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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Liberal Journalism At Its Best

That local freebie rag is at it again. I knew they'd only play nice with Bob Culver once and then go on the attack again.

You have to give credit where credit is due though. When it comes to the Henry Parker Ball Fields and the land the City and County had agreed to exchange, Mayor Jim Ireton is absolutely correct. 

However, (as usual) there's a major twist to the story that has been told. Unfortunately, no matter how you look at it, Culver looks like a fool. Or should I say, he's been made a fool.

It seems one evening Wayne Strausburg, (known for his evening outings at local pubs) decided to take it upon himself to leave a message of Tom Stevenson's answering  machine flat out stating the County wanted nothing to do with the deal. I'm paraphrasing.

When Culver was confronted by the rag paper, he had no clue this phone call had happened. Very slick there Greg! 

Culver's intentions have always been to move forward with the agreement and this is not the first time Strausburg has done something like this to embarrass Culver. Nevertheless, Culver continues to keep Strausburg on staff and Culver needs to own up to his decisions. 

So in the end, it is what it is. Me personally, I'd fire Strausburg today and move on to greener pastures. He's a hot head who is probably popping blood pressure pills by the dozen as he reads this article. I've never been a fan of Wayne and I have no clue why Culver continues to keep ANYONE from Pollitt's old executive office staff. 


  1. Culver will never learn, Joe! How long has he been in the office and this can't be the first time he has been made a fool of.

  2. The posted picture shows who's in charge and it ain't Culver. Too funny!

  3. You are correct about one thing, Culver looks and acts like a fool. He should have never forced Gary Mackes into retirement. Gary's connections and his economic plan for the County revenue streams were well thought out and would have had a long term and robust revenue stream attached. Unfortunately no one now has those relationships and connections to continue. You can say bye bye to USSSA.

    1. That's funny because they are playing in Willards at the ball park there, so things can't be all that bad with USSSA...at least all the hotels in Willards are booked! (Sic)

  4. Bob,
    I am a highly intelligent, creative and hardworking woman. I will do the job better, faster and with less drama than Wayne. And for 1/2 the salary. I will work in the best interests of the taxpayers and the County Executive.
    Reply if you are interested.

  5. Culver would be wise to swallow his pride, eat some crow and beg Gary Mackes to return.

  6. Bob, I support you and your efforts, however you are being made to look like a fool with Strausburg working against you behind your back. Please do the right thing and dismiss Strausburg from his position. It looks like he's in charge instead of you! Surround yourself with people who support you and that you trust. Strausburg cannot be trusted.

  7. Good Luck 11:58. I don't know you but I can tell from your comment you would be better than either employee in Culvers office. I hope you get the call.

  8. Culver "retired" Mackes for one reason and one reason, only out of vindictiveness. It was because Mackes didn't show Culver support with his Mother's situation. Period!

  9. Culver showed he wasn't suited for this job from the first day in office. He is not learning from his on the job training.
    He will last one term, if he's lucky. People are not pleased at all.

  10. Culver doesn't have to pay Mackes as a rehire. Mackes is already pulling the strings. Mackes has Creamer, Strausburg, Morris and Wisk in place doing his deeds. Bob is just showing how dumb he really is ignoring the situation.

  11. 12:14 I don't think he will last a term. Strausburg will do him in with the help from Mackes and Creamer.

  12. I think it is a toss up. Some like him and others think he lacks leadership.in my opinion he was fallen under the same spell as Pollitt. His job has been made easier by allowing others do it for him.

  13. I'm sorry I gave him my vote. He didn't want the job, he needed the $85,000 salary.

  14. Who is talking in the picture? It isn't Culver, it is Strausburg with Mackes words spewing from his mouth. Wake up Culver.

  15. Strausberg is a pompous, ignorant ass that is FULL of himself.

  16. I wish Gov. Hogan was well so he could help Bob with this situation. I think he is scared. We are supporting you Gov. Hogan. Get Well, please. You are the best thing that has happened to MD in forever.

