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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Attention, Pro-Aborts: Here Are Two Arguments You Can’t Make Anymore

Abortion is the highest sacrament in the Church of Liberalism.

The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Once we understand this, we should not be surprised by the events of these last few days. To the outside observer — someone mercifully unfamiliar with the teachings of the liberal church — it might seem surprising, even remarkable, that the nation’s largest abortion provider was caught on tape selling the dismembered body parts and organs of dead children, and that liberals immediately and passionately defended the practice. The behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood shouldn’t shock us, as I said yesterday, but neither should the nauseating response from the media and various liberal pundits.

I say “response,” but naturally the response from much of the media was nothing but a blaring, deafening silence. Aside from Fox News, most of the cable and network channels dusted off their patented blackout strategy, last employed during the Kermit Gosnell trial, and ignored the scandal completely. In fairness, CNN did have more important things to talk about, like Kylie Jenner’s hairdo.



  1. In the past the children were sacrificed to Moloch for "blessing" from the demonic god. Now they are sacrificed to the modern god of self-convenience which to heathens is the highest God. There will be a price to pay to the actual living God. He is not going to let slide the murder of 60 million babies. Judgement will be hear soon, I'm betting on September.

  2. hidden dangers of the rainbow it runs deep Inside the government, MSM media, society, community organizers, churches, UN

  3. Sad but true. What evil times we are living in.


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