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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Food Stamp Recipients Exceed 45 Million for Four Years

With the fall of China’s stock market and the deteriorating situation in Greece, it seems like the world is preparing to experience another system economic collapse. But as the alternative media has been warning for years, the problems of the last crisis have yet to be truly solved. With the exception of countries like Iceland, who had the foresight to let the big banks fail, most developed countries are still in worse shape than they were before.

Nowhere is this more obvious than in the United States, where roughly 8 years after the housing crash, millions of people are still on food stamps. Which if you think about it, isn’t that the true measure of a nation’s economic health? Can the people actually feed themselves? According to the Free Beacon, many of them still can’t:



  1. I know that 45 million is BS!!! More like 45 trillion at least.

  2. It's a commin folks , bad times ahead , many people will die from lack of food , clothing , shelter and bullet wounds. The police state will try but will fail as all do , the underground movement will lead the way to a new republic. Obama will hide with his family in the western MD. mountains , then he will be caught and judged.

  3. 6:23 you lost me with your prediction of where the King will be hiding. He will be long gone living in paradise somewhere, but no where near DC


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