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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bennett Middle School Demolition Begins - Wicomico Taxpayer's Assets being Squandered

Today - the tear down began of the Bennett Middle School.  A perfectly good, sound building will be demolished, while simultaneously, the Wicomico County Board of Education leases another complex of buildings  located at the Northgate Business Park (located behind Lowe's).  How much?  The Wicomico County taxpayers will ultimately end up paying a significant portion of the annual cost for the lease - $253,500.  When all is said and done - the final price tag could exceed $500,000 per year.
We are not making this stuff up - go out and look for yourself.  Wicomico County taxpayers will be bound by a 20 year lease - thus being economically hamstrung while the wrecking crews dismantle a building that was already paid for - plus - the land also being paid for to.

It is obvious that the Wicomico County's Board of Education is an entity that is totally out of control. Such illogical budget decisions will eventually play havoc on our taxpaying base - ultimately costing our residents by hitting them in their hip pockets.  Right now - the BOE resources are being diverted to outfit and equip the new offices that were recently leased in the Northgate Business Park.


  1. Hey, it's easy when you're spending someone else's money!

  2. Glad to see Fredericksen leaving. However, what he'll leave behind will bring the County to its knees for decades to come.

    1. ...and you think the next Superintendent will be better. How many times has a new face actually done better then the predecessor Look at the comments about Culver a month after he took office - praise - praise - praise. Now comments are totally against the job he is doing - same old - same old comments.

  3. Unbelievable. Culve's staff didn't do their job to get the council on board. Again, another Strausburg failure.

  4. Why is it that the voters don't have a say in this and why can't idiots like Fredericksen be voted out of office? He's spending many millions of tax payer dollars and he is moving out of the county.Major decisions like this should be up to the voters.

  5. At least Tzar Frederckson is leaving. Maybe it's a baby step in the direction towards an elected, and accountable BOE. I hope that Wico residents share my resolve to elect our officials. I hope that pompous f**k has a nice retirement.

  6. First thing that needs to be done is to remove Ronald Willey from the board of education. His opinions are too liberal and he should not be in his position especially since he is a former teacher.

  7. First thing to do is pack and leave Maryland Im voting with my feet

  8. Sorry, but it ain't getting any better.
    You ELECT these clowns and then whine about how screwed up they are....
    They think you are the biggest dumbaces of the century--- they steal you blind, lie to you, tax you more and more every year, spend your money like a drunken prince, and make a career out of it.
    Keep cheering.

  9. Surely the Governor has been made aware of the waste of tax payers money! This county doesn't have the money to pay for this. There are empty buildings and warehouses in this city that could be refurbished for less than a yearly lease. It's no wonder more and more people are selling their houses and leaving the city and county!

  10. A perfectly good sound building?

    You obviously haven't been in the old Bennett Middle for at least a decade.

  11. You all have been on here for years,, mouthing the same old poop. You all still have not figured out that Blogs cannot make changes. If you seriously believe what you say, than get off your duffs and start to make a difference. Go to City, County and Board meetings. Carry all your friends and relatives (if you can find any that agree with you) and express your opinion to the horses mouth - write editorials, speak before groups. Hiding behind anonymous on a blog won't change diddly squat. Funny how when first elected was better than Mom's Apple Pie. Now, as I predicted, according to these comments he is now the worst thing ever elected. Bob is destroying the county because he will not run it the way you tell him. I read the same trash when Polliet had the job. Nothing has changed except the name of the C A. Am I right?

  12. Thank John Cannon and company for not supporting the County Executive from their own party. Hey Johnny, it won't be forgotten next election. We are on to you and your conniving RINO butt - Matt Holloway too.

    Wayne should have been fired over his poor preparation on this subject to the Council. What was it - 2 paragraphs? Completely dropped the ball and made Culver look stupid. This has become a practiced art with Wayne - making Culver look incompetent, but Culver just keeps on taking it.

    What has been done to the taxpayers is a DISGRACE.

    1. Stop the blame game. IMO he was not County Adm material to start with. Certain people shoved Culver down our throats, because they thought they could control Culver and have him run the job "their way". Now that these "my way" fools find they cannot control Culver, we see comments like "Culver's scared", Culver is not doing his job by firing X, X and X, Culver is worse than Poliett. So once again the fangs are out for blood because an elected official is listening to no one and doing things his way, Take a poll and you will have 76 percent saying they have no idea of how Culver is handling his job, 12 1/2 percent will think he is doing a wonderful job and 12 1/2 think he is incompetent.. At present that 12 1/2 persent is writing comments on here.

