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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Caption This Photo 7-11-15


  1. There's always going to be a "want to be" Uncle Tom in the mist. So please, don't get happy about this ridiculous photo.

  2. It's not the flag , it's the crazy liberal people.

  3. Thank you for serving our Country

  4. 12:32--how about instead...

    'Sorry you felt you had to serve against our country.'

    Confederate soldiers did not serve our country, they served the Confederate States of America. Which is not our country.

  5. He and many other blacks understand the "true" meaning of the confederate flag. 11:44 you're education is lacking.

  6. "Sir... No matter how mis-guided your beliefs may have been at the time, your sacrifice - your ultimate sacrifice - was not in vain. The union did not perish from the earth, and gave many people - ALL people - the opportunity to live as one in America. For that, I thank you."

  7. 1:24 I am astonished that a liberal can use a collective noun that is inclusive to all of us... Too bad it was just the usual Demagoguery... you people think you are clever because you own the Judicial Branch... you are still bigoted even if a Judge says you are not

  8. Honor bestowing Honor! I don't know who or where this is, but please accept my thanks for demonstrating to all of us that honor knows no skin color or race.

  9. Why is everyone so stupid about this? it was a time in the history of our country. You nor any white, black or any other color can change it. Move on and concentrate on something that matters. The last I heard this is still a free country. Let people mourn and pay their respect as they wish.

  10. Anonymous said...
    There's always going to be a "want to be" Uncle Tom in the mist. So please, don't get happy about this ridiculous photo.

    July 11, 2015 at 11:44 AM

    Chuck Cook you racist Pig!!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    12:32--how about instead...

    'Sorry you felt you had to serve against our country.'

    Confederate soldiers did not serve our country, they served the Confederate States of America. Which is not our country.

    July 11, 2015 at 1:24 PM

    Think what you want Douche Bag!! Many people wish we were still the CSA.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Sir... No matter how mis-guided your beliefs may have been at the time, your sacrifice - your ultimate sacrifice - was not in vain. The union did not perish from the earth, and gave many people - ALL people - the opportunity to live as one in America. For that, I thank you."

    July 11, 2015 at 3:48 PM


    1. Huh?? I could go into detail, but let me state it simply for you: The words of President Lincoln: "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
      1. The Confederates fought to the death for his beliefs.
      2. They lost.
      3. The Union survived.

      That act of courage in itself deserves praise and recognition.
      Is there any belief(s) that you hold dear that you would be willing to die for today? I think not.

  13. Thousands of blacks served the Confederacy and for that I thank them for their service.

    1. They served the confederation because they had no other choice. But, they were smart enough to serve in the confederate and help the union defeat the South and shut down the institution of slavers. They serve the confederate for their name sake for freedom for all men women and children.

  14. They say this flag is offensive, but we know it's not because it represents the bravery of all blacks and whites who held it while marching forward on the battlefield for all our rights. How sad my friend they are so willing to forget our history and diminish your bravery.

  15. The problem was never the flag, we have succeeded in allowing a murderer to change our whole history out of ignorance. I have stated before on here most black men that fought in the Civil War fought on the side of the confederates they were proud of that flag and what it represented. We have allowed ignorance to tear down what we had and believed in.

  16. 3:43
    You quote Lincoln. Did you also know that once Lincoln freed the slaves he wanted them ALL shipped back to where they came from. Look it up. That was his plan. He got shot before he could see it through.

  17. There's always going to be a "want to be" Uncle Tom in the mist. So please, don't get happy about this ridiculous photo.

    July 11, 2015 at 11:44 AM

    You are an idiot. I believe you meant to say "in the midst". Not "in the mist" because that obviously makes no sense. Blacks served in the Confederate Army, and it's likely this reenactor is honoring an ancestor.


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