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Monday, July 27, 2015

Bush Calls on GOP to Embrace Latinos, African-Americans

Calling on his party to embrace diversity, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush declared Thursday that Republicans will never win the presidency if they don't campaign in "every nook and cranny" of the country — especially in Hispanic and African-American communities.

"I'm running to draw people toward our cause rather than push them away," Bush said during a town hall-style meeting in New Hampshire. "Our message has to be uplifting, positive, hopeful, rather than negative (and) divisive."

Speaking to a predominantly white audience in northern New Hampshire, Bush said Republicans must campaign in Latino communities. He delivered a brief line in Spanish, as he often does while campaigning. The party's outreach must also extend to black voters, he said.

"I want to be the candidate who goes into the African-American community and says, 'Join our team because our values are the ones that you share,'" he said.

More here


  1. piss off jeb, in case you haven't noticed we are tired of the same ol same ol from you politicians, you've been trumped!

  2. Face it Jeb you need to pick a new party. nobody sane left here.

  3. Bush suck up to whoever you want to. Dont ask me to embrace anyone not worth my time.


  4. He was a good governor in Florida, but that was now quite some time back.

    Everyone welcomes lawful immigrants. You know, the ones who went to our embassy in their native land, got in line, passed the background checks and were eventually granted visas and proper paperwork.

    That's very diverse.

    Jeb isn't having an Open House at his residence, and we don't want him throwing one for our residence the United States.

    He's off my list of acceptable prospects. Period!

  5. Looking at most of these comments it appears the Presidency will remain with the Democrats for a long time.

  6. I thought Jebbie was running with Hillary on her Ticket?

  7. Would never vote for RINO Bush. If it's him and Hillary I won't vote, it won't make any difference.

  8. You embrace them I'll stay clear.

  9. Someone said that he was a good governor in FL, that's debatable.
    He pulled some real sneaky deceit with voter registration there. Revoking between 50 & 100 thousand voters, most would probably have voted for Gore. GW won FL by 537 votes.
    The Bush family are a cult of pro-NWO anti-American who will stop at nothing to advance their agenda.
    "Rarely has there been a whole family of underhanded criminals where nefariousness was the rule rather than the exception." ~Randy Lavello

  10. He better start embracing Trump.


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