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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hospital Passes Strict Anti-Smoking Rule

ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, Md. (WJZ) — A tough new anti-smoking law goes into effect at a major local hospital. From now on, employees who want to work at Anne Arundel Medical Center will have to pass a test to prove they’re nicotine-free.

Christie Ileto has more on the surprisingly tough move.

The controversial hiring policy is legal and gaining popularity across Maryland and the country.

Smokers aren’t wanted. It’s the new hiring policy for Anne Arundel County Medical Center—which also includes all nicotine products.



  1. Need to do the same for obesity. Being overweight causes more deaths and more, and more costly, medical problems than smoking according to all majur medical studies.

  2. See what happens when we let idiot nazis run amok. Get out of our personnel bussiness..Makes you wonder when we get our 666 forehead stamps

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    See what happens when we let idiot nazis run amok. Get out of our personnel bussiness..Makes you wonder when we get our 666 forehead stamps

    July 15, 2015 at 5:41 PM

    I think it's a great policy and I am a Christian. Something tells me you must be a smoker.

  4. This is not a new idea and I believe Washington Hospital Center has done this already. Many behaviors cause morbidity and early mortality. Smoking is proven to shorten your life with over 50 years of research to support the facts. We will see the same treatment of other bad health behaviors in the future. Life insurance has always been risk based. Why shouldn't health insurance be risk based?

  5. I truly love the health nuts of this world when they are in the hospital dying of absolutely nothing.

  6. "Why shouldn't health insurance be risk based?" It should be, but that's the point. If you're going to punish those who have habits or lifestyles that are injurious to their health, than it should be enforced across the board. Singling out smokers is just socially/politically-correct. How about gays? How about the overweight? How about those with dangerous past-times? And diabetics - don't forget them.

  7. I think it's a great policy and I am a Christian. Something tells me you must be a smoker.

    July 15, 2015 at 9:09 PM

    That's one opinion. I hope for your sake God concurs.


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