  13. Look for Wicomico County to go bankrupt. The tax base is disappearing thanks to the tax and spend ways of the past that are continuing. Cannon, Hall and Holloway keep voting like Dems and are not reining in spending. They are a joke. They are not looking out for the working man, just their downtown friends who feed at the trough of government.

    More and more high earning people will choose to live in Delaware or Worcester. Who the hell is going to support this out of control BOE and government - the working poor? That is all that is going to be left.

    Good job RINO 3. More slumlord housing for you Cannon and more cheap farms for Holloway to buy. More bars for Hall. WIN.WIN.WIN.

  14. I challenge the Council. You want to support the BOE and all their wants. Bring us some JOBS! Do something worthwhile other than being a rubber stamp for spending. We are going to judge you on your ability to create JOBS!

  15. first 9:49 the problem is we need a Larry Hogan in this county. Someone whose word is their bond. Someone who lives up to their campaign promises and platform. Until someone has that degree of integrity, you can expect the voters to complain, especially when your vote is for the lesser of two evils. That goes for executive and council too! Not great choices. But then, how many people with real integrity would want to serve in this sinking ship.

  16. as far as the condition of the old Bennett. Bricks and steel beams should have been sound. Better to gut it down to that and upgrade than start all over. Who builds with the idea of a short life span for a building anyway - only in Wicomico County!!! Lack of maintenance is to blame and that is on the BOE.

  17. It's funny that everyone says this is a line item in the BOEs budget but no one punishes the line item. For what I have been told, much of these funds are from state facilities monies and not local tax dollars.

    Nothing the council or the governor could do about it anyway. Johan has no control over local BOEs budgets or expenditures.

  18. I used attend in that school for classes and other stuff.

  19. Bennett Middle is NOT a perfectly sound building! Ignorance

  20. There must be some form of legal recourse for the taxpayers of Wicomico County. This is absurd - to demolish an already owned government building while our BOE officials go out and of all things execute a 20 YR. LEASE. Surely - these officials need to have their heads examined by a psychiatrist. THIS IS INSANE!

    1. If there is, why don't you be the leader and start the process? Oh that's right, easy to suggest but you prefer to sit on ur tail and just complain like everyone else.

  21. Replies
    1. Lame duck people who sit back and complain and don't voice opinions in public = bigger idiots

  22. John Frederickson and all of his clones should be fired immediately. The entire BOE administration including Willey should be replaced ASAP. There should be some form of legal action taken to insure that this never happens again. Our residents are being taken to the cleaners.

  23. What John Frederickson & CO. has done - will cause irreparable harm for decades to come. What-a-shame for our community.

    1. Glad to see we have psychics on here now

  24. Why did our county officials let them get-a-way with this? Something smells very fishy about the Northgate facility arrangement.
    Plain and simple - this action just does not make sense.

    1. Because county officials have no say in the decision.

  25. To 10:47 commenter that said that these funds are from state facilities monies and not local tax dollars

    My Response: BS - you and I both know that your statement is simply not true. It's all taxpayers dollars. Why don't you go drink some more Kool Aid.

    1. Whine whine whine. And for the record, I prefer PBR over kool aid.

    2. Actually 8:05 you are not informed. The majority of WCBOE funding IS state and federal dollars so please look it up and know what you are talking about because it is clear you don't.

  26. FYI there were more than 20 cases of cancer from those who worked at or attended Bennett Middle!
    Coincidence? I don't think so, shame on us.

  27. 9:21 - Ron Willey has already retired.

    Also, this article is laughable. A "sound building?" I echo the above comment - I was a student there not too long ago and the building was completely dated and ready to fall apart.

  28. 9:49
    You are correct. John and Matt both have to go.
    Folded under pressure.
    Thought they were stronger.
    Just because a building isn't new doesn't mean we can't utilize it.
    Someone has to start acting responsibly.

  29. Wicomico's former educational Superintendent - Boston only worked a 4 day workweek - and then she traveled to Baltimore. At least Frederickson claims he works 5 days. Then again, look at the damage he's done.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First thing that needs to be done is to remove Ronald Willey from the board of education. His opinions are too liberal and he should not be in his position especially since he is a former teacher.

    July 14, 2015 at 9:21 PM

    I disagree about the former teacher part, but I do agree that his views are to liberal and that he should step down.


