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Friday, July 10, 2015

Jenny Horne: How a descendant of the president of the Confederacy helped vanquish his flag

On June 17, a church in Charleston became the scene of horrific slaughter. White supremacist Dylann Roof allegedly murdered a beloved pastor and eight of his parishioners simply because they were black. Roof, his friends said, wanted to incite a race war. Instead, he incited a fierce debate over racism and the Confederate flag.

Less than a month later, that debate came full circle on Wednesday night. In a remarkable scene, reminiscent of furious 19th Century slavery debates in Congress, members of the South Carolina House of Representatives made passionate pleas for and against keeping the Confederate flag flying in front of the state capitol.



  1. This Horne broad is a whack job. She made a fool of herself on the SC floor acting like some kind of hysterical mental case. She needs to immediately check herself into a mental health facility for an evaluation. Normal people do NOT act like she did.

  2. 10:08 No they act like Boehner.

  3. Two things about the flag controversy. First it wouldn't have been a controversy if they had had the good sense to lower the battle flag to half staff when all the other flags were lowered. Second it wouldn't have been a controversy if it hadn't been for all the MSM giving major airtime during the evening newscasts to the flag not being at half staff. Ever wonder how many other times over the years that the battle flag hadn't been lowered when the national and state flags were? Seems to me to have been a cleverly orchestrated controversy courtesy of the main stream media. Of course instead of them helping to heal a racial divide they are instead fanning the flames and making things worse.


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