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Friday, July 03, 2015

Supreme Court Finally Makes A Ruling On Obama’s Birth Certificate In Landmark Decision

According to recent reports, the Alabama Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of President Obama, claiming that the Secretary of State in Alabama has no jurisdiction to look into the president’s eligibility. In a 7 to 2 vote, all birther arguments have been dismissed.

One of the seven who voted claimed that the position of Alabama’s Secretary of State is “a non-judicial office without subpoena power or investigative authority or the personnel necessary to undertake a duty to investigate a non-resident candidate’s qualification, even if such a duty could properly be implied.”



  1. The Supreme Court has ruled that an AMERICAN CITIZEN has no right to know the true qualifications/eligibility of the person who wants to be the guy with his finger on the world destruction trigger.
    An AMERICAN citizen has "no standing" in determining their "leader's"
    And you cheerleaders think you are actually "represented" by ANY branch of our government??
    Buy guns and ammo.
    The rest of you?
    Keep cheering.

  2. Imclain. This entire "birthers" BS has been an utter JOKE, created by the far right knowing their followers are too stupid to learn real facts (Same goes for the D cheerleaders too). This finally puts to rest all of the tax dollars that were going to such a BS cause.

  3. umm.

    it's just Alabama's Supreme Court.

    Any of you seen who's on that court?

  4. 10:50...obama brought this upon himself. Thats a fact.
    Want my REAL birth certificate? I get in in about 15 minutes. NOT some BULLS*T "record of birth", but the REAL one.
    And while we're all praising the biggest loser president of all time, ,who would rather 20 miles AND LIE than stand still and TELL THE TRUTH, please, please, please, please PLEASE tell us how he is not in jail over his use of a dead man's Social Security number?
    HOW did he get that? You and I are PROSECUTED for the same thing, but not a single Senator or Representative has said a thing? What he is doing is a BIG federal crime.
    Talk about stupid followers.......
    Get off your knees and wipe your mouth off....

  5. Oh yeah...one more important thing.....all those "wasted tax dollars" were spent BY OBAMA, sealing records, threatening litigation, and covering up his background information, like how did he go to school in Indonesia when AMERICANS weren't allowed to travel there, or how and why he registered as a "foreign exchange student" in order to attend college.
    obama wasted those precious dollars, not any "birthers".
    THEY spent their OWN money.
    You aren't aware of any of that???

  6. ALABAMA Supreme Court??? What do they have to do with anything?


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