  31. Sad day for taxpayers.

    BMS had been let go by several prior superintendents, and the BOE members of that period before current super was hired. I'm talking 10-12 years back. The building was/is still quite sound. It would have been a very fine administrative conversion.

    Boards of that era neglected preventative maintenance across the school system. The main and continuing gripe was lack of A/C, aggravated by overcrowding. If it had received A/C along the way it would still be functioning.

    BMS fell victim to planning for a showplace JMB replacement, and to the state's funding formulas which provide a great deal of money for new construction, which dictates high union wages as part of the package. In contrast, renovations of existing facilities get much less state funding.

    Faced with that 'something for nothing' concept most boards and supers opt to build new.

    Current super has correctly put increased emphasis on PM and repairs but can be faulted for not derailing the kill BMS express. And for the illogical new admin rental facility.

  32. Anon 10:40 a.m. I could not disagree more. The building is sound?

  33. The building looked okay to me as I work on the demolition team that is dismantling the structure. I would love to have the window metal alone as I could retire.

  34. 12:00 PM Poster that says the WCBOE funding is state and federal dollars.

    You must be from Colorado and smoking the stuff. If you can't distinguish between federal, state, and local taxpayers dollars, then you are either an imbecile or a Moran. Bottom line is that it is taxpayers money, period.

  35. It sounds like either John Frederickson and/or Willey are posting on here.

  36. Being that the BOE wants to spend other peoples money like a drunken sailor, I wish the CC would sever all funding and close every one of the schools. I agree with many of the above commentaries, the entire school system is our of control.

  37. I wonder if the taxpayers can sue the Wicomico Board of Education. It is obvious there is an abundance of malfeasance, misappropriation of taxpayers monies, and criminality in the school system.

  38. Why aren't any of the other local media moguls reporting any of this? Thanks SBYNEWS for giving us the heads-up.

  39. Norman Conway has had his hands in this mess too. I do not know why The Daily Slime is touting Norman Conway achievements, just look at the shambles he has left for our elected officials. And Jim Mathias is also part of the problem, we must get him out of there to. I will never vote for a democrat ever again.

  40. I love all the posts with the grammatical and spelling mistakes. Just proves that funds should be spent in the classroom and not on show places.

    Hogan believes in maintaining what we have. At least we have some common sense at the State level, unlike the Owemalley followers in Wicomico County.

  41. I supported Bob, but I am disappointed in how the BOE issues have been handled. His staff has not served him well. We have a Republican Council that did not support the Republican Executive. In my view, it is the job of Strausburg and Morris to "sell" the Executive's agenda and build consensus. Neither lifted a finger to do that.

    The buck stops with Bob because he did not "clean house" and bring in people who support his conservative agenda. For whatever reason, he seems convinced that only those currently there can manage all "the moving parts" of government. The fact that he believes that makes me question my vote. I thought he had more vision and guts.

    He needs to look at Larry Hogan. He brought in his own team. He stood up and continues to stand up to the liberals. He is using his media folks to sell his finely crafted message. Bob could have had all that, but instead he stuck with Pollitt's team.

    Don't think things are working out as well as they could have if Bob had made better decisions on whom to trust.

  42. They don't call it the lawless teachers union for nothing.

  43. I am hoping that as Culver continues to get comfortable in his job, more will happen. Some things have fallen off the radar that I hope come back. I think the negative reaction to some of his early proposals caused him to back down. How you propose things and deliver the message is so important. He was getting no help for the Pollitt staff.

    I agree with the poster about the role of the two highly paid staff members. They seem to not be on the same page as Culver or each other for that matter. What a dysfunctional mess. Having a more credible staff would greatly help Culver in accomplishing things.

  44. I am hoping and praying that Joe Ollinger and John Palmer can bring some rational thinking to the BOE. If we can only get a couple more replaced, things would really improve.

    Culver is in a good position with Hogan. Hope he understands that and isn't allowing the old Pollitt staff to recommend appointments. Culver could change the direction of a lot of things with more thoughtful appointees.

  45. Who makes the hiring decision on the next Superintendent? We can't afford another mistake.

    1. Bet it will be Cathy Townsend. Just an FYI, the new Taj Mahal is all under her control.

    2. To know that you must be an employee yourself. Time to pick a side or put your money where your mouth is and quit on principal. Once you do, good luck finding work. It's oh so easy to sit back and slam the BOE and the people that work there but let's not forget the it's one of the few sizeable employers left in this ever shrinking and dying little town. Unless you want to put on a shower cap and waders every morning to go pull innards out of chickens a**holes... I'd be thankful and shut the heck up.

