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Monday, July 27, 2015

Judge orders Obama administration to release illegal immigrants from 'deplorable' facilities

A federal judge in California has ruled that hundreds of illegal immigrant women and children in U.S. holding facilities should be released, another apparent setback for President Obama’s immigration policy, according to The Los Angeles Times.

U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee said Friday that the conditions in which the detainees are being held are “deplorable” and violate parts of an 18-year-old court settlement that put restrictions on the detention of migrant children.

The ruling also raises questions about what the administration will do with the estimated 1,700 parents and children at three detention facilities, two in Texas and one in Pennsylvania.



  1. What else??? Ob' will just turn them loose.!! That was the plan all along... Why do you think there is so much subsidized housing going up?? NOW you know.

  2. RELEASED! !!!! wrong word. DEPORTED!! Even the judges are retarded.

  3. Send them back to Mexico,that's who welcomed them in the first place so they could travel through to here! They can then travel right on back home.


  4. We know what will happen:

    1) They'll be signed up to vote.

    2) They'll be sent to Social Services so they can start getting checks.

    3) They'll be relocated to states needing Democrat votes.

    Not rocket science.


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