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Sunday, July 26, 2015

O’Malley Apologizes For Saying ‘All Lives Matter’

Former Maryland Gov. and Democratic Party presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, along with fellow candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, were shouted off stage at the Netroots Nation conference in Phoenix, Ariz., Saturday.O’Malley’s offense was saying, “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter.”

O’Malley has now apologized for including “white lives matter, all lives matter” in his statement.

The Black Lives Matter movement on the extreme progressive left does not tolerate inclusion of all lives, or any other lives when it comes to mattering.



  1. When will we start this civil uprising against the radical blacks and those that are chicken $hit that agree with them , All Lives matter.

  2. White guilt? Maybe just a political faux pas. Either way - all lives do matter. He should not have apologized for that. This will cost him.

  3. Spineless jellyfish. And you fools elected him Governor!

  4. If omalley had a backbone he would dismiss the jerks for what they are.
    when someone says black lives matter you immediately know they are a liar. Black lives only matter when blacks can attach a racial agenda to it.
    In Baltimore last month a 7 year old child had a gun placed point blank to his head by another black, who then pulled the trigger resulting in the child's brains being blown out and the so called activists utter not one word about this.
    The black culture has sunk so low into the cesspool of incivility and this is why they are seeing the up sweep in violent crime and murders within their communities.
    Their own youth aren't fooled by them. The youth know the black lives matter chant is a lie and this is why they are killing each other off in record numbers.

  5. It is unfortunate that the "Black Lives Matter" movement is so inwardly focused so as to be actually racist against all other cultures!

    This selfish attitude is what is causing the division in this country - and as can be seen by former governor O'Malley's statement, not coming from the 'non-blacks'. He should not have to apologize for including everyone - they should get off their high horse and apologize for excluding everyone else!

    All if the 'black' organizations need to be outlawed - or allow organizations such as NAAWP, UWCF, WIG - along with tolerating the KKK, White Supremacists, and American Nazi Party organizations!

  6. Don't care what he does. Loser.

  7. "The Black Lives Matter movement on the extreme progressive left does not tolerate inclusion of all lives, or any other lives when it comes to mattering."

    And so, he rolled over and apologized.




  8. Black lives are not the only lives that matter. Have some guts owemalley and speak the truth instead of bowing down to black racist rants.

  9. What a coward already backing down. And you would vote for a person that won't stand up for all people,just a select few. Who discides which life matters?

  10. It's possible O'Malley would be even worst than Obama when it comes to foreign policy. How could O'Malley stand up to world leaders like Putin when he can't even stand up to a relatively small group right here in America that is obviously on the wrong side of an issue. O'Malley is really a total loser.

  11. O'Malley is a complete moron and voted into office and supported by morons.

  12. Marty you idiot. You just cost yourself 20% of your base. What a moron. You were right all lives matter.

  13. Isn't the statement "Black Lives Matters" prejudice itself! This is so damn ridiculous quote and so idiotic conversation. What the hell has America come to??!! A bunch of wussies!!

    Screw all of them and run this damn country like the forefathers have!!

  14. Yes he should not have backed down for that comment. I'm sure that the
    Netroots Nation conference in Phoenix, Ariz was bought and paid for by that billionaire foreigner, that is funding all this turmoil.

  15. That makes him a pos in my book.

  16. His first mistake, as was Hillary's, was attending one of their self-aggrandizing conventions to begin with. There is nothing a white person can say, other than to grovel and pray and parrot their words.

    F them.

  17. another wussy catering to the left he wants those votes,something he will not get out of marylanders who ever listens to and agrees with him is a fool,as he is

  18. He is a spineless pandering fool.

  19. so true...so spineless!

  20. He will say whatever he thinks will get him elected!

  21. Just proves he is spineless and that he will lie to anyone so he can get votes. He couldn't care less about any lives except his own; which is totally worthless. If he had a soul, he has already sold it to prostitute himself for votes.

    Now if anyone had any doubts about him HE has shown himself a liar, cheat, and will say and do anything for a vote. LOSER

    Killary and otaxie two losers playing kissy face on the circuit.

  22. spineless liberal!!!

  23. That "Black Lives Matter" crap sounds extremely racist to me, a white person who says "All Lives Matter", PERIOD.

  24. The country is getting exposed to Maryland's worst governor. If he runs on his record as governor, that alone should disqualify him. A complete idiot and his arrogance I think exceeds Obama's. He is totally clueless and out of touch with reality. No one of sound mind and rational thinking would ever vote for this Bozo. O'Malley and Trump are clowns of this campaign, they are both entertaining because you can't wait for the next boneheaded comment they will make next.


  25. Yo, OweMalley....Thanks for telling me my life doesn't matter. I'll return the favor during the primary. Badwords Badwords Idiot!


  26. An idiot appearing before idiots in order to appeal to idiots. But one cannot reason with a mob.

  27. He needs to recind the apology!

  28. where did it get to the point in this country that just black lives matter i am not a politician,so i don't have to please anyone but myself and yes all lives matter whether you be white,brown,black or yellow if i have one of my friends over that is someone other than caucasian you will not only offend him,you offend me so bring a gun i have mine

  29. So is he in fact saying that his life, his family members lives don't matter because they are white?


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