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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Omaha man arrested for burning gay pride flag, resisting arrest

OMAHA, Neb. —An Omaha man was arrested after police said he stole a gay pride flag and burned it in front of a family's home on Saturday

Cameron Mayfield, 23, is charged with felony arson and resisting arrest.

"(The flag) is very near and dear to our hearts, and important to us," Jess Meadows-Anderson said. "We're not going to be intimidated."

It took Omaha police about 45 minutes to track down and arrest Mayfield. He's currently in Douglas County Corrections.



  1. Give that man a medal.

  2. This is gonna get real ugly.

  3. Let me get this straight. So it's ok to burn an American flag because it's freedom of speech, but you get arrested for burning a gay flag. The arrest must have been for theft and vandalism.

  4. The idiot that made the GAY flag should be arrested.

  5. 1:43 lol I agree with you. No one really cares when people do this to the American Flag.

  6. Can I ask why? He went on someone's private property, stole something from them and burned it. Now personally what two people do in the privacy of their bedroom or home has nothing to do with me, so I could care less. This man violated private property and for his foolishness is now locked up. If you are not a gay person why care what they do in the privacy of their own home? As long as I don't have to be involved they can do what they want.....a metal for this person I think not.......jail....yes

    1. Well thanks to you and all the ones who said " what you do in your own bedroom is on you" have ruined it. Now they are in your face not in the bedroom and you still punk out. Liberal donkey.

  7. Destruction of someone's personal property is never legal.
    If you stole and burned someone's American flag it would be the same crime.

  8. All it was : Just burning the trash. Cleaning up the trash..no big deal. MEDAL FOR RUBBISH REMOVAL.

  9. he stole the flag and burned it on someone else property, therefore a crime

  10. I have a neighbor who flies a confederate flag, you fools think it would be ok for me to steal it and then burn it?

  11. 1:57 Some valid points however after arrest for trespassing, and theft he should be given a medal for burning the gay flag.

  12. that black girl is being heiled as a hero for stealing the confederate flag.

    either you enforce the laws evenly or the citizens will revolt. its really that simple.

  13. 2:38 She did get arrested, with a bail set. Slob Moore offered to pay her bail.

    I wish we could all go back to the day where you could shoot someone who entered your property without invitation. Would put a halt to these trolls seeking their 15 minutes of youtube fame.

  14. that 'black girl' as you call her was arrested

  15. Felony arson? Lmao. I'd earned that charge if I was him and burned the couple.

  16. im aware she was arrested, but the entire left side believes she is a hero. they also believe burning the american flag is freedom of speech. my point is they are demonizing this guy for the exact same thing they are touting with this black girl.

  17. BURN BABY BURN...BURN ALL THOSE INMORAL FLAGS...They need to be banned as I find them Offensive. but what I as an American does not matter no more as we do not live in America no more so deal with it as this may be our next flag for us once one of these sick @##@!$ become President...Just watch and see.

  18. It is a federal offense to desecrate the American Flag, a law that seems to be forgotten.
    The destruction of a 'rainbow' flag? If the American Flag is allowed to be stomped on, burned, and treated with disrespect, why is there any difference?

  19. I find the rainbow flag more offensive than the confederate flag. If the confederate flag is banned so should the gay flag be banned. That's only fair, right liberals? Let me guess, only your views are politically correct therefore what I and MILLIONS of others in this country want does not matter.
    Well it does matter and you will see the backlash.

  20. And all Isis flags need to be waswas flags! Along with the black kitten party's Flag! Ban all flags! No more freedom of speech anymore screw it. No flags no feelings! I mean isn't this what it's all about? A bunch of baby sheep's feelings? Gotta let the flock stop and have their way once in awhile.

  21. 4:14 Huh? Stop drinking and writing.

    1. You don't get it? Lmao. Is is and was was . present tense and past tense? Man you people gotta look outside the box once in awhile! Good one 4:37!

  22. I don't condone stealing personal property On private land that's free speech..however the rainbow is the true symbol of hatred bigotry racism and ignorance a satanic symbol that should be eliminated if the confederate flag goes....the rainbow gay symbol offends me.

  23. "(The flag) is very near and dear to our hearts, and important to us,"

    And the battle flag of the Confederacy doesn't deserve the same consideration? WTF? I just can't understand the moronic logic.

  24. If it was a Confederate Battle Flag or an American flag it wouldn't be an issue.

    If that is the flag in question then whoever made it or is flying it should be arrested for desecrating the U.S. Flag!

  25. all flags offend me except the jolly roger! Now that's a cool idea. each man for himself!

  26. stolen is the operative word here

  27. The rainbow, one of the most beautiful of creations, has been stolen from nature's morality to symbolize an act that never occurs within nature's endless boundaries., except for the human animal. The beauty of the rainbow has been violated unredeemingly by a puny cabal of degenerate human animals., that folks, is what is offensive.

  28. Have to stop electing career politicians. They have screwed us long enough.


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