  17. I saw on Facebook that a Bill Duck called Culver out for lying. Is Bill Duck a real name?

  18. I had hopes for a much different outcome with the last election. How wrong could I have been.

  19. Strausburg is running the show Bob Culver, grow a backbone and fire him before he makes you look dumber! When Pollitt was in there he didn't care that Strausburg ran the show cause he didn't want to do it himself, Bob you have to better than that and start doing the job WE elected you to do, Please! We like you very much don't let us down!

  20. Yes, Bill Duck is a real name. He likes to slam local politicians because he doesn't have the guts to run for office himself. His best buddy is the worthless Chuck Cook

  21. Joe, I was surprised that you exposed this report but I admire you for doing the right thing. Thanks for your good reporting. I know you supported Culver and probably still do but this needed to be published on your site where the people go for the facts.

  22. OK, I just read the article online in the Independent. So who is dishonest in the executive's office. Even I realize someone has lied. Is it Strausburg whose message as printed sounds harsh and angry? Or is it Sharon Morris, who said the county is in fact still interested? Then we have a second handed reported conversation between Stevenson and the Executive where it is reported Culver is uninterested in the land. So, was the intent to retaliate against the Mayor or was the intent to make Culver look foolish or is there no intent at all? Whatever, the whole crowd is as lame as they come. I am a disgusted taxpayer.

  23. Bill Duck is his real name. He's a dyed in the wool Democrat. Nothing that comes out of a Republican's mouth is truth to him.

  24. Clean house I say! Top to bottom.

    1. Spoken like someone who has no clue. Yes Bob make this an even bigger disaster you do nothing Executive fire more experienced people. Where are the jobs you promised Bob?? Bet Bobs pals get those jobs. Joe you need to call this do nothing out.

  25. This needs to stay at top please.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You are correct about one thing, Culver looks and acts like a fool. He should have never forced Gary Mackes into retirement. Gary's connections and his economic plan for the County revenue streams were well thought out and would have had a long term and robust revenue stream attached. Unfortunately no one now has those relationships and connections to continue. You can say bye bye to USSSA.

    July 14, 2015 at 11:58 AM

    LMAO!! Are you smoking dope again?

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Culver would be wise to swallow his pride, eat some crow and beg Gary Mackes to return.

    July 14, 2015 at 12:01 PM

    I see Gary Mackes has been trolling since he was fired. LOL

    Quit posting on this blog and go find a job!

  28. Anonymous said...
    I saw on Facebook that a Bill Duck called Culver out for lying. Is Bill Duck a real name?

    July 14, 2015 at 12:57 PM

    Bill Duck is a real name and he is a County Employee through the Wicomico County Board of Education.

  29. Anonymous said...
    I saw on Facebook that a Bill Duck called Culver out for lying. Is Bill Duck a real name?

    July 14, 2015 at 12:57 PM

    Copy screen print it.

  30. Bill Duck, Josh Hastings, Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Chris Demone, Jake Day, Sarah Rayne, Julia Glanz, Laura Mitchell. All in the Democrat circle and they hate Republicans.

  31. to 11:58 (must be you, Gary) and other Mackes supporters...

    If Mackes was such a great leader, why would, according to you, everything fall apart when he left. Effective leaders create an organization that isn't dependent on them. Succession plans are in place. Point people are established for various projects. I'm sure that is how most successful leaders run their organizations. Including some of the business leaders who support Mackes. It begs the question as to whether they understand how he operates or whether they are caught up in his "cult of personality" that he likes to spin.

    Gary wasn't/isn't an effective leader. He had his "pets", who were only pets because they sucked up to his control freak, narcissistic demands. There are many employees and volunteers who have felt the lash of his sarcastic, nasty remarks. He was not well liked, especially by employees. Also, there is a history of HR complaints against Mackes being covered up, dating back years. That is a FACT and lots of current and former employees know it.