  46. Mathias, Cannon, M.Holloway and Hall all need to go. They are pawns of the BOE.

  47. if the council had the guts to give culver 60 days for more investigation of options, things may be different. strosberg and cannon were in cahoots on that one. culver was played at the expense of the taxpayers. just like pollitt paid a price for tax and spend, so will cannon. as council president, he has been a big arrogant disappointment.

  48. If Bennett middle is in bad shape Wicomico middle must be condemned.

  49. Unfortunately, what's done is done. However, we can participate in future decisions. The public needs to show up in force at Council meetings. When all the council hears is hysterics, threats and guilt trips from the likes of Willey, Elmore and Hudson, they don't realize there is a silent majority who vastly out number them. Be silent no more!

  50. The process by which the BOE used to lease the Northgate complex, purchase furniture, and make renovations is a slap in the face to Wicomico's residents. Let's just hope that Wicomico's residence don't forget what has transpired over the past few months. In my honest opinion, the BOE's actions are a disgrace to all of Wicomico County.

  51. As Margaret Thatcher used to say; the Socialist have an aversion to spending other peoples money. Fact is, they don't really care about Wicomico's residents.

  52. You people are clueless......love the coments though.....this blog gets worse by the hour.....same few people crying over what they no nothing about.....I thank my lucky stars everyday that I left the shore.......it's a great place to drive thru to someplace else and that's it......oh and looking at the lack of tourism that's all anyone does anymore......

    1. Could not agree more. For the record as a student who attended Bennett Middle, unlike the majority commenting, the school should have been razed several years ago.

  53. For the life of me I cannot understand how this decision happened. To rent a building for almost a half million dollars (with expenses)/year with nothing to show for it after 20 years has to be one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard. Any financial advisor will tell you that this is economic suicide. Just pissing money in the wind.

    Frankly, Salisbury looks like hell. I see vacant buildings everywhere, and homeless people and hookers walking the boulevard all day long. Businesses are pulling out because there's no base to build from. It makes no sense to increase expenses in this county because there's no one left to carry the burden. There are so many examples of what tax and spend does to municipalities. It's a recipe for homelessness, crime, and drugs.

    The only people making money around here are the County, State, and Board of Ed employees. Police officers are driving around in $40,000 SUVs, and county employees all have cars. You could let half of these people go and you'd never miss them.

    Hopefully Mr. Culver can turn this Titanic ship around, but it sounds to me like the Board of Ed has it's own set of secret rules.

    The picture of the soiree of county maintenance vans at the new Board of Ed '20 year rental' just kills me. A picture speaks a thousand words. I hope the bathrooms have granite countertops and marble floors. Wouldn't surprise me.

    Thanks Joe for putting a magnifier on this story. There's so much to keep track of anymore with all the local and national news that things like this get away from us, which is exactly what they count on.


  54. Just like when one attempts to house break a dog or cat, after the animal urinates or craps, then the owner sticks the dogs face or nose in the mess. This is the same action that should be done to Jim Mathias, Willey, and Fredericksen. Otherwise - they'll continue to crap on the taxpayers again and again.

  55. I do not believe that the Northgate lease while the BMS demolition is going on will go unnoticed by many of the school teachers.

    If I were a teacher - my morale would be at an all time low knowing that the administration is blowing hard earned taxpayers monies. I am sure the teachers are aware of they administration's hypocrisy in their decision to execute a 20 year lease as opposed to building on lands that were already owned by the BOE.

    The administration is certainly setting a very bad example for the underlings.

    1. I am a teacher and my morale is much better than yours!

  56. For all saying Bennett Middle could have been saved...have a seat. They used large chicken fans to cool the building!!! Get out of here with that nonsense. Have you or any of your children attended the school?! If not, please, STOP talking.

    There seems to be a long standing assumption that Mr. Culver has some type of power over the school board. This assumption is incorrect. While he can speak his thoughts and make suggestions he can't "make" the board do anything.

    It would be extremely helpful if those making such vile and strong worded statement actually understood how schools are funded and how the Board fuctions and who holds the power. Instead ya'll going back and forth saying nothing but exhibiting your ignorance.

    1. Thank you for being the only person who actually states a fact in this topic.

  57. Face it everybody, the County Council and County Executive have zero control over the BOE. Zero. Not the budget (they can only add money), not building (obvious), and certainly not curriculum, regardless of how whacked out we see it. Half of the county budget falls to the BOE and there's nothing at this level of government that anyone can do anything about.

