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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Store Owner: Ariana Grande Spit On My Doughnuts And Lowered My Health Rating

Police and health officials are now investigating after security footage leaked earlier this week showing Ariana Grande and her boyfriend repeatedly licking the doughnuts a California shop.

The owner of Wolfee Donuts said the health department lowered his health rating after the incident.

“One of the trays, yeah, she was licking on them and the other trays, she spit on them,” Joe Marin said. “I got a ‘B’ today. I’ve been open for six years since 2009, and it’s always been an ‘A.'”



  1. He should sue her for his loss of product and business. If anyone had bought one and no one knew till after the fact would that not be a form of assault or poisoning? Who knows what disease they may be a carrier of! That is just sick of those two, they are mentally ill or degenerate. If that had been john smith he would be in jail...'celebrity privilage'!

  2. They should sue this little punk. Shes on video saying she hates America and Americans. Let the baker give her a reason to hate something.

  3. O.



    How will you wake up tomorrow, you poor thing.


  4. If she doesn't like America or Americans what is she doing here other than licking and spitting on doughnuts? Idiot child, go back to wherever you came from if it's so bad here - no one needs your stupid germs anyway.

  5. He should sue her. She is awful.

  6. Piece of hateful garbage.

    She needs to be deported, now. And her recording and concert contracts cancelled.

  7. Although she is not the brightest bulb in the box, she is a US citizen and entitled the the first amendment freedom of speech. Amazing how many people want their second amendment rights but are willing to deny others their first amendment rights.

  8. 8:47, free speech is not spitting on donuts. Give me a break.

  9. She can't be deported. She's from Florida. And she's a disgusting moron. A shame that she cancelled her MLB all star game appearance because of this. Would have LOVED to hear the reception she would have received.


  10. I smell the tantalizing aroma of a freshly baked lawsuit. Hope he takes her to the cleaners so she can't afford donuts. And they should bust her boyfriend as a conspirator and accomplice.

  11. She has been doing a lot of back peddling and apologizing the last few days. It is not working.


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