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Friday, July 10, 2015

Dems Declare War On Words 'Husband,' 'Wife'

More than two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words "husband" and "wife" from federal law.

Those "gendered terms" would be replaced by "gender-neutral" words like "spouse" or "married couple," according to the bill from Rep. Lois Capps, D-Calif.

"The Amend the Code for Marriage Equality Act recognizes that the words in our laws have meaning and can continue to reflect prejudice and discrimination even when rendered null by our highest courts," Capps said. "Our values as a country are reflected in our laws. I authored this bill because it is imperative that our federal code reflect the equality of all marriages."

The Supreme Court ruled in June that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution means all states have to license same-sex marriages, a ruling that effectively ended the same-sex marriage debate in America. Capps said her bill was aimed at taking the next step, which is to ensure the United States Code "reflects the equality of all marriages."

She said her bill would also have other benefits if it became law. In one example, she noted that U.S. law says it's illegal to threaten the president's wife, but says nothing about the president's husband.

Read more here


  1. When two women are married, which is the wife and which is the husband? And why?
    Same for men.

  2. Two women, both are the wife. Two men, both are the husband. Is that really that hard for you?

  3. If one wife dies, is the survivor a widow or a widower?

  4. ^^^Changing the language of the law to gender neutral terms like "spouse" and "surviving spouse" will eliminate these problems.

  5. What the hell does it matter? If a man and a woman are married then it is husband and wife. If a man and a man are married then it is husband and husband. If a woman and a woman are married then it is wife and wife. What is the other sex we are leaving out?! The only people who could POSSIBLY be complaining would be the rare hermaphrodites and even still they typically identify themselves as a man or a woman. Look, I could care less about same sex marriage - that's the decisions of those individuals and having a couple dudes or chicks getting hitched doesn't affect me whatsoever. Finish legalizing the crap and move on to issues of true importance. You can be socially and politically correct about A LOT of things, but one thing that you cannot make up is sex. I'll even go as far to say that you can be whatever you identify yourself as - You're one or the other.... PERIOD! We need to stop with all of this BS! The legislators appease the complainants and then those same people come up with another grievance. Where does it stop? Next thing you know the government will pass a bill that all public and private facilities have bathrooms labeled "Men," "Women" and "Other." It needs to stop! Whatever happened to what I was taught as a kid: "Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina?"

    Look out folks... the idiots that we keep putting into office are going to lead us down a dark path! And when all the minorities, lazy leeches, idiots, environmental whack jobs and sexually confused individuals are leading the way we'll be speaking a different language, getting bombed by terrorists and paying taxes to support the world's poverty stricken.

  6. After the USA soccer victory over Japan one of players ran over and kissed her wife. I thought it was not appropriate to show it with children watching. As far as I'm concerned, I don't give a crap. What bothers me is when I see 2 Grandaddy Longlegs mating.

  7. I would like the freedom of having more than one spouse. Is that a problem?

  8. I'm OFFENDED by you mentally ill liberals wanting to erase the words husband and wife. I don't buy into your weakness and sick-mindedness. I will continue to use those words and no slimy, lying, nut-case liberal idiot will change my mind because I don't suffer from your mental illness.

    Just having liberals exist offends me.

  9. 6:00PM Please seek help.

  10. Please leave these Biblical terms alone and just go fly your rainbow flag out of sight of good,decent Christians. This abomination and sin of gay marriage is just the beginning of our destruction. Just remember, there will come a time, called Judgment Day, when those who support and practice gay marriage will have to answer for their defiance of the word of God and it may not be pretty!

  11. For less than 3 % of the population? Get real! Nothing better to do?

  12. they should b called freak of nature and freak of nature, or members of the s u staff


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