    1. Finally, someone with knowledge and sense.

  58. My general observation - Frederickson's timing for leasing the Northgate complex was asinine. Surely - he should of been aware of a public backlash while the BMS structure was being demolished. It really raises serious doubt about his ability to run the BOE.

  59. All of you BOE supporters...watch the tax base continue to exit to other counties and DE. Where are you going to get your $$$ once you've helped bankrupt Wicomico County? Keep it up....it won't be long now!

  60. Salisbury Middle was and is an old building. For awhile it was the applied technology center for wor wic. This old building was upgraded and has air conditioning. Many people with old homes do the same, so don't tell me you can't upgrade and older building!!!! It was brick and steel! Check out downtown Salisbury on the Plaza. They are doing doing this now. I think the BOE wanted an athletic field for Bennett at any cost!

  61. The problem is that Frederickson will be leaving soon, and that Wicomico's taxpayers will ultimately have been saddled with a 20 year lease commitment.

    There should be immediate legislation introduced that will not allow this type of event to ever happen again. And as for all of the other media coverage's - where in the heck are they? This should be front page news.

  62. The BOE attitude continues to appear to be, "So you know what we did and you object. What are you going to do about it?"

  63. For all on here that claim the building was in poor shape and needed to come down, I invite you. It is Sunday, you might have the day off. Come down to the half torn down building and look at it.

    The steel frames look like the day they were installed; sot a speck of rust on them. The bricks were not cracked, and have no signs of deterioration.

    The building interior finishes may have lost their "date" and the windows could certainly have used an energy efficient upgrade, and a new metal stud and insulation inner liner with all new wiring and new central air could easily have been put in that solid structure.

    I was in a 155 year old wood frame house the other day that had been remodeled and it was perfectly safe and fine to be in!
    I dare you to look at that wreckage and say different!

    1. Well, I guess that would have all been super easy. Once you remove all the asbestos, install elevators (ADA), gut the inside, rebuild the inside, re wire and install network cabeling, there is no room for ductwork so it all gets run outside, new windows, power upgrade for the heat and air and electronics that weren't there. Then all of the people that work there need a place to park so build a new parking lot. The plumbing is 50 plus years old I'm sure that's in fine shape. The roof is probably due for a replacement in five years. Sound cost effective to me.

  64. I hope they know that if there are more than 10 people in that Northgate building, which should house an enormous staff due to the size, um, their plumbing facilities will NOT handle the load. There were only about 25 of us there and the plumbing was backed up all the time.

  65. Never going to get any local media except for sbynews to cover this,they are all for liberals and failed policies.

  66. To 12:22 Poster that alludes to the BMS not being able to be renovated.

    John Frederickson - why don't you go get a life. You said no room for ductwork - what are you talking about - haven't you heard of 30 SEER mini-splits (no ductwork required). How about retrofitting the structure with LED lights!

    Freddy - you can try and sucker the public all you want - and I will be the first to admit you have been a real pied piper. But your days are now numbered.

  67. Glad i sold my house last week in the Bury lol bye SUCKERS.

  68. 11:13,where,s the health dept when you need them,they would rather shoot down percs on private land than do their job.

  69. No wonder all the Fortune 500 businesses have exited out of here. When one considers the taxing consequences of a renegade local school authority over the objections of its own citizenry, then it is high time close up shop and get the heck out of here. It's a no-brainer.

  70. 7:02 PM POSTER - I agree. Is there anyone on this blog thread that can explain to me who signed the 20 YR. lease for the Northgate properties?

    The person or persons responsible for executing a 20 year lease at approximately 1/2 million per year should be identifiable somewhere. And I also agree that it would have been more financially beneficial for Wicomico's taxpayers to have converted a portion of the BMS property as opposed to entering into a 20 year lease. The BMS land and buildings were already paid for once - why should Wicomico's taxpayers be paying for more buildings multiple times. Someone's head should roll over this matter.

  71. Not only are they renting this building, they will all have to have new desk,computers, etc. Where is that coming from? It never ends. The kids suffer. Bd of ed employees with take home cars, ridiculous. Drive to work use the car and return it. This day and time you don't need to drive it home. So much waste at the board. Big screen TV monitors in all the offices.Female custodians that sit on behind daily cause they can't lift, clean or do anything. Sorry I see them write work orders for the simplist jobs. A waste. Save money outsource. Schools are filthy.


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