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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Today's Survey Question 7-6-15

What do you think about the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage?


  1. It reaffirms that ALL American citizens are treated equally under the law.

  2. It proves that we have allowed our country to change and alter the constitution for whatever purpose that they want. I do not agree with the decision, and I do not support gay marriage! The constitution was not meant to be changed for every liberal or radical ideal. We are changing the fabric on which this country was founded. The supreme court went FAR beyond their boundaries in changing our constitution to allow such nonsense.

  3. Why is the Supreme Court involved in issues of a religous nature. Sexual preferance has no place in the nations top court sorry. So why can a man not marry as many women as he wishes. Civil Union was fine the taxes rules should have been adjusted and inheritance rules. Marriege is a religous act.

  4. I truly don't give a rats ass either way. What frightens me more is all the attention this issue is getting while Obama and Clinton are breaking laws and raping our Constitution every day. But the White House lit up with the gay flag lighting was a disgrace.

  5. Exactly. It upheld the 14th Amendment. All Americans should be happy for that.

  6. The states are now united again with this decision. No longer is there a difference in marriage from one state to another.
    Equality wins another round.

  7. It was the right decision. The Constitution should not protect discrimination under any circumstances.

  8. 1:14 Holy Matrimony is a religious act. We have never had federally recognized civil unions because exactly the same people fought against them.

  9. about as much as I think about gay marriage

  10. Mixed going to see if they uphold the 14th Amendment when it comes to me owning weapons and able to target, hunt or target shoot without the Government interfering.

  11. If the POSSCOTUS had said civil unions by the government for LGBTXYZ and marriage to the religious, I would have supported that forever.

    This decision takes this country to the same place as Rome, Greece, and Egypt before their previous empires fell!

  12. They have civil unions. Why does the government need to vote on religious ceremonies? Anyway....you can "legalize" sin but homosexual sex is still an sin in God's eyes. It is not love.

  13. I think it bites ass,no pun intended.

  14. It proves that the court is loaded up with a bunch of old senile idiots, that should have been put out to pasture years ago!

  15. I wonder who on the Supreme Court is being blackmailed into submission?

  16. This decision should not be up to the supreme court , wtf has happened to the nation?

  17. I agree with 1:12 PM, 100 percent. Fly those American Flags, high and proud every single day.

  18. 236-Then you don't understand the 14th Amendment, and that "Separate is not equal.".

  19. We are the United States you cannot be married in Maryland then move to Florida and not be married. States have always recognized other states marriages.
    it became law in various states through arguments in all three processes: legislature, elections and judicial. It won in all three ways to become law in multiple states. The SCOTUS has applied uniformity through out the states by granting this right.

  20. Marriage should be only between a man and a woman. I disagree with the decision. I believe this will create problems for the churches who refuse to marry same sex couplew on religious grounds. In the end, I believe they will simply do the ceremonies in private or not at all.

  21. 558-You haven't read the ruling. You're just bloviating.

  22. Marriage was defined by God and only God can change it. The majority of the justices on the Supreme Court have acted as if they are gods. Watch for God's reaction. It will come.

  23. It has opened Pandora's box.
    There's no telling what this decision is going to lead to. But, one issue that jumps immediately to mind is adoption. While the 'L' of LGBT can be inseminated, what's the 'G' going to do? Adopt, or surrogate, that's what.
    There've already done studies on the children of same-sex parents and they aren't pretty statistics either. But now, thanks to our bought and payed for and favor driven SC, a real justice cannot use foresightedness to deny an adoption by a same-sex couple using the stats and reports showing the harm that will probably befall the defenseless child.
    And, that's just the first thing that comes to mind, there'll be more, you can count on it.

  24. This is the word of God and SCOTUS has no authority to undermine or redefine same! The gay lifestyle is an abomination and sin!

  25. To those saying just get a civil union. Many people have, the issue is that the legal rights and benefits of a civil union are lesser than that of a marriage.

  26. 6:11 YES, it does, and so do they! Each other!

  27. Another example of the majority not having any rights.

  28. They do not believe what the bible says!
    That's the whole problem with our Country
    now----They're taking God out!


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