    If he truly cared about this County more than his own personal reputation and advancement, no relationships should be in jeopardy, because relationships would have been with the County as a whole - not just with the likes of Mackes.

    Before you talk about Wisk as Mackes' "groomed" heir apparent. The majority of the employees don't like him either. He has a lot of Mackes bad traits. Culver was duped once again by Strasburg and Morris into appointing Wisk acting department head. Culver went against everything he claimed to stand for on that one. Score one for the Strasburg/Morris team.

  32. Culver started out strong when he led everyone to believe he was going to clean house. BTW, didn't we vote for change? Wasn't he voted in because he was going to fix things?

    Now all I see and hear is that it is business as usual in the Executive's office. Same people running the show. One hand not knowing what the other hand is doing. Contradicting each other. Complete clown show.

    That isn't change to me. He's not Bob the Builder, he's Bob the Blunder.

  33. I think Dill Buck is the problem and Cook's Chock is helping him.

  34. Mr. Culver, consider this.

    Rick Pollitt turned things over to Wayne and Sharon and he was voted out of office.

    Seems to me, the public doesn't care for Wayne and Sharon's advice. They voted for you because you weren't going to be an empty suit.

    So, now YOU'VE turned things over to Wayne and Sharon.

    What lies ahead for you? Same fate as Rick Pollitt. You'll be out of a job.

  35. Dear 2:43 and 2:45, I quite sure you are the same person as no two people could possibly post such utter ignorance within minutes of each other. I am by no means Gary Mackes or even a friend of Gary Mackes, what I do know is that his forced retirement by Culver was born out of spite and vindictiveness on Culver's part and will be marked as the beginning of the end of much hard work and relationship building between Mackes and Bill Dowell of the USSSA. You're likely one of the lemmings on this blog that cry for more employment opportunities and for more businesses to move to Wicomico County. Yes, you whine about nearly every business that closes and chirp about how the economy on the Eastern Shore is in decline. You have no idea and don't want to know or acknowledge haw truly valuable a person like Gary Mackes was to the County economy. Just wait and see, you never know how much you have lost until it's gone. Instead of the USSSA bringing more Softball Tournaments, adding Baseball, Soccer and Lacrosse tournaments to this area bringing nearly year round positive economic impact to the County, the USSSA will be soon packing up and leaving for good. Do you have any idea how many towns and counties around the country bid on this stuff? Thousands. So say so long USSSA and keep your head firmly planted in the Eastern Shore sand.

  36. Joe, Culver's f-ed up team handed this to Ireton on a silver platter. I don't blame Ireton for exploiting it.

    Interesting that he tapes phone calls. Is the caller told they are being recorded? Legality issue?

    Whether Strousburg was drinking or not really doesn't matter in this instance. Call was unprofessional drunk or sober. Maybe it is worse if he was so sober because it points out his anger management issues ONCE AGAIN.

  37. Culver is a fool if he thinks ANY media is his friend. If anyone needed a PIO, it's him. He just can't keep his mouth shut.

    Example - it was reported he turned his restaurant over to his kids. Then he is quoted as saying HE missed the lease renewal deadline for the place because he was involved in the county budget.

    1. Was he lying when he said he turned restaurant over his kids? If he did turn it over, then his kids missed the deadline, not him.

    2. How stupid of the man who was elected to run this county to say he missed the lease deadline for his own business. While he may think it made him seem dedicated to county business, to most of us it made him look stupid and questioned his ability to run the county if he can't manage his own business.

    He is not the person I thought I was voting for.

  38. Culver listens to all the wrong people, Strasburg, Ennis, Wisk and a few others. Culver is failing miserably.

  39. I agree with the person who wished Hogan would get involved. Culver needs help in understanding how to run a county government and how to recruit top level staff. What a joke if he thinks he has it in that pair he's got now. What is Morris' background? A former bank teller who was promoted along for EEO reasons. And Strasberg. Supposed MBA from Morgan State. Ran English Company into the ground.

