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Sunday, July 12, 2015

O’Malley Defends Sanctuary Cities After San Francisco Illegal Immigrant Murder

In a statement Friday, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley defended sanctuary cities in the aftermath of the death of Kate Steinle, who was murdered in San Francisco by an illegal immigrant who was deported five times previously.

“It’s lamentable that the senseless and tragic act of violence that occurred in San Francisco is prompting a rush to judgment and finger pointing: we can and should do better,” O’Malley said in the statement.

“Local governments should not be blamed for the Federal Government’s inability to fix our broken immigration system nor should they be held responsible for doing the Federal Government’s job,” he added.



  1. I think we ALL heard enough about this loser. He has a better chance of getting pregnant than winning the WH.

  2. Blooming idiot.

  3. What a complete idiot.

  4. He should move to California and replace Nancy Pelosi when she retires. Both are nut bags.

  5. He would defend them. He creaTED ONE OF THE FIRST.

  6. Of course he does. He is a clueless moron of the highest magnitude.

  7. the problem is..the blame rest directly on United States federal government! this whole situation is absurd. MD and you are breaking the LAW! O mally you need to be in jail. You and your communist buddies are taking resources away from my family, american families. Let them get in line legally.

  8. He could care less if they kill women as long as they vote Democrat.

  9. 11:36

    Nothing more left to say. You hit the nail squarely on its head.

  10. Note that he allowed Obama to settle some of these people in Maryland and we taxpayers are paying for it. You can also thank Mikulski and Cardin who also supported Obama and the illegals living on your hard earned dollars.

  11. He was pushing the removal of the Naval Jack and supports sanctuary cities. That is normal from a Liberal Socialist. Does anyone realize he made Maryland a sanctuary State and Baltimore a sanctuary city. O'Monkey started giving Illegals drivers license and registers them to vote in Maryland.


  12. Each time this idiot opens his piehole more predictable nonsense and cant spill forth.

    Why not run for Mare of Charm City again if he's so smart?

    His legacy is a broken city and a broken state.

  13. meanwhile Pelosi delivers Billions from States who do not condone Illegals to pay for San Francisco's vanity.

    Taking from those who abhor their behavior and doling it out as if they are Santa Claus ... is a specialty with the group of criminals in DC

  14. This moron has completely come unhinged! What a stupid statement to make. Just watch, he'll try to walk it back when the outrage starts showing up. His mind is just so twisted and sick, his entire character is lacking any moral or ethical fiber.

    Maybe he would change his tune if his kids or wife were the people who were killed but I doubt it. He is all about himself and what will benefit him and promote him.

    Whatever his mental illness is called, he should be removed off the streets because this man is a danger to others.

  15. Can't he be fed to the sharks?

  16. Not nice 7:07. What did a shark do to deserve that?


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