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Sunday, July 19, 2015

WCSO Needs Your Help!


On June 27, 2015 deputies were dispatched to the 10000 block of Riverton Road in Mardela Springs in reference to an alarm. The below photographs were captured via security cameras on the property.

Can you identify these people?


  1. The one in the white shirt looks a tattoo guy named John Smith. Last I knew, he lived in Delmar.

  2. The black gloves in July are sort of a giveaway regarding intent.

  3. Christopher Warren Parker

    1. That's who I thought it was too!

  4. you sure you don't mean John Doe? I mean, John Smith? Original.

  5. We have been begging for help on riverton rd . they will not patrol this area! The trailer park has turned hood. Robberies every night. High speeds and drunks! Dope deals every 15 minutes. One guy has a chop shop. Cops can't catch him after several tries. Find the Durango with Delaware tags and no muffler. That's who the one guy is. Lives in the trailer park. No help from the sheriff's. Gotta request for a cop and it has to be approved with over time. Wtf kinda crap is that? They know what's going on here! And the cops are working! Risking their lives. My neighbor had a guy trapped in the corn field after an attempt of burglary. Coos came and said no dog ,no way they were going in after him. The only dogs available are drug dogs. We need tracking dogs out here. Fruitland responded here the other week to chase a guy in the woods. Smdh. Steal from hear and go to the next road....wallertown rd to buy dope! I can't wait till my house sells and I can move away from this hell hole. Mardela Springs is a cesspool of crime ,drugs, and drunks. Not to mention all these kids who are gay! Something is in the water here!

    1. You might have a long wait for your house selling unless a drug dealer wants it because what good hearted person would buy it if the neighborhood is as you say?

  6. White t shirt guy lives in Oak Terrace. He drives a loud gold Dodge Durango with Delaware plates. Bastard stole my firewood. Get his dope dealing punk ass!

  7. Left click the photo to see it better. You can do it twice.

  8. 1:00 PM Now how do you think you are going to sell your house in the hood when not even you want to live there ??? Who in the world would want to live there then ??

  9. 6:30 same way all those homeowners in sby sell theirs. The slum lords will buy it!

  10. It was the guy from the trailer park. Someone said his name is Chris Parker. That's the same guy everyone sees around their houses before they're robbed or an attempt happens. He is a P.O.S. Ever since Bill sold that park it has turned to a criminal breeding ground. The County needs to tell her to get rid of the illegals that are holed up with one legal family. The dope dealer that fed ex delivers to. The black kid that curses everyone. And all the other trash they've brought in or face fines or have the county sieze that property. Something has to be done. I've lived her almost 20 years. And it's never been a problem before.

  11. 2 houses across trailer park bears watching closely

  12. I've got some dogs they can borrow. Eat that ass up. They better think twice where they go around mardela. Some of us don't need the police to take care of us around here.

  13. Looks like a few people have ID them. Any word on if they have been caught?

  14. Idiots. Criminals are never smart. It's daylight and they had to have seen the cameras.

  15. That road was intended to be scenic to drive down.

  16. The one guy across from the park is mouthy but I can't understand why the " bears" would be watching him. He is the community watch. That guy is always there making sure people are safe and checking on people who don't belong or are new. I think if the cops are watching him its because he tells them like it is and isn't scared of them. Typical of police. Mess with the people who will stand up to them!

  17. 12:53 do you live near here? If not shut your pie hole!


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