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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

House Intelligence Chairman: Deal Paves Way for Iranian Bomb

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says the historic Iran nuclear deal reached in Vienna Tuesday will secure Iran's pathway to a bomb and add to its capability to terrorize the West and the Middle East.

Representative Devin Nunes, a California Republican, told me Tuesday that President Barack Obama was incorrect in asserting that the nuclear agreement between Iran and six world powers will keep Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed state.

"I don’t know what information the Obama administration possesses that indicates this deal will actually prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon or will cause the mullahs to reduce their support for worldwide terrorism, but it sure isn’t the same intelligence we’re seeing in the Intelligence Committee," he said. "Iran has killed hundreds of U.S. soldiers, tried to conduct a terrorist attack in the United States, and is committed to annihilating Israel. This deal will guarantee Iran the capability to carry out its clear intent."

Nunes's skepticism about the deal is supported in part by even some top military advisers and senior officials in the Obama administration.

More here


  1. You know how this ends. Iran will build a bomb and use it. It will be up to Israel to handle it.

  2. Not many Country's trust Obama. Not many Americans trust Obama. He is a proven liar. Our military doesn't trust Obama. Easy, impeach him and if the black folks decide to riot, just cut off welfare and food stamps.

  3. Nothing but a bunch of ignorant racists on this forum. You are so smart you misspelled countries. You speak for the whole military ? Also the majority of folks receiving food stamps and welfare are white.

    1. BUT.....a higher percentage of the black population receive foo stamps and warefare than the white population.

  4. But the fact remains if you stop the food stamp program more whites will be hurt than blacks.


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