    Morris wants 2 more years added to her retirement package and 'Berg wants to reach 5 years. Culver will let them have it. Appalling.

  40. joe bob is a FOOl for not firing him ASAP.

  41. 3:49. I totally agree. Ridiculous and yet when on council, Culver was opposed to such things.

  42. 3:29 - your comments are an indictment of the staff Mackes left behind. Are they not able to continue on with that relationship? The esteemed Mr. Mackes should have done a better job of hiring competent people who could maintain the level of expertise he created. YOU must feel Wisk isn't up to the job. That must give him tons of motivation.

    Wake up! No one keeps a job for life, which apparently is what you wanted Mackes to do. Forty or so years is enough for anyone. GARY MACKES FAILED THIS COUNTY IF HIS DEPARTMENT CAN'T KEEP USSSA HERE. The job is NEVER about one man.

  43. Ed Urban needs to help Rec & Parks if the employees can't get the job done. Ed cares about this county and understands sports.

  44. The Governor uses common sense and good judgment. He is an excellent communicator with a fantastic communications team. Culver has none of the above. His "administrators" are not helping him. They are hurting him. The fact that he doesn't get that, shows just how over his head he is.

  45. Look out Joe. Wayne will be calling you next!!! ROFLMAO

  46. Dear Greg Bassett, How many comments do you have on this topic on your Website? Enough said.

  47. I've seen Strausberg angry to many times. His face turns bright red. In fact it was red today.

  48. 3:29 - what a way to demoralize an entire department! If your remarks are true, Mackes' legacy will be he didn't run a sound, talented department who could CARRY ON his legacy. With friends like you.....

  49. I'd like to know what is going on in that office that Strausburg and Morris aren't on the same page. One of them is out of the loop and needs to keep their trap shut. When you provide a "win" for Ireton, you are really screwing up.

  50. To the person trying to claim Bob's Son got a job with the County, STOP LYING! It is not true and I have confirmed such.

  51. Oh, and quit sending in your own comments Mackes.

  52. 4:29 - my thoughts exactly. If Mackes is all that his friends say he is, would he leave behind incompetent people who can't continue what he started? Whoever the original poster is (3:29), you have no faith in the abilities of Gary's "lieutenants" as he liked to call them. Are you really a friend of his or not? A true friend would be saying Gary nurtured and developed a talented team. Apparently "Gary's friends" think he was a one man band. If so, shame on Mackes for not doing his job as Department Head.

  53. You can't handle the truth Albero can you? These comments are not coming from Gary Mackes, they are coming from a person or persons that know quite a bit about the situation. I invite you to try to get an audience with Bill Dowell of the USSSA. You think you have any influence around this County, go ahead and try. Truth is Mackes was the only one that could keep and expand that gravy train. The USSSA is gone and you can thank Culver, yourself and morons in this County like you. You, Culver and other small minds in this County have ad it a laughing stock with no integrity or honor. So make the call big man, just hope your fragile ego can take the blunt rejection.

  54. He has been warned and warned.

  55. 6:49, Thanks for the laugh Gary. I mean, whomever you are.

  56. Let us know how that call goes.

  57. 6:49-so you are saying the deal with USSSA was only with Mackes and really NOT Wicomico County. So by Mackes retiring, Culver, Albero and the "rest of the morons in this County" have screwed the deal? HOW??? And, pray tell, what have Culver, Albero and the morons done to make Wicomico County THAT different since Gary left in December?

    I would offer that most sports franchises and deals don't hinge on the involvement of one person, but on a package of things. I'm sure Andy Wisk, Wayne Strausburg and yes, Bob Culver, are doing all they can to maintain and grow the event. Albero will certainly do his job promoting it as he does all county events.

    Wicomico County, Rec & Parks and Tourism are all bigger than one man. Don't make Mackes out to be some kind of irreplaceable savior. I give Gary more credit than wanting to be viewed that way.

