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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Be Careful On Rt. 50


  1. Great Work guys! Great to see you out there!

  2. time to generate the revenue, all they want is your money and they'll take it at the point of a gun! welcome to merica!


  3. Should the sirens be replaced by the ka-ching sound of a cash register on the patrol cars?

  4. Loving seeing them do their jobs!

  5. I am sorry, but isn't this what cops are supposed to be doing? Some people complain about how fast others drive and some complain that cops are pulling people over just to "make their quota." You can't have it both ways people. I tend to have a lead foot, but I do understand that if I get caught speeding it is my own fault. Take some responsibility people.

    1. No this isn't ! They can run radar while patrolling! And when patrolling also watch for criminal activity. This is them just posting up for revenue and being a hang out day for the boys. They get to laugh and flirt with the girls and talk about their outfits and skirts as they drive off. Officers! Get your asses out there and prevent crime! Go look for a criminal instead of wait for the working man!

  6. I am pretty sure they announced they would be conducting speed regulations in areas like Pittsville on their Facebook page, so can't say they didn't warn the locals...

    1. It's what time of year? How many cops you see grouped together running radar in the winter? It's not about the locals. It's about the people visiting and the states cut of their vacation.

  7. @3:08, get a grip. This is 100% a part of their jobs. How are they supposed to "prevent crime", if they could prevent crime we wouldn't need police officers. They are running radar because it is tourist season and they would rather rack up tickets for come here's then people who live here. Some people just complain to complain, not too sure why they shouldn't try to keep the roads safe for the million people that are traveling....

    1. If cops could prevent crime we wouldn't need police officers........ They are running radar because its tourist season .....
      Do you see how asinine your statement is? Of course we would still need cops if they prevent crime. And they can prevent crime. I think getting dealers openly selling on streets and dopers scooping places to rob and actually robbing people could be prevented with a stronger police presence. We need cops in the hoods! Not writing tickets!
      And what makes it better that they're hitting on tourist season? They're still using resources to generate money instead of being in the real problem areas preventing crime! I think that speeding people on RT 50 are less of a threat ad a gun toting dope dealer. The prostitutes infecting and spreading disease.

  8. 3:08 Glad you are not a cop. Sounds like you have an ethics problem! Hope you are an old married guy and not out on the dating scene you stalker. Plenty of crime gets enforced from these stopping teams. Get educated before you make such stupid comments. You are probably one of the disgruntled drivers they picked off for "probably doing nothing wrong."


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