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Monday, July 06, 2015

Obama Leaves God Out of Independence Day Address

President Barack Obama marked the 239th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence with his annual video tribute to America, but some people noticed something he didn't say.

"Obama left out any mention of God in his recent address," wrote Gateway Pundit. "Instead, this year, he chose to end his speech with a very politically correct, 'Thanks, everybody. From my family to yours, have a safe and happy Fourth of July.'"

References to God have been fading over the past two years. Obama ended his 2013 Independence Day address with the typical presidential closing, "So, God bless you all. And may God bless The United States of America."

In 2014, he shortened it to simply, "God bless you all."



  1. He is a Godless animal.

  2. He is a God-less man - this mooslime wants nothing to do with the values this country was founded upon - and has done everything he can to move us away from the wonderful direction we were once headed!

    Would the HildaBeast have been worse? That's the question facing us right now as she is positioning herself to be coronated queen by the dumbocrat party and subsequently elected because too few of us that want the country back on track are willing to compromise to an acceptable conservative candidate!

    Wake up America!

  3. Its the fundamental change he promised. Its over. Draw the curtain. It was beautiful while it lasted but the libs have destroyed the nation. We can only put it back together after it has a new foundation put under it. One built on personal liberty and individual responsibility.

  4. 9:21 Nail meet hammer!

    I don't see why everybody is whining.

    The People voted for that twit, even AFTER he said the things about fundamentally changing the country.

    I'm still waiting for his civilian army to come knocking. I guess that's what this "Jade Helm" thing is all about.

    He should have been laughed out of the country by now.

    What's even worse, I was at Seacrets last week and saw a bunch of mindless drones drinking the Mathias kool-aid. I felt sorry for them in a way, but then, I just wanted to gather them all up and ship them to Cuba.

  5. He believes he is God.

  6. In 2016, it will be "God help you all".

  7. May God cease his existence!


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