    You just sound like a bitter sore loser. Not an attractive quality nor showing sportsmanship.

    Check yourself before you starting calling others morons and small minded.

  58. I'm sure no one here particularly you Albero or Culver are aware the USSSA contact is year to year. That means it is not guaranteed for next year or any year past this year. Mackes was working on and had nearly completed a 10 year deal that included 6 more softball tournaments, 5 baseball tournaments, 4 soccer tournaments and some lacrosse tournaments. The deal for the additional tournaments were contingent on the Henry Parker expansion as well as some upgrades to Fruitland athletic complex and the expansion of the Fruitland Falcon complex. Gary put it together with his vision and the trust in him by Bill Dowell and the USSSA. Those are the facts and another fact is the USSSA is unimpressed with the childish bickering and the way the Culver treated Mackes. So Mr hotshot business man why not call Bill Dowell and make the deal? Do the math. Just be prepared for an uncomfortable conversation. No one left in the County has impressed the USSSA at all. They have zero confidence in the disfunctional County Government and parks and rec. Make the call, be sombody.

  59. 6:49 if you are not Gary, how are you SO IN THE KNOW about what Bill Dowell thinks and who can or can't get an audience with him? If you have that level of knowledge, why don't you use it to help the County instead of calling everyone names.

    I would think with his great love of this County, Gary would continue to try to keep USSSA here. Are you saying, by only getting a retirement check from the taxpayers instead of a paycheck, Gary no longer is interested in the welfare of the County or his "legacy"? Henry Parker wouldn't act that way. I would like to think Gary's mentor left a lasting impression on him.

    You seem to be the one who is mean-spirited instead of trying to be a problem solver.

  60. Moving forward! Business is vision of the future not the past.

  61. If this Bill Dowell knows "how Culver treated Mackes", it is because Mackes told him his spin. How professional is that? Culver had the right to make any changes he wanted in Department heads. If this Dowell is an executive, he should know and understand that.

    The fact that Dowell isn't "impressed with anyone left in the County" must mean Gary didn't sell his "team" or the County, only himself. Are you saying Dowell WAS impressed with Pollitt, Mackle and Baker - they are the only other ones "gone". Personally, I've never found those three particularly visionary or motivating - especially the last two.

    I'm sure Wayne is disappointed to learn he didn't make the cut with Dowell. Plus you've dissed Andy Wisk - AGAIN - as well as all of Rec & Parks.

    With all of your inside knowledge of the specifics of what Gary was negotiating, you must be awfully close to him. You actually sound glad that Culver and the County would be shot down if they contact Dowell. How sad that you are that kind of person.

    Wouldn't it be a hoot if the "morons" could actually save the day!

  62. Wisk DOES NOT have the ability to lead Wicomico Reac. & Parks. He is not liked by employees and he is a phony. Wicomico County Council did themselves in when they turned John Terrell down. John is a man who knows Wicomico Rec. & Parks and was liked by all at the WYCC and other agencies in this county.
    The USSSA is coming back this year, lets see if it returns next year??

  63. Lets roast us some Duck.
    I hear the Mayor just loves Duck :-)


  64. Mr. Culver deserves a competent staff who are loyal to him, and who will keep needs of citizens first in their minds. He needs to fix this sooner rather than later.

    Under the circumstances, if my highest ranking subordinate made the kind of phone call that was alleged, that would be sufficient cause.

    We have mature, experienced folks locally with broad management credentials and who don't have unsavory personal habits. Find one; find some; but make the changes needed.

  65. Wayne Strausburg had a major role in costing Rick Pollitt his position as County Executive, don't make the same mistake Bob - also wasn't the position of County Administer originally supposed to disappear with the implementation of a County Executive?

  66. Wayne Strausburg must have one helluva hook. Fire that dumb azz. Bob you saw how he stabbed Ricky in the back. You are next trust no honor or integrity in that s.o.b. Just use your common sense man


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