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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Salon Says Alex Jones’ Anti-PC Rants Could Get Gay People Murdered

This is why Salon is a complete laughing stock.

Salon’s Bob Cesca says that Alex Jones’ rants about the media being obsessed with political correctness could lead to gay people being murdered.

In a piece posted yesterday, Cesca accuses Jones of being a “libertarian homophobe” for not fully embracing the recent Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, before directly suggesting that the radio host’s criticism of the left’s fixation with LGBT issues could lead to violent extremists going out and murdering gays and transgenders.

“Seriously speaking, it’s eliminationist rhetoric like this that gets people killed,” writes Cesca.


1 comment:

  1. the muslim community has some good points, cutting a hand off for stealng,stoned to death for adultery and deaths to all gays,including transgenders,because it is immoral and negative to a normal society most muslims in this country,i believe, are here to better themselves their minority members are trying to disrupt the country as is the black panthers and kkk the prison sentences handed down are not enough to deter the crime in this country let's crack down on lawbreakers,no matter what the age


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