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Monday, July 06, 2015

Military and U.S. Agents Patrolling Texas Streets Asking Mysterious Questions

In the first video below, you’ll learn that there seems to be some developments on the DHS and FEMA Mobile Command Centers we spotted in Texas last week at a Federal Express Terminal.

In the second video is footage of when the Mobile Command Centers first showed up. When we first inquired, we were told the units were just there for storage, yet less than a week later, the Command Centers are driving the streets of Texas, and squads of agents are are going door-to-door asking residents about storm damage. D.H.S.? Storm Damage? I don’t think so. Worse, is these agents are asking in areas that have not been hit by storms. What are these agents really doing? Why are they going door-to-door?




  1. you know damn well what they are doing, they are gathering Intel on you people.. Soon they will snatch you up... Laugh all you want, but I suggest you laugh at those white vans that are going by snatching people up...

    The other funny note is, if the govt tells you it is a training exercise and it goes live, how will you know? you won't and that is what you should be scared of... Oh and don't forget the NDAA and such along with that... I guess you can laugh at that to when you get snatched up right?

    Oh you won't be harmed or affected right? until you are!!!!!

  2. A friend called and said he was asked if he owned guns, and if he did, how did he feel about registering them. Was also asked if he stockpiles ammunition, food and water. Not good at all!

  3. MIB agents in non black attire.I know.My cousin is an MIB.He's always ticked off because his supervisors have he and his co workers doing all sorts of jobs that are not in his job description,but he's just happy to have a job.

  4. it's sad we have many Americans who will "just follow orders."

    I will just follow orders too.

    Only they come from the Constitution.

  5. My uncle "Just followed Orders" in WW II and they won't let him immigrate to America.

  6. need more tin foil in aisle 9!

  7. Nothing to hide right? It's ok to answer questions when you've done nothing wrong. You'll be in your way. The government is here to help you ,keep you safe! Baaaaaing baaaaaa baaaa. From local Leos to this! Don't answer questions! Questions mean your in an investigation! Period. Anything you say will be used against you. Intelligence gathering!

  8. They're in Fruitland, too. At the St. Lukes Rd end of Moonglow Rd and the Meadow Bridge Rd end, too. Stopping everyone and asking questions. WTF is going on?


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