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Friday, July 03, 2015

Everyone Who Changed Their Facebook Photos To Rainbow Just Got DUPED

Over a million people changed their facebook profile pictures to a rainbow filter in support of gay marriage.

New reports reveal that the “Celebrate Pride” tool may not have been the best idea…

According to Daily Mail, this tool was actually Facebook’s way of performing psychological testing on their users.

MIT network scientist Cesar Hidalgo wrote on Facebook yesterday. “The question is, how long will it take for people to change their profile pictures back to normal.”



  1. useful idiots.. hidden dangers of the rainbow.. look it up.. beware! you've been warned!!

  2. ANY of those photo apps for facebook are intrusive. Has nothing to do with the rainbow app, the creators of all of the photo editing apps get in your facebook.

  3. Exactly useful idiots who allow themselves to be dragged around by the nose. That and people who have identity problems and have to feel they belong to something anything. Or those who for whatever reason have a compelling need to show off and by doing this they feel it makes them look cool and with it or something.
    Doesn't surprise me Ireton felt compelled to jump on this band wagon and you know he certainly felt very proud of himself for doing so. He's one of those who isn't complete or comfortable with himself so he has to promote a group. This is a very very sad way to have to live your life. It's the same mentality gang members have.

  4. Jim Ireton was one of the first ones to jump on this band wagon. He is a militant, all in your face Homo, Left Wing Nut. He is crazy! I believe he will go off on the Right if he ever gets a gun in his hands.

  5. I wonder how many people were unfriended as a result of rainbow stupidity?

    1. I wonder how many people even noticed?

  6. So far, .00200% of facebook users have identified! wow.


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