANYTHING he wants. Mr. Snyder stand by your guns and ignore the attempts by our government, they have no right under any law to do what they are doing!

  4. Let Donald Trump build a stadium for the Skins and he will win the vote of every football fan in the Country, Republican or Democrat.

  5. Hey @12:38 I don't think Snyder really cares too much. So they can't rebuild old RFK, ok no problem. Either way you slice it his show pony is worth well over a BILLION DOLLARS. If they let him walk out of DC because of political reasons, they just lost out on jobs and money to help the economy. If they are willing to pass up on cold hard cash because they are afraid someone will be offended by the team name then you have proof of just how political oriented this country is. Forget all the good they can do for DC, the name is not worth a billion dollars apparently. People clown on Dan Snyder but his team keeps turning one of the best profits in the league every single year.


  6. They just need to rename their playbook the Affirmative Action plan and the renovations will sail through.

    The world's worst golfer should get back on the links.

  7. 1:26 You are correct about the loss of jobs and local income. But you see, that is Obama's plan to make more folks rely on the Government. That's why he advertised food stamps in Mexico and the swore our borders were under control. 1:23 was right. Have private ownership of a stadium and tell Obama and the Park Service to shove it.

  8. 12:38 just go back to your free obama phone food stamps and my tax dollars paying for the drugs you are on and just say thank you and STFU

  9. Build it this side of the bridge! They could build it cheaper and people would still drive to see a game. Heck the traffic would be less and it would probably take less time for them to drive here than to sit in traffic where it is now.

  10. If they go anywhere it will be in America and Americans will continue to benefit job wise.

  11. @3:43, yes but the team is native (no pun intended) to DC and has been since the beginning. So, although it may benefit the economy either way, it will not benefit DC's economy. Duh.

  12. Really does show how much our country has changed. Free Enterprise or something like that...now our President can dictate NFL team names. So, so sad.

  13. There are 32 (or so)NFL teams.Will one be missed if they just fold up and leave?

  14. I would think fans of a team who is constantly in the top 5 gross revenue would, yes @4:14. Maybe if the Cleveland Browns or St. Louis Rams folded up no one would really care.

  15. Change the name to the Washington Confederates, and put the battle flag on their uniforms, and helmets! Tell Obama to stick that in his ass and kiss it!

  16. i heard they were moving to rainbow town and were being renamed the dragon queens

  17. I would also think that we already know how fans would react if a team just folded over night...ie the Baltimore Colts. Granted they moved to a different State, but I would presume the outcome to be the same.

  18. i heard they were moving to salisbury and being renamed jimbos big boys

  19. They will change the name , just give them time.
    They will also tell us when to wipe our asses shortly.

  20. @5:27 I agree, they will have to cave at some point. But I believe it will only be after they force the team to change the name because Dan Snyder has said he will NEVER change the name as long as he owns the team.

  21. Walk into an Irish bar and say, "I want to buy all you Mick's a beer."
    Walk into a deli and offer to buy all the Hebe's a drink.
    Walk into a club in an all-Black neighborhood and offer to buy all the Sambo's a drink.
    Walk into a bar filled with Native Americans and offer to buy all the Redskins a drink.
    THEN tell me not to change the name.


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